>Trump Playlist

>Thanksgiving Message from President Elect Trump 11/23/16
>Just The Two Of Us

>A Message from President-Elect Donald J. Trump 11/21/16
>Trump Objectified 11/18/16
>Trump ditches press pool to get steak dinner
>Pence emotional return to Indiana 11/10/16
>Trump Meets with Obama 11/10/16

>Best Of The Young Turks Election Day Meltdown 2016
>The Truth about Trump Protesters
>SJW Meltdowns
>Trump Saltmining
>Liberal Tears and Rants

>Trump Victory Speech 11/8/16
>Donald Trump projected president on CNN
>Donald Trump projected president on Fox News
>Putin congratulates Trump
>Clinton landslide

>Inauguration of Fire
>In the Hall of the Trumpen President
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
>AD: Trump's Argument for America
>American Hero
>The Lion
>Trump Triumphant


Other urls found in this thread:

Good thread has AWOO.

Second in

Lincoln shitposting days net, om Morning Cvcks.

Filter the Argie.

USA is a fucking joke. You've elected again another male president, while you could have elected a female.

>gender should not considered a quality

It shouldnt but:

- More likely she is a better candidate, because she proved herself in the male world of politics

- More diversity

- Another view of the world from a mother perspective

You guys have fucked yourself

Post 'em.


Trump is the the Joker, Romney is Two-face

Photoshop geniuses with the cyber, get on it.

What in the name of god is the Argie's game? Life is too damned short to be trolling on this Laotian origami forum. Please get a life, my man.

Say hello to your new Secretary of State

the age of men will return

>hurr filter anyone giving us a reality check that demographics are looking like shit

>hurr trump won in a MASSIVE LANSLIDE MAGA HIGH ENERGY even though he lost the popular vote and flipping 0.15%, 0.35%, 0.45% in 3 states is all Democrats needed to win

good, keep your head inside your ass and you are going to lose your country

How the Witch Trial of Geert is going, toothpaste?


This is America calling to remind you that you have an appointment tomorrow TO GO FUCK YOURSELF

>Trump will surely lose in 2020
>Even though I was wrong all election about Trump winning, you guys should listen to me!
Delusional argentine back at it again

Reminder that you are never EVER getting the Falklands back.

Thanks. Into the filter you go.

Reminder that it's up to Trump to choose competent people that are on board with the direction he wants to take things. Trust his judgement and remember how Pence turned out. There is a Trump effect.

demoralization psyop

Get hyped everybody

Get fucked, toothpaste. Gen Z is gonna Make Manliness Right Again

Demographics don't mean shit when you don't vote.

Minorities don't vote

How many illegals are there in California?

Are you saying that Trump can win CA if all illegals are deported?

>30% of hispanics voted for Trump
>9% of blacks voted for Trump
>if any of these were missing he would have lost
>le minorites vote 100% democrat and always will
>republicans have no future because of demographic changes
>meanwhile texas is minority white for decades and deep red
>hispanic voting republican in droves
argentina you're stupid

>gender should not be considered a quality
>last 2 points dependent on gender being a quality

He lost
He has to pay a fine of 5000 euro

He should be in jail

>Dems will win in 2020
>reality check
No, you're just a bitter retard because you shilled here for a fucking year and still lost.

Again, that is only assuming Dems can pull together, and since Sander's is nominating an extremist Muslim I doubt that, and Trump cannot bring jobs back which he already has before even being in power.

That is the entire point of the discussion. Do you honestly think Dems will not lose even more of the white vote with attitudes as pic related?



At least get a VPN to make it so I never read Argentinian posts. This is an unhealthy hobby, my assmad nigger.

>Demographics looking like shit

Trump winning in 2020 depends on his presidency

But the initial claim was that the Democratic Party was dead, which is laughable considering demographics

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

> view of the world from a mother perspective
yeah, great idea

See . Gen Z is the most conservative generation since WW2. They LOVE Trump and they aregoing to be of voting age in 2020

there are no numbers that support the theory that Gen Z is conservative

a good chunk of Gen Z can already vote, and voted overwhelmingly liberal

so it's nothing more than a meme

>Trump winning in 2020 depends on his presidency

first sensible thing you've ever said

Donny finally understands Trump is bypassing the lying jewish media by shitposting on twitter

It'd probably be competitive.

Supposedly, there are quite a few Republicans in CA, but they don't vote due to demoralization, so its hard to gauge how well Trump would do without illegals there voting.

Trump can win CA if voter ID laws are implemented. The legislature in CA will NOT do this though. So it has to be constitutionally amended otherwise CA is a lost hope untill all the illegals self-deport, or our immigration laws are enforced, sanctuary cities stripped of funding, etc.

>good chunk of Gen Z can already vote, and voted overwhelmingly liberal
It was always like that but now it's more than before


Why do you care about the intricate details of a foreign country's politics so intimately that you shill for hours on end? Are you that useless and autistic? Run me through a day in your sad life.

It is an exaggeration for sure.

How about this, If Trump is a decent to excellent president and Dems continue to double down in identity politics, as they have so far, the Democratic party cannot survive in the short to medium term?

How fucking 'tarded do you have to be to not notice the trend in those swing states was for large numbers of whites to vote 3rd party about doubts over Trump. What happens in 2020 when their doubts are assuaged? Things return to 2012 level of 3rd party votes.

There were roughly 4x as many votes for conservative 3rd parties than for the Greens and leftist ones.


Is there a chance in 2020 for Trump to get all 538, or is the West coast too far gone?. Can he get 49 at least?
>Inb4 Trump gets all but california, but the 90 million Californians win Bernie the popular vote

>Gen Z is liberal
Lel no. There are kids in high schools across America screaming "Build a Wall". You didn't even fucking watch the video did you, fucking subhuman baboon

>Donny is saying something that makes sense

What the fuck?

A good chunk of Gen Z voted in the 2016 elections, and they voted 80% Clinton
>hurr they are totally conservative guyz

Why do you use @ like a fucking autistic piece of shit?

What do you think he gains from (you)s?

>16 year olds can vote
This is you. Gen Z started in 2000.

Gen Z is born this millenium. At the oldest they are 16. On top of that all reports have been that this is the most conservative gen since the fall of Berlin

Stop being disloyal.

Stop be

>Donny Douche sucking Trump's dick

Except there are

>Gen Z most conservative generation since the Silent Generation

>Is there a chance in 2020 for Trump to get all 538, or is the West coast too far gone?. Can he get 49 at least?

He isn't getting every EC unless the West coast slides into the ocean and Chicago, NY and DC burn down.

Gen Z is those who can't remember 9/11

>bitch on Morning Joe
>he needs a fake twitter account to let off steam in, not presidential meme
>marketing expert
>his twitter is great! the tweets were great! he shouldn't change, that's how people communicate
>other asshole keeps saying he lies in his tweets and they're terrible
What a bunch of fucking pansies. The expert knows what's up, it's his line of work and Trump obviously knows marketing.

Complete and utter sissies.


It's that easy!

>no numbers to back it up
nice meme narrative you got there

I hope you guys are trolling these people on your fake social media accounts. If we egg them on, we could turn the Democratic party into a black power extremist group.


Again, what does this have to do with you? Why are you here? What drove you to this?


Shills consistently call me out for it so I assume they don't like it, which means I will do it forever and ever.

Oh boy, Donald is going to holding his first rally at Carrier Air conditioning today at 2.

Anybody else hyped at how this is going to go down?


No. It's people born between 1998-Now.

Is Mark ever happy?

The demographics are trending in our favor, anyways. Hispanics are becoming more conservative, and millions of illegals and ineligible voters will be gone, plus Voter ID in states like North Carolina and Virginia. Democrats haven't learned a damn thing and are still dead set on blaming White people for all of societies problems. On top of that, Generation Z is redpilled as everliving fuck because they don't trus MSM and get their news online. And they would be going against an incumbent President Trump.

AND millions of lifelong Democrat voters voted for Trump this year. This election has totally redrawn the political battle lines.

What is the latest news on the recount meme?

1998? are you fucking retarded, It's 2000 and after. Hence the name "Generation Z" Z = New Millennial.

Whites of every age and education level preferred Trump. The only group he didn't win was educated women, but the men outweighed them by enough that he still won with college grads.

Gen Z are first time voters, not "millenials"

So you are like a shill shilling shills?

I like your style

Isn't Gen Z majority non-white?

Trump won the high school vote in Maine and Minnesota, which Obama won in a landslide.

Generation Z can't vote because they're 16 and under.

Nigger you are claiming Dems are going to win in 2020 with no evidence also

I think if he does his job, those that don't normally vote because their vote feels wasted could easily come out

those born in 1998 are already 18

No. The only non-white majority is children born last year IIRC.



Thanks, m8. I like you too.

Not exactly, In Pennsylvania seeing a black kid is like seeing a full moon. (Well at least everywhere that isn't Philly)


Why the fuck are any of you humoring this nigger. Don't reply to Argentina black e faggot

Fuck you Wilderness Man, society is already in the shitter and you go to a place of neets and losers to promote your message.

We're the underbelly of production for the future white men. There is no saving us. We'll probably go out by getting shot by cops for lynching black people.

Tell the normies, we already know.

But we have another destiny.

Post your source then.
Don't tell me you made it up.

No gen z is older, a good part of it already voted

>Shitskin doesn't realize GenZ are born 2000 and after.

Fucking semantics. "Kids born after 2000 are conservative." That is what we are arguing about.

Haha faggot CTR still trying haha!

nice cherrypicking

>In the VOTES election, Clinton won 332 electoral votes to Trump's 206.

so the future looks fucked

offer free iphone to every american of voting age instead of tax cut


democrats never hold office again
women vote republican permanently

>16 year olds can vote
Fucking toothpaste

>tfw losing hope in Trump since the Mnuchinninchunchingchongmunchergnocci pick

If he gives Romney nothing after all this I'll believe he's still the same old troll God, but if he picks Romney I'm gonna fucking REEEE

Maybe like 10% of them

Either way, Trump won this election with literally every advantage on the other side, against him. The media, the money, the political establishment connections, the fraud, the illegal voters. The Democrats will have none of that in 2020, and be running against an incumbent President who saved the country.

He gave 2 examples and you have one and now he is the one cherrypicking?

>liberal memes are what children were making 10 years ago