Are you really rightwing

lets see how rightwing Sup Forums is
if you support any of the following then gtfo:

>maternity leave
>abortion/drug/prostitution bans
>state pensions
>gun control
>central banking
>hiring laws
>minimum wage
>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)
>copywrite law

survival of the fittest, individualist capitalism is the only based ideology

>maternity leave
>abortion/drug/prostitution bans
these should not be banned.
>state pensions
>gun control
I think it should be relaxed. Shouldn't be too strict.
>central banking
>hiring laws
this is a must.
>minimum wage
this is a must. minimum wage should always exist.
>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)
yes. but it depends on your country's economy.
tax the rich. but don't tax them too much.
>copywrite law
what is that?

>maternity leave
Good since it encourages people to have kids
good because it's mostly poor shitskins
should be banned. Yes weed as well
>state pensions
Against. The system just becomes a burden
>gun control
Just ban full autos and explosives. The rest shouldn't be banned, but still require training and registration
>central banking
In favor
>hiring laws
>minimum wage
in favor
>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)
In favor but with moderation (no families with 16 kids getting 8000 Euros per month)
In favor of a flat tax
>copywrite law
in favor

Social libertarian, mate.
>maternity leave
Should be longer for both parents
>abortion/drug/prostitution bans
Should be legalised
>state pensions
No problem with them
>gun control
Happy they're banned tbqh
>central banking
okay, but less govt control would be good.
>hiring laws
Are okay
>minimum wage
Is okay
>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)
Should be higher for mothers and disabled, should require community work for everyone else
50% tax, especially on the rich. You get what you pay for.
>copywrite law
Only if you make money of someone else's stuff. Sharing for free is fine IMO.

>maternity leave
>abortion/drug/prostitution bans
>state pensions
>gun control
Fuck no
>central banking
>hiring laws
Nah boi
>minimum wage
No, I can negotiate
>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)
Yes, but with a proviso, only the disabled and elderly.
Yes, low taxes, just need what's necessary
>copywrite law
Yes, but limit this ability so businesses can't claim something longer than the owner's own lifespan.

ancaps pls go

>All those in favour of central banks


>liberal democrat is authoritarian right
What the fuck yurope

as in Christian, or as in successful?

>>maternity leave
Good for people, families.

>>abortion/drug/prostitution bans
Bad for people/families.

>>state pensions
For public workers? Ofc.

>>gun control
Not in Hillary's/the Dem's sense. Right to self-defense is natural and inviolable.

>>central banking
Almost necessary practically but should be strictly regulated to prevent favoritism or working against the real national interest or common good.

>>hiring laws
If necessary to prevent abuse, e.g. hiring to exploit children; hiring illegals.

>>minimum wage
Within reason again to prevent rank exploitation.

>>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)
Prefer this were done via chartered social institutions that the State, in turn, might subsidize if the People want.


>>copywrite law

You are confusing right wing with libertarianism I think.

>maternity leave
No. If you want to get pregnant you shouldn't have entered the professional world. Burn your vacation time.
>abortion/drug/prostitution bans
Fuck no
>state pensions
>gun control
Only for convicted felons
>central banking
>hiring laws
Only to protect against child labor
>minimum wage
Within reason to prevent worker exploitation
>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)
Only for seniors and severely disabled
You're a moron
>copywrite law
You mean "copyright"?

>maternity leave
Nope, women shouldn't "need" time off when pregnant.
>abortion/drug/prostitution bans
No, the drug wars are pointless, let the degenerates kill themselves
>state pensions
No, should have saved up you silly boomer
>gun control
Fuck no, not even on full autos or explosives.
>central banking
A cancer on the earth
>hiring laws
Lol, make sure you don't discriminate against this guy in a wheelchair for this construction job guys :^D
>minimum wage
Enjoy your govt sponsored inflation
>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)
Don't want my shekels going to ahmed and his rape gang do we?
Again, Ahmed
>copywrite law
You should get your idea to market quickly and cheaply, or protect it yourself, not make others do it for you.

Right wing is economic only though, this is biased towards the social libertarians as well. Christcucks and neocons will do very badly as a result.

I believe in individual capitalism but no taxes is fucking stupid. We need at least a little taxes.

>survival of the fittest, individualist capitalism is the only based ideology
No, it's not. It sucks.

>survival of the fittest, individualist capitalism is the only based ideology
This leads to tribalism, that is why Jews are so successful in this (((system))) because of their scheming and manipulating and lying.
>hurr durr buy the media then indoctrinate people 24/7 best system ever!

They are obviously from Reddit.

looks like y'all need some right libertarians up in your tea

>maternity leave
Not against it
>abortion bans
I think a lot of people shouldn't born in the first place, hell I would pay pay for the gypsies to abort their childer
>drug bans
I wouldn't ban any drug unless it's obscure junk like heroin or the infaoums krokodil
>prostitution bans
forced prostitution should be banned but I don't see any problem with legal prostitution
>state pensions
This one a real pain in the ass in my country. Not not the state pensions itself the problem, but since there are more retired that actual worker in my country, the elections won by that party wich offer higher pensions, and because of that there is no real progression in my country so fuck it
>gun control
tfw you cannot have your own assault rifle, not even a pistol
>central banking
Federal Reserve in the US. Need I say more?
>hiring laws
I would let the companies decide who they want to hire and then see how it works out on free market
>minimum wage
>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)
I would erase most of the welfares, we have too much welfare leeches here
Obviously we need lower taxes
>copywrite law
It's just doen't work how it's supossed to

>maternity leave
Permanent unpaid maternity leave. The problem with maternity leave is that the woman is getting paid for doing essentially nothing and it ends. Women should be with the kids at home, not at work.
>abortion/drug/prostitution bans
No abortion. No drugs. No prostitution.
>state pensions
The state's retirement plan should be a set minimum income for your area, not proportionate to your income while working. Baby boomers, always wanting something for nothing, are currently destroying all state controlled retirement plans. Either keep working, invest in an individual retirement account, or use one from your employer.
>gun control
>central banking
>hiring laws
No equal opportunity diversity bullshit.
>minimum wage
Minimum wage is sort of a Pandora's box. Since it has been here for some time, it will take drastic economic changes to repair the damage, and I don't think it should be pulled out from under people until that happens.
>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)
"Right wingers", capitalists, need to understand that there is a fundamental difference between government spending when it is done on entitlement programs and when it is done on work programs.
>copywrite law
Retain. A country like the US, that has a severely damaged industrial capability, would destroy itself with cheap imports if it took this away. The countries that win from this are the ones that can produce shit really cheaply and dump it into our markets.

>>maternity leave
Acceptable, but the average woman has more important things to do than being a wage slave.
>>abortion/drug/prostitution bans
For abortion and prostitution I'm leaning towards "illegal, but quietly tolerated on occasion". Ban on drugs save for alcohol.
>>state pensions
>>gun control
>>central banking
Not informed enough to say.
>>hiring laws
>>minimum wage
>>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)
Some welfare.
Low across the board. Tax the rich less to increase investment incentives.
>>copywrite [sic] law
Not informed enough to say.

>maternity leave
>abortion/drug/prostitution bans
>state pensions
>gun control
>central banking
>hiring laws
>minimum wage
>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)
>copywrite law

>maternity leave
>abortion/drug/prostitution bans
>state pensions
>gun control
no everyone should be able to open carry
>central banking
>hiring laws
>minimum wage
no fuck that
>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)
only with a legit medical condition
no psychological garbage
if you don't work you shouldn't earn shit
yes but everyone should pay the same percentage
>copywrite law

>>maternity leave
>>abortion/drug/prostitution bans
>>state pensions
>>gun control
>>central banking
>>hiring laws
>>minimum wage
>>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)
>>copywrite law


>maternity leave
sure although if it were in place it should be just required that the companies provide it, rather than the government pay for it, maybe with the built-in intent that it would become the government's duty to pay for it once the debt is lower.
>abortion/drug/prostitution bans
I think abortion is morally unjustifiable HOWEVER its impractical to ban it, wire coat hanger sales would just skyrocket, people would preform messy and dangerous forms of abortion etc. Although I don't believe the government should require it to be on healthcare plans and should not fund Planned Parenthood. More about planned parenthood, they should not be gotten rid of because they do shit other than abortions that helps people.
>state pensions
>gun control
I oppose it strongly, there is absolutely no correlation between gun laws and overall homicide rate etc etc I could go on this for hours. I do think that people who are deemed by a psychologist to not be mentally stable enough to safely have a gun should not have one, by mentally unstable I don't mean ADHD and it would have to be CURRENTLY mentally unstable, like if somebody was suicidally depressed 20 years ago and got medication for it then they would be fine.
>central banking
the general concept is ok but in the US it needs to be reigned in a lot, its out of control the dumb shit ours does
>hiring laws
sure as long as they equalize and don't specifically put one group over the other
>minimum wage
Yes, and I think a raise to $9 or $10 would be acceptable and then afterwards adjust for inflation but $12 and $15 is retarded
>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)
Yes but its really complicated, basically I don't want it to be possible for people to just live off welfare. To get them out of the shit then sure, but they have to give something to get something unless they can't (elderly, disabled, etc)
They are ok rn
>copywrite law
no issue with this

forgot to say, on drugs I think weed should be legal because its just not a big deal, prostitution shouldn't be punished

this gets it.

>maternity leave
No, if you want kids just leave work.
>abortion/drug/prostitution bans
No, let people do there stupid things even if it kills them.
>state pensions
No, let's teach people how to save money instead.
>gun control
No, I don't want the government a monopoly on violence.
>central banking
No, to the international jew.
>hiring laws
No, don't be an idiot and go for job your just not fit enough to do.
>minimum wage
No, Fuck inflation.
No that's what family and churches(communities) are for.
Less is best.
>copyright law
Protect your own shit.

>Sup Forums doesn't support maternity leave
>yet is unsatisfied with the fact that women are giving birth

Wev lad, your no-maternity leave policies would certainly give boost to natality.

>maternity leave
>abortion/drug/prostitution bans
>state pensions
>gun control
>central banking
>hiring laws
No child labor
>minimum wage
No, we don't have that in Denmark either
>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)
Only for real disabled
Flat tax, not too high
>copyright law
Mixed, the current one sucks

>>maternity leave
Not mandated, if businesses want to provide it thats cool
>>abortion/drug/prostitution bans
No, let people scramble their children like degenerates if they want, just call it what it is, baby killing. Let niggers kill themselves out with drugs, i can see the merit in policing it its just so expensive. Let people fuck if they want who cares.
>>state pensions
No state unions. No state pensions.
>>gun control
Will not be infringed.
>>central banking
Central to a degree, you cant be a retard with breaking it up but you cant over centralize. Common dollar and 50 individual banks for the states would be okay maybe, im not a banker. Central banks inevitably though begin to stop catering to the masses and to the minority of people. Keep shit accountable.
>>hiring laws
Hire whoever for whatever under any circumstances you desire, its your business.
>>minimum wage
Wrong, let people negotiate, let people get experience> Minimum wage edges out young workers in favor of older people, and keeps low skilled jobs full of people who arent worth it,
>>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)
Reverse income tax for people who actively NEED it to get by. If youre able bodied but refuse to do shit die faggot
Excise taxes, taxes based on your consumption make sense.
>>copywrite law
Get out

>Yes but only for female centered jobs like teaching
>No(Eugenics, not choice), Yes, Yes
>Definately no. Fuck those kikes
>Yes (why the fuck should someone be allowed to hire a retard for surgery for the lulz?)
>Not for unemployed or single moms; Yes for white employed familes
>Yes. Fuck off le fedora ancap
Why should a fascist like me leave if related pic is the fucking logo?

people who don't earn enough to support themselves on one income have no business breeding
same with disability - people too disabled to work have no business eating

>maternity leave
Maternity benifits should be determined by businesses, I would support government providing tax breaks or subsidies to businesses that give maternity/paternity leave

>abortion/drug/prostitution bans

None of this should be banned, all should be regulated and taxed to a degree though.

>state pensions


>gun control

Low gun controls, concealed carry allowed.
Background checks recquired, private sales to be declared

>central banking
Fuck no

>hiring laws

Let businesses hire who they want

>minimum wage


>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)

Basic income for all, no other benifits, tax breaks provided if certain criteria are met


Try to keep taxes as low as possible.

>copywrite law

Yes, with the exception of pharmaceuticals.

>maternity leave
I do not support
>abortion/drug/prostitution bans
I do not support, we should be able to take any drug we want
>state pensions
I still support but I'm having doubts, surely wouldn't it be better to allow people to invest their money in whatever they want, and to reduce taxes?
>gun control
support, but guns depots should be accessible to local community leaders so that they can form militias and fight against changes in local infrastructure that they feel strongly against(bringing back segregation for example).
>central banking
strongly support since private banks only have profits in mind and do not listen to their consumers since they have such great influence over oligarchs like the us and china, thus they need to be accountable to government.
>hiring laws
i support the positive discrimination towards women/race BUT they need to tone it down a little and only give a +5% bias rather than the +50% bias that i keep seeing everywhere.
>minimum wage
ofc i support this but i'm against it being raised since its just going to make the value of our currency drop and increase prices in the supermarkets.
>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)
support but as before with positive discrimination, this needs to be toned down and a heavy prejudice should be held on families with 4+ children(3 is already too much)
people should have more freedoms to invest in what they want so i'm against taxes. how about a compromise where people are forced to spend money on an investment scheme, stocks or on local infrastructure or housing, rather than on drugs and entertainment/services that drain all the money from local economies to the capital/abroad.
>copywrite law
totally against this for large corporations, just hinders progress and innovation completely. This should only be in place to protect very small entrepeuners/artists who have their creations stolen by big business.

>No child labor
Child labor is literally the best labor

half the worker half the price

(((central banking))) is the greatest evil of all

abortion/drug/prostitution are degeneracy and should be banned for whites.

>>maternity leave
>>abortion/drug/prostitution bans
>>state pensions
>>gun control
>>central banking
don't know enough pls gib required readings
>>hiring laws
>>minimum wage
maybe leaning yes
>>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)
only disability
>>copywrite law

How much of a faggot am I

>maternity leave
In favor
>abortion/drug/prostitution bans
In favor
>state pensions
>gun control
>central banking
>hiring laws
>minimum wage
Minimum wage is decided between private labour unions and major employers. state should not interfere.
>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)
Only in some cases
Yes, but the money has to be used wisely and only on necessary things. Right now we are not doing that.
>copywrite law

>maternity leave
>abortion/drug/prostitution bans
>state pensions
>gun control
banned completely
>central banking
no commercial banks
>hiring laws
>minimum wage
we need minimum income
>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)
>copywrite law

>maternity leave
Yes. Anything that promotes motherhood over employment for women is good.

>abortion/drug/prostitution bans
Abortion: yes for eugenics, risk of death for mother, population control of subhumans - no anything else
Drug: yes tobacco, alcohol - no anything else
Prostitution: yes professional brothels - no anything else

>state pensions
No, except military and civil servants.

>central banking
No opinion yet.

>hiring laws

>minimum wage
No opinion yet.

>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)
Some forms of it.


>copyright law
Yes. With some limitations for individuals and businesses. Endless for foreign government/businesses/individuals/whatever - must protect the technological superiority.

>>maternity leave
Fuck off
>>abortion/drug/prostitution bans
Fuck off
>>state pensions
Meh, as long as I don't have to pay for it if I don't want the benefits of it
>>gun control
Cold. Dead. Hands
>>central banking
End the CEB and Federal reserve asap
>>hiring laws
No, just no
>>minimum wage
the right minimum wage is 0€ and 0cents/hour
>>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)
As long as I don't have to pay fi I don't use it
You mean theft?
>>copywrite law
Arrr, frig off matey

>survival of the fittest, individualist capitalism is the only based ideology

so are you okay with women acting collectively to deny men reproductive rights in such a society in order to assert themselves? it's a free society after all, right? are you against collective bargaining by a class of people (women) who are naturally less competitive than men? would you be OK with dry dick when women can't compete for resources and are forced to collectivize?

That compass just proves libertarians are the most sane. We're advocating the one thing we all fear the most, relinquishing our desire to control others.

If only you all understood that control was an illusion.

>naturally less competitive than men
>men having resources
>prostitution legal

women refusing to put out would require across the board adherence or rapidly fall to pieces as a strategy
it would never reasonably happen

if it did then yerh I'm fine with it - you don't deserve sex if you're outplayed by women

>>maternity leave
Support as a whole but hurts small businesses
>>abortion/drug/prostitution bans
Nope, could tax hookers and drugs desu.
>>state pensions
Support but only if you a national citizen or pay in.
>>gun control
We got a few hoops to jump through but can own.
>>central banking
Needed but needs to be regulated so they dont piss away money and shaft everyone.
>>hiring laws
Support so they do not undercut workers.
>>minimum wage
Support but how far does it go? if min wages goes up prices go up anyways
>>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)
Support from proper cases, abuses of system jailed.
Depends what it is spent on, alot of taxes are wasted on crap or in the case of our NHS pencil pushers and people shining the seats.
>>copywrite law
Prob needed so china doesnt import lots of same shitty stuff.

>survival of the fittest
>copywrite law

Edgy kids like you do more harm to any rightwing movements than good.

>maternity leave
Encourages kids, fathers should get a week or two. Mothers should be mothers not workers but if they insist on working then six weeks is acceptable.
>abortion bans
Abortion in cases of incest and rape is fine.
>drug bans
Drugs should be illegal though we should take advantage of their medical benefits
>prostitution bans
Legal only in specific areas of the country
>state pensions
For troops, yes. For random government employees it's more complicated, but generally no. No elected officials should receive pensions.
>gun control
Shall not be infringed.
>central banking
We should publicly round up and hang every central banker
>hiring laws
Affirmative action is bullshit. We don't need child labor.
>minimum wage
Raiding minimum wage will get potentially millions laid off absolutely not. We need to keep our currency in check otherwise we will just have this debate again.
For vets, for the parents of potatoes, and for people who legitimately are incapable of working I.E. paralyzed or something.
Lower but not gone.
>copyright law
Of course. There's no incentive to invent anything without the ability to copyright it.

why do so many of you support welfare for the disabled?
they're literally just a resource drain
same with pensions, once you're so old you can't support yourself what's the point in you?

>implying it's only about supporting themselves
People wan't to be something more than somebodies breeding machine

>maternity leave
Hey you decided to fuck and get knocked up, planned or not, its not my problem.

>abortion/drug/prostitution bans
Who am i to judge what a person does. However, a fetus is a human and it should only be aborted if the woman is in danger.

>state pensions
Save your fucking money retards.

>gun control
Lax gun laws.

>central banking

>hiring laws
A company should be free to hire who they want. However Child Labor is out of the fucking question. This isnt China. You want child labor go there.

>minimum wage
Im in favor. However it shouldn't be something outrageous like goddamn 15 an hour

>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)
Welfare only for elders and highly disabled. If you have two legs and two hands you can grab yourself a fucking job or two

Yes, Not high tho.

>copywrite law



then do it, just don't ask me to pay for it if I didn't fuck you

>maternity leave:
necessary (you've obviously you've never had children)
should be mandatory for most
the oldest profession should be legal in any truly capitalist society
everything should be legal and freely available
>state pensions:
>gun control:
>central banking:
>hiring laws:
>minimum wage:
>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc):
no (see abortion above)
extremely limited, if at all
>copywrite law:
you spelled it wrong. but should be limited; "copyright creep" and a lot of IP laws are detrimental to the greater good of our societies

>maternity leave
>abortion/drug/prostitution bans
against abortion the others should be allowed
>state pensions
>gun control
>central banking
>hiring laws
>minimum wage
>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)
>copywrite law

>maternity leave
keep it, people must have incentives to have children
>abortion/drug/prostitution bans
Keep abortion and prostitution legal. Regulate drugs heavily, except the really heavy ones (illegal)
>state pensions
keep it as an option, but let people get private pensions if they want to
>gun control
shall not be infringed
>central banking
don't really know much about the subject, so I will go with the status quo
>hiring laws
local workers should be prioritized in favor of immigrant ones imo, but you could dodge this entirely with strict immigration laws
only for extreme cases of disability, military veterans, homeless, etc
below 30% for all brackets
>copywrite laws
keep them. fuck china.

>>maternity leave

(-) Maternity leave is good, as long as it is covered by state.

>inb4 woman should stay at home
Irrelevant, unless economy is in state, where common man can support his wife and daughters.

>>abortion/drug/prostitution bans

(+) Legal abortion is good from eugenic perspective. No need for 'i was dumb enough to get knocked up despite wide range of available contraceptives' bastard spawn.

(+) Prostitution ban does more harm than prostitution

(-+) Many drugs can be legalized, but not all, and there still should be state control

>>state pensions

(-) Most people don't think of pensions, and class of elderly paupers will destabilize society

>>gun control

(+-) Limited. Shop gun sale requires check against blacklist of people explicitly stripped of gun rights by jury (criminals, insane, etc). Person-to-person sales possible, but seller can be charged if buyer was on a list.

Allow everything short of artillery.

>>central banking

(+) Fuck central banking

>>hiring laws

(+) Fuck that too

>>minimum wage

(+) Useless

>>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)

(-) Limited, for cases where receiver really cannot support himself for reasons beyond his power


(-) Can't do without them sadly

>>copywrite law

You mean copyright?

(-+) Free market sadly does not work well with (hight upfront expenses/minimal copy expenses) products. Today copyright law is fucked up and broken, having lost it's original purpose of author support and now mostly supporting profits of intermediates - so it should be discarded. But new copyright law should take it place.

Without banks there'd be no way to pool large amounts of money for financing large individualistic and corporate ventures of research and technological advancement. That's the only thing I disagree with.

>maternity leave
Only when they're bloated and ready to pop/just destroyed their vagina
Otherwise there should be no reason they can't function normally

>abortion/drug/prostitution bans
Abortion fucking sickens me. It's an act that takes away a human and life and if not performed would mean a person would get to live. I cannot fathom how it hasn't been equated to murder. The whole "my body, my rights" bullshit is shockingly arrogant and narcissistic. You have no right to take a human life, you selfish fucking cunts.

All drugs should be legalized, regulated, and taxed. People too retarded to keep from being a menace to society while high should be punished accordingly. Prohibition has only given billions of dollars to the black market and allowed criminals to flourish.

Prostitution is fine. As long as there are regulations, I don't see the issue. It's the oldest profession in the world.

>state pensions
I don't know enough about this to make an educated opinion.

>gun control
None. Psychos don't obey the law and taking guns away from law abiding citizens does no fucking good at all.
This is something I will never budge on.

>central banking
Something else I don't know enough about to form an opinion on.

>hiring laws
The only ones that should be in place are no kids. Damn diversity laws to hell.

>minimum wage
It's practically fucking slave labor at this point. Hard working people can't afford food anymore and that is unacceptable.

>welfare (including disability, family allowance etc)
Should only be given to people who are borderline vegetables.
Welfare is killing this country and erasing the concept of responsibility entirely.

Taxes I pay should only go to things in my country, not a fucking FOREIGN COUNTRY.

>copywrite law
There should be less opportunities for greedy media jews to take down civilians so much as TALKING about their product.

>Sup Forums character limit
Too low to articulate a proper opinion.