>S-Sweater Goblins
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There's something about short girls with massive breasts that I just can't resist. ...
Is something wrong with my test?
They make great feetwarmers
Short & stacked QT's are best. I especially like if they are thicc as well.
Check your T counts my man
Shortstacks are A tier
>Is something wrong with my test?
too high
if you werent such a fucking ugly neckbeard id tell you to procreate
Well, you should at least start the thread with a redpilled woman instead of a coalburner.
I wanna drink her milk
>tfw no redpilled gf
She's the best looking girl on infowars my friend.
Also I'm a mulatto. So I kinda don't give a fuck about coalburning.
Here's another titty-goblin
Fuck off nigger, this is a board of peace.
Your kind has say here.
I can see the nipples
"Your kind has say here."
Best infowars um no
I like Mcadoo more.
The one and only!
I'm a oil driller and want a redpilled black girl to come out sick of them only being on Twitter.
please don't post ann coulter she looks like a fucking horse i beg you
i bet an amerifat will post her
Based Canadian I didn't even see her posted at first
>bombs (((moderate))) rebels in the morning
>bombs CIA plants in the afternoon
>victory fucks QT wife in the evening
coalburning whore
I would like to meet her been to like 5 Philly games never saw her. Love her cartoons
she's that type of female I can picture dating.
Fucking hell I do love her
shes got them crazy eyes
Jewish nose.
I really wish she'd do soft core porn.
I get serial killer vibes from her but she's still pretty great desu.
Choose one
Trying to redpill her as hard as we can.
Definitely seems more like she would be a friend you bang
Google eat my rotten meat she made that music video
>I'm a oil driller and want a redpilled black girl to come out sick of them only being on Twitter.
Most of those really are just deep cover neo nazi dudes.
But if it's killing kikes and commies who cares
> New Balance
Asian qt right wing death squads when?
My dick got hard just typing that
Fuck! Do they all look like that?
Yeah mate, it's like looking back in time.
I refuse to believe some are real. I'll find my redpilled queen eventually... is it wrong that I love black women and women like lana lokteff at the same time.
She kind of looks like Charles Manson's wife, puts me off a little bit. I get the feeling she would be into sounding, I can't be having that.
>Asian qt right wing death squads when?
OP is a mulatto.
A redpilled mulatto. Why can't women who would fuck me also be redpilled?
that sounds better. I've dated weird women like this before
As long there is no scat, blood, children, or animals. My only nono's I'll be DTF
Almost every English comment is jew-wise.
Still, Japan barely has any jews, so it's probably hard for her to understand how awful jews can be.
Saga is the best.
There be a lot of mixed swedes in the future.
You're laughing at the face of your own demise.
My father was respectable and stayed married to my mother for 20+ years.
Maybe this is why I've been raised well, and in a middle class environment.
h-hi ;-;
But that's your dickhole m8, aren't you worried she might put the rod down too far and it'll get stuck?
All the full blooded ones
At 1/4 abo they start looking human
You've got too much test, my friend. Hit the gym immediately to burn some of it off in the squat rack.
I stand by what I said I'll trust her to be safe with it. I know I'm a degenerate my fist gf was a slut, kinda ruined me... but i can laugh about it now.
>Be John
>Get a nice bike
>Gonna impress Emilie
>Gonna get laid
>Tyrone steals the bike
>Give it to Emilie as a present
>Emilie give Tyrone a blowjob
Circle of life.
umm post pic.
Her personality is FLAMING!!
That's a coal burner
Prove it.
She looks like shit.
Is this what real jap women look like?
Go to it's twitter
That's the hottest Jewess I've Eve seen. How did Alex get such a hottie, he looks like a natty 50 year old troll.
Not everyone can be a model.
You know she is affiliated with infowars as well... or am I the only one here with a thing for blondes that can't be I'm browsing Sup Forums
Millie is the future. She will redpill the world. I have faith.
>How did Alex get such a hottie
Is it really not that obvious?
holy shit that truck bumper. imagine being in a group of liberal protesters trying to block a road and seeing that truck roaring at you with the driver yelling, get out the way. there is no brakes on this truck!
What does liking short girls with big titties have to do with your testosterone? Please explain.