*sips cum*
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The cost of a plane ticket to send you back.
a bullet
I'm willing to sacrifice nothing. Get back to your shithole, you piece of filth.
Nothing. If we turn away 6 billion muslims to prevent one American life lost, it was worth it.
I'd skip building the wall to make death camps for people like you.
i wonder if white people will ever wake up to this bullshit. mostly the boomer generation and upper middle class college kids.
Your life
I thought she was a Chatty Kathy doll, but when I pulled the cord she exploded.
Leave your bronze age storybook about a child rapist behind and integrate into society you dumb idiot
You can have this (you)
This. Why are these people of any concern to us? They are the enemy and they hate us. Why should we care? They would see 6 billion of u die so they can rape one baby and you know it's true. These prehistoric humans have no concept of the bigger picture.
Dawww, the highlight of my day is when I see mumma
My dick
Its too late now isn't it?
At least gen Z kids tend to be more redpilled than millenials.
how about a bullet or two?
A high gas bill.
I would sacrifice a bacon burger and a stack of porksteaks in front of this bitch.
Dont know you
Dont owe you.
Fuck off
Literally nothing. I owe nothing to anyone who identifies as a Muslim b3fore they identify as an American.
A stake, some matches, firewood and a few minutes of my life
a cumshot down your throat
good post
yeah i don't know if anything will change. but i wonder if individuals ever have the realization that non whites don't love them, some even see them as easy targets. a lot do.
your children
I'm willing to let you go back home and enjoy the oppressive theocratic monarchy that Saudi Arabia has if you hate all these FREEDUMBS around you.
n e ting but not myt tendies ok?
A few minutes of your time, to talk about Jesus Christ.
c-can we sacrifice you?
As always, FPBP.
A bullet
I will shelter you in my oven
some cum
Thats a little rare
All explained by white guilt. It's amazing how the Jews have everything figured out for their plan.
First time I've seen this one. So, RARE.
Nothing. Your well-being is not my responsibility.
About 30 cents.
Not a single, solitary, fuckin thing. That is the only correct answer.
your children
Maybe a single wank.
I don't understand guilt though
like why do people bother with it - it gains you nothing
like when I see victims I hate them for being pathetic enough to be subjugated, why would you ever want to identify with a loser?
>In two weeks, three months, a year, when these white allies who are outraged and appalled and disgusted realize that a Trump presidency will not significantly impact their day-to-day lives, are they going to abandon us?
I'm glad they're starting to figure it out
you HAVE to throw woman in there because you know no one would ever sacrifice anything for a worried muslim man
A few bullets applied directly to your skull
Ohhh you evil bastard! Sick the jehovahs on them
You just fucked up. Congratulations on catching the attention of ANTIFA
Enough money to send you and your family to a fucking death camp
>i wonder if white people will ever wake up to this bullshit
Uhhh we already have. It's called PRESIDENT TRUMP.
I'd date a qt worried muslim girl desu
White America, from Main Street to the nation’s capital, from our dinner tables to our textbooks, from the media to the religious pew, created Donald Trump. We must own him and everything he represents. He is a product of white supremacy, and each of us is not only complicit but also has benefited from a society that made his election possible.
White America, from Main Street to the nation’s capital, from our dinner tables to our textbooks, from the media to the religious pew, created Donald Trump. We must own him and everything he represents. He is a product of white supremacy, and each of us is not only complicit but also has benefited from a society that made his election possible.
We made him, so it’s our responsibility to resist him and his policies of white nationalism, misogyny and xenophobia. It is not enough to have voted against him; it is not enough to oppose his presidency. It is not enough to be horrified by him, wear safety pins and tweet #NotMyPresident. Claiming some identity as an ally is insufficient.
He is an extremist manifestation of the core ideology that is America. “Racism has existed as part of the United States from its foundation. The peculiar form of racial ideology that exists today in the US was born in the English colonies of the seventeenth century as part of a system of plantation slavery in the south that was integrated into the growth of capitalism on a world scale,” Bill Crane writes. “Racism, in the form of enslavement of Africans and their descendants and expropriation of American Indians has been encoded in the DNA of America since before independence, much as sugar is baked into a cake.” Trump follows a long tradition of whites who get rich and who secure power by peddling sugar to white America.
From enslavement to incarceration, from Jim Crow to redlining, from the Ku Klux Klan to extrajudicial murders, from the Trail of Tears to Standing Rock, from Operation Wetback to Operation Build the Wall, from internment to “enhanced vetting,” from COINTELPRO to Ferguson, Mo., the history of America is based on racial violence. The utility of racist fear in mobilizing whites to cast stones, to empower institutional lithobolos aimed for communities of color, is part and parcel of the history of the nation.
From enslavement to incarceration, from Jim Crow to redlining, from the Ku Klux Klan to extrajudicial murders, from the Trail of Tears to Standing Rock, from Operation Wetback to Operation Build the Wall, from internment to “enhanced vetting,” from COINTELPRO to Ferguson, Mo., the history of America is based on racial violence. The utility of racist fear in mobilizing whites to cast stones, to empower institutional lithobolos aimed for communities of color, is part and parcel of the history of the nation.
Anne Braden and Jim Zwerg didn’t ignore the rocks that were Jim Crow because they didn’t draft segregation laws or enforce them with the violence of police batons and water hoses. Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman and Viola Liuzzo didn’t sit back because they didn’t design disenfranchisement laws. Peter Norman didn’t walk away from the medal stand because he was not personally responsible for global apartheid, but instead stood side by side with Tommie Smith and John Carlos, catching stones hurled at his Olympic brethren.
It is not enough to say we aren’t racist.
It is not enough to watch The Wire or listen to Jay Z.
It is not enough to don a Colin Kaepernick jersey or have friends of color.
It is not enough to support diversity initiatives or donate to the American Civil Liberties Union.
Simply not supporting Trump is not now, and nor will it ever be, enough.
Standing on the sidelines saying, “I am not racist” is standing on the wrong side of history; it is aiding and abetting racism, racial terror and white nationalism. Silence is violence; standing on the sidelines is complicity.
Christopher Keelty, in “How to Easily Be a White Ally to Marginalized Communities,” offers specific choices that speak to an embrace of being anti-racist:
Be intolerant of intolerance.
Seek out marginalized voices and perspectives.
Confront your racism and don’t be fragile.
Use your privilege to support marginalized movements.
Give your time and money.
Be proactive about inclusion in your daily life.
Avoid segregation.
Do the work to be inclusive.
We must be anti-racist! We must ask ourselves daily, what am I doing to combat racism, to live and act as anti-racist? What am I doing to oppose every effort to normalize Trump and his white supremacist ideology?
It's mainstream to be progressive. People act like they care because it scores them brownie points among their brainwashed peers on social media and in college. People would rather go extinct than be considered "racist"
One clip of .308's
caused by material comfort. the brain doesn't develop if you never have to work for survival. so you become very weak and stupid, like cattle.
My morality.
A bullet
Nothing. Now get out.
This. Whites voted massively for Trump, it's only the coloreds who threatened to skew the vote. And once they all get sent back, it should be smooth sailing
not a single fucking thing
The Zyklon Gen will save us
Nothing, got a problem get out.
i dont even know you lady. get the fuck away from me
Spoken like JFk. I like it user.
Someone edit this to fit her question
"Ask not what white people can do for you, ask yourself what you can do for white people. "
>That title
>That first reply
This is a good thread.
What are Muslims willing to sacrifice for worried non-Muslims?
>putting a Muslim on a plane
nothing. you must leave
You don't understand.
Society MADE them faggots (which are also born that way somehow, PERIOD).
And now we shall feel morally superior to the plebs by wallowing in pity for these poor victims and puff our dyel chest at the white heterosexual patriarchy with the power of our newly ill-gotten sense of moral superiority.
t. Every nu-male cuck in the universe
I'd sell your filthy haram but for 100USD at Turkish bazar.
Your family.
Nah, a ferry ticket would suffice.
But, yeah. Fpbp
It's up to white men to fight racism!
Your child
Your life
>Calling them "clips"
Kill yourself
Lol what is she a princess? Her royal majesty?
Why do I owe you anything? You've come to the nation's we built, you've seen our wealth, freedom, our functioning societies and you wanted a scrap like a starving dog. We incurred massive amounts of debt, sold away our children's prosperity, overcrowded our infrastructure, gave you garunteed government jobs and created "laws" where employers have to hire you, the state foots the bill for every aspect of your life. In return you give us less than nothing, we get ghettos, crime, the spread of real hatred, and terrorist attacks. Who owes who?
>not a completely unsafe inflatable raft
happy sailing :')
a woman
Strong independent womyn
i'll sacrifice this shit and this slice of bacon by tainting them with your pathetic book
btw the illiterate warlord pedophile goat fucking pig prophet muhammad (pain and agony be upon him) was a false prophet confirmed by the fact that he had worms in his mouth when he died
Based leaf trips
Nothing. The same they sacrifice for us. Nothing.
how dare you defile bacon like that
>Intolerant of intolerance
Hypocrisy. Opinion is trash. Disregard everything.
He could have a 308 Garand.
oh look, american faggot who has never been to army, operated TK2000 or any scoped rifle thinks all lethal weapons have magazines!
kys liberal hippie scum