Is my flag rare, Sup Forums?

is my flag rare, Sup Forums?

Go home Juncker you're drunk

Whoa... Can i have a texas flag? I want to confuse chileans

Since when is luxembourg the eu's go to toothpaste? Fugg

embassy much?

How did you get fucking Europe as a flag?

Oh, that's actually cool. How do you do this?

Its pretty uncommon but I see it about once a day at least. Maybe one of the more common rares.

Uncommon but not rare

Our toothpaste is the standard

The fact Sup Forums recognizes this makes me fear the future.
BTW it is done when you are on EU parliament WiFi

Not rare, just cancer

Yes, It is rare.


Is that you nigel?
Put that beer down and get back to saving the world. You and the Don have your work cut out.


He lives in europe?

I also live in Europa but I have the Dutch flag

Are you in Brussel?

No, you live in netherlands and you have the neatherlands flag.
He lives in europe, so he gets the europe flag

But isn't the netherlands in holland?

Different names for the same country you dumb hunky

Holland is in Amsterdam. Dont mix it up, Dutchland hates that.