

Now as the dust has settled.

Wasn't it funny how Sup Forums ended up going with /lgbt/ to this years winterball as well?

I've always liked that pairing. For some reason it inspires hope, yet I can't put the finger on exactly why I feel that way.

Other urls found in this thread:

Its not really surprising, who else would we ask.

Yes, the gay board going to a hypothetical, winter ball with the white supremacist board is spectacular. a few vocal people on an anonymous text board which has no allegiances putting this together is great. Love wins.

it was obvious the sexual tension has always been there.

fuck off faggot

>I've always liked that pairing. For some reason it inspires hope, yet I can't put the finger on exactly why I feel that way
Simple, because you're a faggot.

should've gone with /x/ this year

Only autistic LARPers care about this board personification bullshit.

20 blowjobs in the men's room!


wtf is the winterball i saw this shit on r9k i think its lgbt trying t make use like traps again or lefty shills

Nice try, faggots but they went with /o/

Sup Forums should have gone with /r9k/, it would have been cute. Like the popular chad going with the retard girl.


Sup Forumso/ 2016


d-dont touch me... Uncle Pence!!!

how old are people here?
jesus christ this is pathetic

/his/ is the only reasonable choice
we could trigger them all night with proofs that the ancient Chinese were Nordic

What's going on in this threa--


/lgbt/ got no pussy to grab, ergo we went with /o/

>going with Sup Forums

Neck yourself faggot.

This is pretty good OC. The new Sup Forums-tan looked douche baggy with the beret.

I've never known why Sup Forums is excluded from these things.

>Wasn't it funny how Sup Forums ended up going with /lgbt/ to this years winterball as well?

Heeeeeeeeere faggot faggot faggot faggot!

>For some reason it inspires hope, yet I can't put the finger on exactly why I feel that way.
because you're a repressed misogynist and both faggotry and natsoc are alternative types/representations of androcentricism.

/lgbt/ has that cute boipussy tho

Wtf we were suppose to go with /x/. It was the only clear choice after all the pizzagate and fe stuff. Pol cant even get this one right.

The bitch will just talk about skinwalkers all night

We're going with the tsundere /qa/-tan


We're never going to be gay togther, /lgbt/. Your yaoi fantasy will NEVER happen, even if you put on a dress.

Nah, they just circlejerk over MUH MANDELA EFFECT

kanker death to all cucks

yes, it's perfect for Sup Forums

And it's decided.

this, obviously nobody from Sup Forums chose this

It's essentially just a middle finger to us

Sup Forums is going with /o/ you retards


if we are going with actual board interaction it should be Sup Forums as CIA guy being fucked in the ass

But /o/ accepted a month ago

What happened with the winter ball? I haven't kept up with it. I just remember "Vroom Vroom Mein Fuhrer".

Well now we have a problem.

Is polygamy degenerate?

>Mike 'If you're not gay, then you're okay' Pence

it's favored by Mormons and Muslims.

So I'd say yes.

>If I knew it was going to be this kind of party, I would have stuck my dick in the mashed potatoes.

pol and black girls is best

>Is polygamy degenerate?

Very much.

Can't deny

What happened with /o/?

fuck off faggot cunt

fucking malay faggot cunt go kill y ourself

i bet its the malay drawfag. don't believe every drawing you see. If it doesnt fit the board its too good to be true and just some fag fucking around

Sup Forums and Sup Forums is the only true couple and anything else is a fucking joke desu cunts.

>wanting to fuck your cousin

it is only a /lgbt/ ignore them

But.... Sup Forums is brown...

It's the true way of the racist

Fuck, /qa/ tsundere came out.
Looks like it might be just /o/ after all

tan germans



Why are they so lost in their own little world?

And if you guys want see more here

even with all the victories you end up with homos


Sup Forums and /lgbt/ are totally tsundere for each other.

Fuck off fag. You homosexuals make it incredibly hard to tolerate you. I don't go around talking about my heterosexuality, holding visually repulsive parades, or awarding medals to heterosexuals for being """brave"""

I didn't used to hate fags, but I am really beginning to

Our cousin's kinda hot tho.


>/lgbt/ is still desperately trying to remain relevant before hirushimoot culls them


is this the boipussi thread?

What a bunch of faggotry. We clearly went with /o/. This gay/pol/ nonsense needs to stop.

/lgbt/ is fucking pathetic. It's hard to leave the fags alone in peace when they push for nonsense like this without our consent. We went with /o/ this year.

c'mon in Sup Forums

no one will ever have to find out. it will be between us.

Thank goodness /lgbt/ didn't go with /fit/.

Who did we (/fit/) go with? /cgl/?

No need to worry, straya, you'ryou're the biggest cunt here.


/fit/ went with /fit/

my cunt isn't big


>no homo

>not going with /fa/

So he went with /lgbt/ lite?

so Sup Forums went with /lgbt/ as a surprise to no one.

who did /r9k/ go with?

>who did /r9k/ go with?

No-one. They're fucking /r9k/.

No, we voted and took /lgbt/
They are redpilled. The bluepills they take are not the some bluepills tumblr takes

They did the hilarious loser shtick for the billionth time.

God I fucking hate you faggot polsters. Go beg for attention somewhere else you rp faggot

Link to this ball? Want to see more

Well... Sup Forums is the King of Boards now.

... kings get harems.


lel back to fageddit 8cuck

Gay men love strong alphas. That's why you're excited about it.


It's a glorified drawfag rp session, that as the name implies, lasts over winter.

>The Don looking on approvingly in the background

Wait is it over?

wtf, I love homo threads now

Ah figured it was some official RP shit

I didn't vote for that, and the majority of Sup Forums didn't vote for that. This /x/ and /lgbt/ shit needs to end.

Who draws these, I must know.

They've been doping it for quite a few years, so I suppose you could lend it some credibility.
But from what I can tell it's just a bit of fun, if that's your thing.

>doping it
*doing it


We decided in our own autistic say on a 55 get /o/ accepted.

Also is Sup Forums gonna stand for /lgbt/ making cuck art of them?