You can only post in this thread if you live in an irrelevant country
>tfw too irrelevant to get nuked
You can only post in this thread if you live in an irrelevant country
>tfw too irrelevant to get nuked
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Reporting in.
Fuck I just read
>tfw too irrelevant to get nuked
I guess so
Straya may not be important enough to nuke, but they're important enough to bomb
Your shitposting will get you nuked by both sides im sure.
which anime is this from?
feels so good
Sup Forums used to be banned here. I dont even know how its working now...
Most irrelevant nation on earth.
We don't even appear on half the maps.
Totally unnukable.
if it comes down it it we're going to send a cheeky nuke your way
sorry lad
Too irrelevant to have a war
most westerners probably dont even know we exist
More like
>if we nuke you, you win.
Lmao nuking us would be like a tank full of shit exploding.
They are spying on you. Expect a visit from the morality police any day now.
How's it goin, eh?
Suck it SJWs, WATCH :
Suck it SJWs, WATCH :
Suck it SJWs, WATCH :
I know people that think Dubai is a country
if it came down to it you snow coons would be being commanded around by brits dying for the queen
Sure, nuke us, go ahead and find out what happens when you make an Arabian cum bucket explode.
letting you live results in a similar albeit much slower fate
make sure to show them this pic when they come, and explain to them that the illiterate warlord pedophile goat fucking pig prophet muhammad (pain and agony be upon him) was a false prophet confirmed by the fact that he had worms in his mouth when he died
>tfw too irrelevant that we don't even need have a military because no one would attempt to attack us.
Remember when some cunts managed to try and paint NO WAR on the Opera House back in the 00's? And they got like 3 letters on there before they were stopped?
That is when I realised we must be a joke because if anyone really wanted to fuck us up it would not be hard.
Happy B-Day roma bro
Wtf are you talking about Australia?
Nah cunt, I'm French. Fuck your shitty queen Anglo scum.
how in the hell you're irrelevant? also, I think the every country with nuclear silos is target during a nuclear war
REMOVE UAE remove uae
stop being gulfshits please
is this croatia?
this thread is perfect for my flag collection
>he doesnt know his own history
we forced you during the world wars, and we would do it again
enjoy dying for your anglo masters
im not even ayrab
Our day will come desu~
LOL. I hope you be baiting. UAE is alternative name of Dubai State. Kys
2/10 made me reply.
What are you, then?
>all these regional powers thinking they're "irrelevant"
> Brazil
> Most irrelevant country
Wait,it's not a country?
Hey. Despite what our politicians think we are simply an ex-empire and nothing more than the 51st state.
My roman ancestors are smiling at me filthy plebs, can you say the same?
Dubai? No. It one huge and fake plastic shithole.
Noone even knows my country.
Oh, I see. Working in the UAE as an expat?
Nope. UAE is a confederation of emirates: Dubai is the biggest of them, economically.
you are using the https version. That worked for me once.
>population 60 000
user, i can actually go in your island, go to the in a city, shout who browse pol? and find you
> Irrelevant
> Strongest geographical fortress between The Pacific and The Indian Ocean + proximity to the arctic
australia is in the g20, it's not irrelevant
now witness my irrelevancy of 5mil population
I was going to make a joke about you being relevant when all the blacks finally reclaim their heritage, but no. What has happened to Egypt is sad. With the way things are going the only thing remembered about you will be your ancient history and culture. Which is ever so slowly being appropriated and erased.
known only for that one pun
feels bad man
yes. my father is
Maybe people would more if you could consistently place in Eurovision.
Which you now have to compete with us for.
reporting in
irrelevant cunt are you serious? Australia is a giant slab of fuggin clay pretty much 90% unoccupied if the world goes to shit every asian mother fucker is coming here to steal our shit , nobody's gonna nuke us because we aint a threat but by no stretch are we safe.
southern europe isn't relevant
God fucking damnit
probably have enough freshwater to become relevant in some future environmental war, but for now hi
Didn't you cunts used to own some islands too? What about them?
Ha. Never knew i exist did ya.
Even our faces will be irrelevant
goulash reporting in
I came here for rares and I am very disappointed.
hear hear brother
Not any more.
Your chuckt by the usa and a target for chinas icbms.
The price for hosting burgers is a chroisair on your forhead.
Yeah right paki. I'll frag any Anglo I see.
We had our chance
Reporting in.
>Too irrelevant to get nuked
But the British already did that to us.
Australia will get nuked, though
After the nukes start flyin', we'll be the only Chinese left
All according to keikaku
Do you want to go down in history and be remembered? Well for more than the backdrop for the movie 300?
You must offer to take in all of momma merkel's refugees in exchange for canceling the debts. Then when they are finally all there, sink the island.
yeah boi
yes hello here I am
It's been a hard 5 years...