See this cheeky ranga cunt? With false flagging and some divine intervention, she could be Australia's next PM. It's "impossible" to get in a third party leader other than labour or liberal national, however there's talk brewing about immigration (a tasty, emotional topic) thanks to some protestors gluing themselves to the guard rail in parliament for refugees.
This sounds like it's in the left's favour right? Protestors begging for rapefugee semen. There's just one problem: This is Australia we're talking about, the country that elected Tony Abbott. Generating discussion about this is good for Pauline REGARDLESS of which side the discussion is for. With a 90% white population if we make the next Australian election an immigration argument we automatically win. The current government will inevitably take the side of "mmm Australia YES" and Pauline will be enraged and base her entire campaign on Stop the Boats Part 2. Thus winning the Australian election.
We need to do something soon; as someone who went to school a few years back I know the level of brainwashing (((they))) are cooking. I bet you've read the Kite Runner etc at high school you poor bugger.
REMEMBER: -Voting in Oz is mandatory. High or low energy is irrelevant. Being "at least not as bad as the others" is a massive benefit. -No state by state Yank bullshit -Australians are completely retarded. Gotta focus on *emotion*. Anyone who actually knows anything about politics will know about all the times Pauline did something retarded
>Select all images of a patio
Nolan Foster
she's dumb as shit but hilarious because she pisses off leftists
wish we had someone of Nigel Farage's calibre here though
Blake Adams
shes better than the greens no matter how dumb she is
Chase Howard
She is fucking stupid, ignorant and completely fucking retarded. Worst of all she's a fucking ranga.
I would probably vote for One Nation if she wasn't there and probably a lot of other people would too. She is a cancer on that movement.
Bentley Foster
This. She's not a great talker and isn't eloquent enough to do much else other than cause The Greens to walk out of the senate
Liam Morgan
Because bill shorten and that greens wog is so much better?
Liam Richardson
This is exactly what I mean, anyone who knows a damn thing about politics knows she's REALLY fucking stupid. But EVERYONE has to vote, not just people who know she's retarded. With enough anti-muslim energy and meme magic we can make her PM >Why should we support Pauline Hansen? It would be extremely funny.
Adrian Moore
Take Pauline out, get someone more charismatic and respectable in there and then yes that is a better solution. One Nation will never get in with her involved.
Xavier Sanders
I used to think like that but after seeing the mass histrionic hysteria of the left post trump- would be great to witness something similar here
Jaxson Campbell
It is more important that a leader is funny than anything else. This was the reason Sup Forums supported Trump to begin with.
Isaac Kelly
>Senator >PM That's not how it works. Even if she ran in the lower house there's no way One Nation wins 76 seats.
Dylan Gonzalez
yeah but she sounds so stupid when she talks, and she's a ranga.
Brandon Thompson
And what makes you say that?
Christian Johnson
If theres a muslim crimes in every city and is reported on before the election it could happen.
Levi Hernandez
Australia is not 90%+ white. Only QLD still meets that criteria. Melbourne is currently 70-80% White and dropping, good luck to them because the problems get fucking serious once you pass the 70% threshold.
Samuel Clark
Fuck 'charismatic' & 'respectable', you fucking Sydney poofter toff. Hanson is the grenade we need to fuck up the established political class and liberal media.
Juan James
You guys are a nation of immigrants. Why are you being so cruel?
Parker Nelson
When is next Aus election? I have voting right but not mandatory because "not planning on moving in the next 6 years".
Joseph Morales
QLD State election in 2017.
Aiden Diaz
And Fed?
Kayden Brown
I love Pauline. I voted One Nation.
But m8...
I do not want them running the country.
Camden Lee
She's good for now.
Then get some Farage types to take over the party and make it a real party when the time is right. A Wilders or a Le Pen even.
Owen Taylor
Pauline will become prime minister in her lifetime checkem
Brody Sanchez
>no more Sharia Law
I can't tell, is this supposed to be a bad thing?
Oliver Gonzalez
You're the nation of immigrants here Tyrone/Ahmed/Juan
Jack Edwards
Could be anytime. The federal government is held together by spit and string.
Nolan Morris
Reminder that Pauline thinks of Julian as a folk hero
Tyler Rodriguez
she could easily win QLD and NT. All country areas (maybe not coon towns, but eh) Half of perth Half of adelaide give her union support and she Wins WA
Tas is a lost cause, but she could cuck the greens there with enough meme magic Melbourne and Sydney is where she looses. can't imagine it would be hard to get half of those cities either on her side or away from labour and greens.
One Nation should just align with smaller parties (they practically agree anyway) allow more people to campaign for them, gives them more energy
Jayden Sanchez
That's her original non-edited advertisement
Samuel Morgan
>voting for a woman
I guess racism is more important than having a dick to you guys.
Aiden Peterson
This is the problem the south east (Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra) runs the entire bloody country.
Hunter Torres
Zachary Gray
Julian Scott
We need a college like USA.
Kevin Murphy
Qld will save the country like usual. Her rapidly rising support is due to everywhere that isn't Sydney or Melbourne being completely fucked employment wise.
Camden Rivera
Michael Sanders
Love this type of propaganda. really worked for Hillary.
Easton Kelly
Hanson is by no means perfect, but she is guaranteed to fuck up the established order. ESPECIALLY THE LIBERAL MEDIA. Sometimes you just have to do a job with the tools you have available, not the tools you want.
We have Hanson, and you all bloody well know its all we have.
Jaxon Martin
It's looking pretty bad.
Liberals are too scared to do shit because of the media.
Labor says what they like.
Greens do what they like.
One Nation would need the same position greens currently have to do anything.
Honestly I see our future in the hands of greens. RIP Australia. People are too dumb.
Hudson Cox
>A stupid fucking harpy >She's ourgirl because she pisses off lefties lel
Yeah nah, you're a cunt
Sebastian Bennett
We are in the same position as the US. More important than destroying the established political class is destroying the established media class. And they all fucking loath Hanson. Do you have any idea how much joy it would bring me to see the ABC & SBS reporters meltdown over her winning like the did over trump in the US?
Kevin Ross
Get fucked mate. Whats more important than sticking it to lefties atm?
Owen Price
What happened to doing it for teh internet funnies. Did the elections bring in too many people who actually want to elect a level-headed leader?
Gabriel Wilson
I'm really not worried about boats tbqh, they have been dealt with, what I am worried about is GOOK cunts buying up ALL the fucking land and property in this country and driving up the prices of everything.
Isaiah Anderson
Property prices are about to crash bro. We can buy all the land back of the Chinese for half of what they paid.
Ayden Ross
fuck mate the Chinese account for 80% of our trade, same for the US. fuck knows what'll happen if we tell 'em to GTFO.
Anthony Robinson
2000 people is not a brown flood of rapefugees.
it's also got nothing to do with closing down on the 30,000 or so that fly in every year, and a lot stay illegally afterwards, they're the real issue, idiot.
Kayden Harris
>all immigrants get sent to coon town woop woop for a year before they are even allowed to visit white man country >this goes for anyone willing to migrate to australia >given no support other than what they bring with them off the plane >at any time they can go to the white man train station and ask to leave >they will either need to pay for a ticket home or do manual labour to afford a ticket home >if they make it a year they get to go live in the country but in a white town >they must live here for a year before they are allowed to visit any major town/ city >then they may move to the city this process would harden white folk up, kill off gooks and muslims, and we could stream the whole thing live on 7mate