Why are Jews the smartest race? The average of their IQ bellcurve is around 120

Why are Jews the smartest race? The average of their IQ bellcurve is around 120.
Is this proof that Jesus and Mohammad were false prophets?
Are Jews literally the master race?

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it's the result of eugenics over thousands of years


Because we are Germanics

There isn't many Jews in, or from third world countries to lower the overall iq.

You are not. You are sand people, get out now!!!

This chart is terrible. Where are the axes?

Rabbis, the jewish intellectual elite, were encouraged to mate and spread their superior intellect and higher class genes. This was in contrast with long standing Christian doctrine, where Priests, who were a higher class than the average rabble due to their intellect and status, were encouraged to practice chastity and abstain from any kind of sexual activities.

This has resulted in jews just being really smart.

>Are Jews literally the master race?

Private elite schools plus dumbing down the goyim cattle with multicultural violent hell holes of public schools. (Southern Sweden these days.)

isreali jews and random jews throughout the world are different. the random jews otherwise known as ashkenazi jews, "wanderers", are the ones with high IQ.

All the dumb ones got caught/exterminated

No racemixing with subhumans

Money and connections. It's why blacks are the "dumbest" race, and asians are "smarter" than whites.

If you don't have a culture that makes a dedicated effort to pushing children to excel any natural tallent a child has gets squandered. There's a lot of people who are very smart, but because they didn't get assisted in growing while they were young they'll never be able to achieve the heights they once had the potential to.

that's weird

almost like
it was planned

Also this.

You know what they always say

"If the Jew fits, beware it"

i usually get 130 someting on this test and im russian ashkenazi jewish, used to live in israel and used to speak hebrew and everthing but i forgot it

im also a mentally ill trainwreck of a human who lived in many homeless shelters since 16

rly maeks you htink.....

>yfw the Nazis literally created a Jewish master race instead


never do anime kids


you people are sooo stupid

yeah eugenics but not thousands of years , it's simpler

Only those that were smarter then the rest got to live , the rest were killed and killed in masses.

Which means your distribution will favor only the best

Thats what happen to an "average" when you kill the bottom 80% of it every 50-100 years. (it goes up)

jewish population 6.8 milion
4000 years old people with only 6.8 milion

and don' go all holocaust on my ass , nazis didn't kill that many, more jews died throughout history because they wouldn't stop their jewish shenagians.

Jew isnt a race. Its a sub group of a subgroup of a race.

There are plenty of other sub groupings of "white" that would compare just as well however no one ever seems to care about the upper 50% of the native populations of European countries.

i dont even like anime!

i just like anime meems and smug anime girls~

also my waifu is in anime but i cant stand watching her show, pic related

romania pls

Of course. Hitler's failure is complete. And retards here on Sup Forums still worship the guy.

I have 2 theories:
- Jews have been prosecuted for thousends of years, that can cause an artificial selection (only the smartest survive)
- Jews have in average more money, what means better education, what leads to better IQ results

You are all subhumans to me even 99% of Jews by that measure, yet what I wouldn't give to have married a nice, pretty white girl of moderate intelligence and good will

We are the Ents. This is the Ent Times. Jerubaum and the other Germanics were the descendants of even greater men.

The theory that the Holocaust made the Jews smart is fucking retarded, desu. It overlooks the fact the reason Hitler hated the Jews to begin with was because they were devious and manipulating nations through control of finance and the press even before the Holohoax was made up in a Hollywood studio. Stupid fucking cattle. This is Sup Forums. Mein Kampf is required reading at the minimum.


If she is subhuman to you doesn't that mean you're into bestiality?

who do you think gives the tests? the jews, of course. White men, in reality, are the smartest and most powerful race in the world. We are actually above humans.

>"e-e-e-eugenics didn't make jews smart!"
>believes everything hitler said was correct including eugenics

I don't use 'that measure'. I was mocking it

Ashkenazi Jews have an IQ around 110-115 and they are the smartest Jews.


Ah. Reading comprehension fail on my part.

jews can't be smart you fucking cuck. it's an obvious fact.

IQ literally a meaningless metric used by them to fake superiority...

>Like I wuz sayin Billy-Bob Ray, them dum ass kikes don't know shieeet, we white folk founded Murrica yuh hear? Them kikes are just a buncha stupid freeloaders

>implying americans are dumb and kikes are smart why don't you go back to tumblr where you can worship pictures of circumsized penises like the weirdo faggot you are

can't get much more cucked than this...

A better theory is that Jews did the jobs Christians frowned upon(like money lending) and the ones who did the job well were able have more children survive into adulthood. This increased their average IQ a little every generation and that is why Ashkenazi Jews are so smart today.

By "eugenics" you just mean some historical process by which intelligence was favoured. Of course that's what's happened, you dumb cunt, as that's what happens with any trait present in any people - it's selected for somehow. The question is what the historical process was. My point is it's fucking retarded to say the Holocaust was that process which led to Jewish deviousness when it's Jewish deviousness that led to the Holocaust.

Whoever your ancestors were, they certainly didn't select for intelligence.

Don't you have a content board for your shalakabula theories?

>not realizing that the masons are cryptojews

really makes you think...

It has meaning if the difference is large, but when it's like 3 points it doesn't matter.

they even left their mark

everytime i show this to someone, they just laugh

why am i the only one able to see this?

thinking is for libtards. I go with my gut in every situation.

Don't you have a tube of toothpaste to be inside?

>no axes labels
>no source

It's only true to a subset of Jews - Ashkenazi Jews, mostly from Germany and Northern Europe. The average IQ in Israel is like 96 on average, in part because Mizrachi Jews lower it considerably.

Jews in AMERICA are AMERICANS TOO. They're just as loyal as any other citizen. Fuck off with your bigotry, you're why white people having been failing for the last 60 years.

It would be nice if you could say what the image is (rather than make me track it down and find it's a plot of WORDSUM scores). And where's your source of Jewish iq=120? The highest jewish group, Ashkenazi, is generally given as 112-115.

>not able to infer what the axes mean
You're probably around a 3-4 on the x-axis

did your rabbi tell you that? fuck off, shill, you cannot correct my record. I do not consent to joinder.

Jesus was a literal Jew though

Moohamed was obviously a false prophet

You have to add all the Africans into the Christian group and the Mexicans into the catholic. And what about the gooks - where's Buddhism sit? Fuck this. It's flawed.

>The theory that the Holocaust made the Jews smart is fucking retarded, desu.
>By "eugenics" you just mean some historical process by which intelligence was favoured. Of course that's what's happened
intelligent people get away with being devious more than dumb people

Nice meme

Why aren't the axes of that graph labeled?
Why is OP always a faggot?

This, basically

Jews have their own evolutionary strategy
Every kike had to be literate and there was heavy selective breeding as they were only allowed to breed with other kikes.
Fast forward hundreds of years of fucking everyone else over, usury, nepotism, and persecution of the weak and you get a very intelligent and rich ethnoreligious group.


>can't assume what axes represent
>can't reverse image search
jesus christ white people are dumb

Reminder that modern IQ is Jewish pseudoscience. The original creator himself dismissed what IQ has become.

>IQ literally a meaningless metric used by them to fake superiority.

Yet it's valid for calling niggers stupid, right?

>Them sample sizes
>Japs below whites
>Chinks the same as Injuns

Shit study

its not about race. Its values. The jews have education as one of the highest values. Add to that the fact that they were allways into math and economics (even befor christ, dont forget that). They have so many Nobel prizes we should be thankful for their existence.


I wasn't suggesting the Jews aren't smart. Your reading comprehension is awful. There are, though, different types of intelligence, and Jews excel in deviousness, with a similar proficiency at wholeheartedly committing yourself to a lie as demonstrated by women, which fits when accounting the fact jews possess less sexual dimorphism - jewish men are more feminine. I don't think any brain studies have been done on Jews, but more white matter, less gray matter in the brain corresponds to the ability to lie and fits the pattern of the female brain. I would bet it also fits the Jewish brain - an increased ability to deceive.

its quite strange they dont have a bell curve, i would say the population they took into this investigation was not enough.

yep there are other studies but no pics
they probably don't want it to be seen or we'll have jewish supremacists on some israeli/pol/


Of all the examples of masons actually leaving their gang signs laying around like graffiti in the hood, you pick the most obtuse and nonsensical one?

Come on dude, you're making us all look bad.

>Not recognize the Sephardi as truu joos
>Not mentioning Scotts, the most based of all jewish tribes

Get out of here, sand-jew. The only jew worth knowing is a mountain-jew.

You're probably a fucking rabbinical joo too. Fucking Talmudic pleb. If you aren't old school pagan-joo you aren't no joo atoll.

>smartest "race""

>soon about to get wiped off the map by Mehmet.

jews also excel in every other types of intelligence thanks to based hitler

Read the 10,000 Year Explosion, it has a chapter on this.

TL;DR is that the Ashkenazi Jews unknowingly did eugenics on themselves in the Middle Ages. By sticking to cognitively demanding occupations (managerial positions, financial positions, etc...) Natural selection did its job (low-IQs were breeded out and high-IQ ones had lots of babies). Every generation, avg IQ probably went little by little.

Thats why they are so disproportionately successful in every field today. There is no vast conspiracy despite how tempting that may be to entertain.

Culture-Gene Co-Evolution, and HBD are the true red-pills anons. Culture evolves, selective pressures change, and the population changes.

Also, some people ITT have the right idea but generally wrong. This wasn't some thousand year process. Prior to the Middle-Ages, Jews weren't any smarter than anyone else. Ashkenazi intelligence is purely a product of the Middle Ages in Europe. It probably took some centuries.