Daily reminder that white women are princesses

We have the best women, don't we fellas? They birth our children, take care of our households, and helped us elect Trump. Ever white man needs his white princess by his side.

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White women are trash. They're beyond saving. The quicker you realize Asian is the new Aryan, the better.

Fuck off second generation trash
Go back to playing your nintendo in public and whispering when you talk about blacks

I'm truly red pilled, so I don't play video games, and live in a place with no blacks.
Enjoy marrying some coal burning 30 year slut and raising a kid that probably isn't yours. If you're lucky. You might get one of the ones that just divorces you and steals half your paycheck for twenty years.
Meanwhile, I have a loving little house wife who cooks and cleans every day, shipped over here when she was only seventeen. Our children will probably be doctors.

White women are spoiled trash. Not to mention traitors who sympathize with niggers, rapefugees etc.

If anything white men should grow a back bone for once and stop bending over backwards for them when they dont deserve it.

Whatever zhang

white women are the best

ignore the pro-racemixing jew agents in the thread

You're supposed to take your hat off when you pray.

The modern day white woman is garbage and deserves what is coming

>You're supposed to take your hat off when you pray.
Not if female

This kind of shit is why you're still a virgin, OP. Besides smelling like shit, watching anime, collecting pony toys and shit of course.

It's not race mixing. Whites and East Asians are the same race.

>ITT jew miscegenation shills
Nondegenerate Pro-Trump whites are 10/10

>The modern day white Swedish woman is garbage

Fixed that for you

Kind of agree but theyve gone off the rails recently. The more they are in charge of macro things like politics, taxes etc the worse it seems to be getting. They do best running micro things like running a home, family, relationships etc. Time we white men took firmer control of the macro, White women support us or at least stay out of the way

How so? They are too different from caucasians to be considered as the same race.

Best women except for Asians. The master race will be a hybrid, Asian brains and white brawn.

>take care of our households



We're all the master race.

I want her to pin me down and bite my neck as she fucks me.

True. A team has two poles: the active & the passive. Both are necessary, but the the equilibrium between the two must be kept. Women, as passive energy, must supplement the active male in its activities, not trying to imitate it in a flowed and counter productive way. A bit like the Ying Yang symbole.

Is it better in potatoland?

Literally made to take the seed of a BBC


>all these weebs kissing ass to asian women

Don't they realize asian women fuck whites for the same reasons why white women fuck niggers? It because of the penis memes and to piss off their parents.

In a way yes, as humans rule the earth, but you would be delusional to think there aren't races that have proven themselves superior in their activities other the long recorded history.
For instance, compare what wonders have achieved mother Europe with the African continent and its people.
It's obvious that we mastered ourselves far better and as a result we built great civilizations.

How come one of these Mexico flags looks different?

/fit/ lied to me. I have a six pack and big muscles yet girls won't respond and are difficult to talk to

So now I just workout and masturbate

One has shit in the middle of it

Settle down, paco.

Your women were made for the white man.

And i'd like to watch, naked, while eating a big mac.

Everybody in this thread is gay and don't get it, fuck and impregnate all of them.

Obviously there are races, pepe le retard. That's why race mixing is a nono. East Asians and West Europeans are the same race though, so it's not race mixing.

We're knee deep in the best east euro girls, you know the Roman Catholic ones.

Lying man hating cunts. The feminists that is.

> The rest are alright.

You still have to talk to them. Men still have to initiate conversation. Also your probably a boring humourless cunt.

Nah most of them are scum that couldn't make it in there country.

can women do ANYTHING other than be exhibitionists?

No their not. I like Asians too, but they aren't the same race dumbass.

The bible says it's shameful for a woman to have short hair
Also the rosary and Catholicism itself is degenerate


Stop watching porn. It has severe effects on you. Most guys watch porn for years and are addicted to it. It can mess you up like any addiction, but it also changes the way you feel about and act around women.

If you stop watching porn, you'll be more interested in women and focus more on them. It'll make you more aggressive, which will lead to more confidence.

I take it you are considered untouchable by women.
tallaght, Finglas, clondalkin etc are full of people who can't make it in their own country and they are Irish.

All the east euro women I know are well dressed, good looking work hard and go to Mass.

The fact that you have a problem with them says more about you than anything else. Given that they damn near worship an even average Irishman you must be fucking repugnant to the opposite sex.

You're not that butthurt dolehead Brit who posts here under the irish flag are you?

This, porn should be banned and open producers hanged

Enjoy not being able having any cats or dogs anymore since they all "mysteriously ran away" after she moved in with you.

>worship white women
>they feel entitled to have more partners before marriage
>they fuck the BBC
>blame jews for it

fucking Sup Forums i swear

>Also the rosary and Catholicism itself is degenerate

Not to me its not but I'm not a butthurt leaf

Agreed both sides hold the other up. If one goes, the other falls too

Nope. Have a gf. I am pretty repugnant but it never stopped me. Not on the dole either in Uni and working. Maybe its because I'm from the west they're all scum out here.

I hate white women.

>people weren't blaming jews in this thread
>fucking kike gets triggered over whites loving their own women and thus expects to be blamed for race mixing (Rightfully blamed though, the owner of BLACKED and many other pro racemixing porn sites are jewish)
>the fucking kike screams "WE DIDN'T DO IT GOY!"

Good way of self incriminating yourself, kike.

White women are dirty kuffars

Continue with your pagan rituals then while I practice Christianity

first post worst post

Fact is jewbro;

White women who watches porn;
>go for BBC
>Try to have sex that quadruples their age
>End up with multiple STD's

Women women who avoided porn;
>tries to embrace her maternal role
>seeks to settle with a white man
>avoids tactical jewbaits.

>Maybe its because I'm from the west they're all scum out here.

Compared to the average north side knacker or yawping D4 they are quality.

It's great to see them filling the churches.

They are white Roman Catholic and work.

I'll never understand why they love Irish men but they do



>Continue with your pagan rituals then while I practice Christianity

Do what ever you like ye hellbound prod. You had your chances. At least you're looking at that bible the Roman Catholic church gave you.

you Christians will be met with Allah's wrath. Allauhu Akbah!!

>I can't deny my church is a pagan church so I won't argue against it

#FuckWhiteWomen didn't last very damned long, did it?

muh dik

You guys are like sjw's hating on white women but on the other extreme side. The majority of white women did vote for Trump you fucking losers.

>waaah i hate women cus im a social outcast and nobody wants to fuck me !!!

Fuck off Thomas

We're cute gob shites with an air of romanticism about us.

Keep kneeling for idols, praying to Mary, and babbling like the pagans do

White women are a horrible plague on the earth

And the other one's Mexico.

>he doesn't know what pagan means

Pagan was used by the Catholic Church to denounce all other cult practices. They literally invented the word to identify and purge heathens. No other denomination in Christian history has worked so hard to purge heathens and protect the faith

Keep worshiping Catholic scripture and authority for canonization of scripture.

>you Christians will be met with Allah's wrath. Allauhu Akbah!!

Roman Catholic. The only force that God designated to stop islam. Accept no substitute.

>t. Steinberg Goldmann

White women, in the early 20th century (and before), we sleeping with black men - be it in Germany or America. Long before porn. They even slept with Roaches too.

I'm marrying a Japanese woman but have nothing against white women whatsoever. Especially the conservative ones. A cute girl with a rosary is my fetish.

I wish you all well and hope you have lots of white children. Cheers.

The bible a the word of God, it's not catholic scripture it's everyone's. This is the God that created the universe he's the only God that exists and is everyones God

>We're cute gob shites with an air of romanticism about us.

You're right there.

The fuck you saying. Aquafresh is a sub par toothpaste.

Cute kot

okkkoooookkokookokokoooook eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!


>The bible a the word of God, it's not catholic scripture it's everyone's.
The Bible are scriptures chosen by the Catholic church as Canon and given authority by the Church, if you worship the Bible you're worshiping Catholic authority.

>Keep kneeling for idols, praying to Mary, and babbling like the pagans do

You keep reading that bible you took from the Roman Catholic Church. You may even understand bits of it but you've clearly failed to so far.

>White men to beta to control their women

>Virgins lash out and act upset because they let their women go years ago

Your race is finished, because you're all betas that let your women do what they want.

>typical white woman

>The bible a the word of God, it's not catholic scripture it's everyone's. This is the God that created the universe he's the only God that exists and is everyones God

So who preserved it for a thousand years before protestants lifted their dividing heresies?

Say thank you.

>The bible a the word of God, it's not catholic scripture it's everyone's
>The bible is the Logos

Protestants, everyone.

The bible is from God

Imagining a white woman's reaction to this thread is pretty amusing.

Are they actually both on their fucking smartphone while fucking?


A non degenerate church unfortunately satan has infiltrated the Catholic Church

What evidence do you have that it's from God?

>>White men to beta to control their women
>>Virgins lash out and act upset because they let their women go years ago
>Your race is finished, because you're all betas that let your women do what they want.

Aha 'tis a lost raghead under the leaf banner.

You must go back.


t. Jack Chick

And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name of the LORD, shall be put to death

You guys truly are pathetic though, men always used to protect their women in the tribe, it was always men that had to make important decisions for survival. But now recently, you guys have given up your roles as men and you just let your women do whatever they want. You blame THEM for your own failures of being men. But yeah fuck em feed em to the wolves lmao 1488 bro

Why are you writing Hebrew scripture?
Are you Hebrew?

I'm Hungarian, it's the word of God and it's Christian scripture and everyone's scripture. This is the law set out by God

Well, its a shame the orthodox church or the copts never kept any bibles, thanks Pope Shekelstein

it's the word of God and it's Christian scripture and everyone's scripture. This is the law set out by God

This is law for Hebrews not You.

>A non degenerate church unfortunately satan has infiltrated the Catholic Church

yes...protestants are satanic...obviously. The Hail Mary has been around since at least the early church. Then you heretics took to insulting Christs mother as a means of identifying your cults of hatred.

The rosary has been around since the early church as well.

So you are just another weird creationist cultist or raghead.