Friendly reminder to christjews. :)

Friendly reminder to christjews. :)

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Jesus was never born on the 25th of december anyway.


Is it only called Yule in northern germanic or is it a germanic wide term?

Mo here can't seem to understand that the two have fused into one


>Using enemy traditions to represent yours
ITs the ultimage humiliation.

How does it feel that everything you cherish is considered Christian to normies?

Its just tradition but edgelords on Sup Forums will call me a jew lover.


In sweden we say "Julafton/jul"
I can't speak for norway or denmark by I sure it's the same

It's just tradition. Local Christmas traditions are different all over the world. If people had a local nonreligious tradition that happened in December-ish then why shouldn't they celebrate Christmas incorporating this tradition?

It just proves jewish influence in europe

Christianity was most likely created to "fit europe better" in order to be able to conquer more ground.
Just an hypothesis.
Since all semitic religions comes from the same area

>Christ was born 2016 years ago
>On December 25
>Year starts on januari 1st


Or just remove the jew

Yule seems more fun.

For example:
When the north was "christianized" (We never really went ful christian anyways), the ones who came her to spread the words of jesus had to LIE about him in order to convince us.
They would tell us that "he is a war-god" so that the pagans would accept him as one.
The thing is that we never went christians because the pagans only considered jesus as another god among the others (Look up "vite krist")

Back in the day, the christians were the jews.
They were the original jew here in the north.

Sure is

Its just the Catholic church acting as a political organization rather than a purely spiritual one. Before they spread far into Nordic lands it was decidedly Jewish in tradition. Though even the term Jewish is hard to use today since its so muddled. What we have today is nothing like the practices in the old temples.

I don't know how anyone reconciles this. Eastern Orthodox worship is supposed to more closely resemble old temple traditions, and its nothing like contemporary Christian services. An organized faith is supposed to be inherently conservative to resist change and preserve tradition. The history of the Catholic church is nothing but change to suit political ends. Protestant faiths spawning from the Catholics are even further removed.

The golden cross was considered a good luck charm to a lot of people for this reason. It was a talisman.

Yule is actually when the planets rotation starts tilting the other way

And Jews celebrate Hanukkah like it's some big deal just because it coincides with Christmas celebrations and they can pretend they're "just like everyone else". Your point?

Winter solistice, which is actually the real new year

>pine tree
I laugh at you, abdul.

It's another psy-op by the jwes to drive a wedge between christians and pagans. Don't fall for it my fellow eurobros

My point:
Christians think that Jul/christmas is actually a christian tradition when it's really a pagan tradition that has been hijacked.

Can you not think for yourself?

Christians should not celebrate Christmas.

I know there are a lot of pagan traditions. My country's specific brand of Orthodoxy is full to the brim with old pagan traditions. I don't see how this can be a problem, unless you're some crazy-ass purist. This is why Islam fails - it tries to dominate every culture with its own culture which is actually Arab in its core.

So you're telling me modern day Christmas is a fusion holiday of Christian fate and pagan rituals?? Well colour me surprised! Next up you're going to tell me the easter bunny is also pagan!!

>being this blue pilled
Don't you get it? Christianity was a jewish invention, just like islam.

Check thess videos out and maybe even you can wake up and realize that christianity is a form of multiculturalism.

There is nothing "glorious" about christianity.

Swallow this pill, comrades

Easter is not pagan no.

Easter is christian

you fucktard the way we celebrate easter with the bunny is also a pagan "ritual".

Got any source?

Christianity is a Roman invention. Using this religion they were able to create one big culture trough out their empire. But they were smart enough that they should incorporate different aspects from different cultures so that the transition from pagan to christian would be relatively smooth. Hence the fact that we can find both Middle Eastern aspect as North-Germanic aspects in Christianity.

Christianity is product of Rome and trough Christianity Rome still survives. But you're too dense to comprehend this.


We also call it julaften/jul

So if christianity is from rome
Why do they fap to jesus and obsess over jerusalem?

Unironically named after a summer month.


the concept of the holiday is roman. before then no one really celebrated the event as a holiday.

Because people like you 'the plebs' should believe the story they told you about jeruzalem. The fact that everyone believes that story shows the Romans were succesfull

Christianity is what killed Rome. It stuck together just fine for 300 years without Christianity.

No, get over it pagan cuck, just about all your traditions were appropriated to inculcate your people.

You get baptised on the 7th day, therein lies the 7th day of Christmas being the start of the new year.

Learn. Your. Religion.

That just makes christianity even more fake.

Was christianity the very firstt meme?

Christmas doesn't really make sense in South Africa with all that heat.
Do you put fake frosting on your windows?

Rome died because of several reasons not just one. If Christianity was its cause Byzantium should have fallen too

>"c-c-cuck hehe

Nice damage control

Santa is also pagan :^)

I dont give a flying fuck, I like candles and ornaments and all that comfy shit in winter.

We dont even gift on christmas, were just doing a big ass family gathering with good food and get drunk as shit.

Why did you even bother to reply then?

>Byzantium should have fallen too
It fell as soon as it became targeted by Barbarians as the WRE had.

Friendly reminder that Odin is a Scythian deity your ancestors allowed to take over their pantheon and literally cuck their Godhead. You just worship a slightly different flavor of Jew on a stick. Sorry.

>it's in december


why are you bothering to reply to pretty much every response in this thread?

>founding fathers

Were masonic pagans

Gas yourself, Mahmood.

This is true. Christianity is a reminder that Rome was a thing, and the jews ruined it for literally everyone. The Holy Roman Empire got its name for trying to use Christianity to be Roman again, but it never succeeded because Christianity is mostly a con.
Be pagan.


Nice argument, Paco

Why are you so eager to jump on anyone here and belittle him ?
Does this make you feel better? I was just giving you my opinion. And in a normal way, not like you, you shove it down peoples throats like jamal does with your sister.

That probably sounder better in your head

Read that again and really medidate on wtf you just said

See this is why your country is all Faggy. You fuckers Larp dungeons and dragons and pick fights with major successful religions with make believable whining about who your ancestors shit was stole. You ancestors converted faggot.

>you start worshiping Christ, and lead a debaucherous lifestyle and *BAM* 400 years later you get invaded

Wow really makes you think doesnt it

suomenuskonto is based

Pretty sure Santa belongs to the cola cola company.
You only have to look at how many active pagan are still around to see how successful Christianity was in overriding pagan culture. and those who are knocking around are LARPers who grew up in christian households.

That wasn't very christian of you :^)
Now you have to say sorry or else you will go to hell

Roman Empire adopted Christianity as a state religion in 380 AD.

How about you stfu and come pick up your gypsies instead?

Cause my nuts are fucking huge and i enjoy hurting, feminine mens feelings

Look out, the rapefugees are out in force XD

Incase of lack of arguments:
Play the muh sweden yes card

Every single thread.

Youre just slinging shit at strangers online like a rabid ape Sven.
there nothing manly to the thing your doing. youre just bored and frustrated.
go lift some weights brother.

in contrary to Islam, Christianity assimilates itself to the cultures it gets in contact with

>there nothing manly to the thing your doing. youre just bored and frustrated.

Sounds exactly like leftists here in sweden

Fugg ov :-DD

Also i already lift 5 days a week

Do you even lift at all?


This. The concept of Santa as an entity isnt new, but the Santa we know was created in the early 1900's as an ad campaign by Coca Cola, and it just kinda stuck.

Hail Kaesar

Happy saturnalia everybody!

You're a fucking moron.

Im sorry but pagans are nigger tier. Rome brought us civilization

Only own weight excercise and boxing sparring.
I dont want big ass muscles keeping me down.
Im built broadly enough to begin with, no need to stack more muscle on top of that.
I could lose 3-4 kg but beer is too tasty and christmas right around the corner.

Jul is pagan in name only by the way. For all intents and purposes it's christmas.

Läs på lite, lilla vän
Sluta neka din egen kultur och historia

>swede loves faggy arab traditions over his own


They've been literally the same thing since Germanic conversion since the 6th century.

>Getting Germanics to reject the fun, and religious traditions of their ancestors

Absolutely immoral cultural divide tactics. Fucking Swede

Spell it properly ffs

Oh fuck, that is a fucking germanic cultural thing

Thanks to US, that was spread, fucking germanics ruined christianity

You're a fucking idiot, mate

Then they shouldnt have never converted to christianity and go back to their pagan savage religion, you germanics subhumans ruined christianity by mixing it with your pagan customs

Fuck you

Not realy coke that did him like that first for advertising.

Min kultur är kristen. Begå självmord din patetiska lajvare.

Christmas is Pagan as fuck. Also Easter.

Cuckstians btfo twice every year!

The pagan stuff is the fun stuff

t. Muhammed

wtf I love Yule now

Start celebrating Yule

based swede

Fucking hell, does anybody in the UK know how to use the word "literally" properly?