What the fuck do we do about the balding epidemic plaguing young white males?

What the fuck do we do about the balding epidemic plaguing young white males?

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oh look it's this thread again

They should probably kill themselves

Stop being a vein, ego-indulged ponce and shave your head?

suicide is the only option

Grow a spine faggot. Part of being a man means not giving a fuck about such 'beauuuuuty shit'. Nobody cares about loss of hair. Women dig men with attitude so act like you got attitude.

Grow the fuck up and do something productive

Don't trust the hair Jew.

Remove them from the gene pool

>Hairlets coping

Do not breed

balding, frail, baby-dicked cucks. what a pathetic race.

time to get on those drugs that permanently limp your dick so that you can keep those last wisps of hair. gives your bull something to hold onto while you prep him at least

Post your hairline, you dutch faggot. Weed is proven to cause hairloss so I bet ur as bald as merkel's snatch.

>shave your head
>grow a proper beard
>if you're thin hit the gym so you dont look like a nu-male

make lots of money and get hair implants faggot

>balding epidemic plaguing young white males?

correction: (((white)))*

Real whites don't have shit hair genes

They know which pills to take famalam

>tfw wierd-shaped skull

>grow a proper beard
t. Mohamed Gomez

True Europeans aren't hairy faggots

>Tfw balding at 19

Oy vey

t. gypsy

Fuck off, baldlets

>balding, frail, baby-dicked cucks. what a pathetic race.
And still we manage to oppress every other race on the planet. Your race, Tyrone, manages to actually be oppressed by every single race on the planet. Just how shitty must your race be?

>go bearmode
>wear masks

>take pills
if they don't work
>get a transplant
if you can't
>shave it off

stop pulling their hair back into manbun's


I have shoulder length hair and I'm 30+. I'm doing fine. But as my hairline changes I've already decided it is all getting cut off rather than slowly sliding into Bill Bailey style.

shave your head fag

Jokes on you I'm Galician and I'm of Celtic descendance, pale skin long dark blond hair and Viking beard.

Fight me

Grew back 1 cm of recede with diet and supplements

Answers are out there. Same with medical studies.

Step 1: masturbate once a week. No more, no less. Testosterone levels can trigger balding.

Step 2: take 10,000 mcg of biotin a day.

Step 3: only wash your hair every 2-3 days. Buy a cowash and use it when your hair is too dry and not oily.

Step 4: stop stressing out.

Step 5: never hair dry or towel dry your hair. Pat it dry with a towel and let it air dry.

Step 6: never scratch your scalp if it itches. Use your cowash.

Step 7: drink more water.

Step 8: wait. Effects of biotin take a few months to notice, but it works extremely well.

Worked for me.

You know what else doesn't lose hair with age jamal?



Tell me the secrets, merchant tourist!


Or simply buy a used car..
>only cucks who can't fix anything need to buy a new car
I'll fix my used car, and my hairline and still have money to spend

Let them get cucked by the fully haired masterrace, to ensure its removal from the genetic pool.

What the fuck do we do about the faggot OP who posts this same fucking thread all the fucking time?

>balding half slav
>have van dyke beard
>told I look like lenin and stalin had a love child
>commie libs think im cool

Accept it when it comes.

Is this some kind of myth you've told yourself because you can't grow facial hair?
What Europeans have you seen that can't grow a full beard?

Keep pointing out it's because he can't grow a beard


>hair implants

I started washin my hair without shampoos or hot water, only cold water, hair looks more thick and healthy, and i had pretty thin hair to begin with..

really makes you think

I have smoked for over ten years and still have more hair then my brother who has never smoked.

This is a challenge for a robot

I'm of 100% European ancestry and cannot grow a beard. Neither can my father, nor my father's father. We come from a proud line of Scots-Irish Anglo-Saxons.

Being unable to grow a full beard is one of the surest signs of non-white blood.

Are you sure you're white, Mr. 60%?

When I started balding when I reached my 20's, I just Walter White'd my shit.

Sticking to your balding hairdo just looks like shit.

Lets kick his ass

Save 15 grand and get hair transplants using the hair follicle at the back of ur head and get them moved to the top.

Or this . Go full stone cold steve austin.