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Fucking jews are always 9 steps ahead!

Shutup and take my shekels!

>keeping the fake story alive with holograms now

I'm honestly impressed. Jews are crafty man.

Interactive Holocaust Survivor Hologram, this is like something you would expect from a parody comic or a San Hyde sketch.

Jews keep surpassing themselves, lately their tricks have been stale, but they are making a comeback.

>this is like something you would expect from a parody comic

I feel like this more and more with each new leftist assault on reality. My nitial reaction to the thing is "lol is this some sort of joke?" and then the reaction from all the sheeple around me is manufactured rage or whatever the intent of it actually was. I feel like people are just completely missing all these jokes, but in reality it's me who's missing the fact that people are now actually collectively THIS stupid.

Now it's going to be real in EVERYONE'S mind.

I'm excited, will there be virtual holocoatser?

A kid survived 6 concentration camps? Maybe they weren't as bad as they say

can you virtualy gas him?

>mfw skynet jews are advancing
>mfw donald trump is kyle reese
>mfw ivanka trump is sarah connor
>mfw barron trump is john connor
>mfw pence is the terminator that came from the future to warn blondie
Judgement day when?

We've seen better from the likes of your flag.

>implying i'm joking

>It's real


Thanks, i spat my morning coffee all over my screen when i read that. LMAO!


what a time to be alive


now we have to gas virtual kikes too. what a time.

Science has gone too far.

This is how Jews use the latest technology: to whine. What a joke.

I got my first blowjob on a trip to some lolocaust museum, shit was so cash


>new malware, codename zkylon/b/ targets hologram, projects CP to innocent bystanders


>Not a fully sapient Hitler with bunny ears hologram


>survive six death camps and death march
>not just starved to death in first one or shot on spot during "death march" aka evacuation from Russian troops after allieds bombed railways

Jokes just write themselves.

I think what bugs the Jews is their being obligated to do any kind of physical activity at all. To them this is hell.

Not even my great great grandchildren will not be spared of fucking "MUH SHOAH 6 TRILLION", like jesus Christ why do jews just keep on pushing and pushing? I unironically want to kill every kike on the face of this earth and I'm not even a racist person. Kikes are just pure fucking evil satanic filth.

This is what bluebeam was designed for.

To broadcast the 1000km sky jew that reminds us of the 6 million.


this can mean only one thing

>USC Shoah Foundation