is final fantasy making fun of us?

This game took so long to make it became a SJW propaganda?
I'm disappointed...
Also, what does this has to do with Sup Forums?

not pol, just neckbeards in general

It's about 4 dude being bros on a road trip before political fuckery makes them save the world. You play as a disgraced king. The most frequent NPC is basically a stripper.

It's not SJW at all. And it's their best game since ffxii, easily.

Looks like Hugo from LOST

If you didn't already buy Square Enix stock you might want to consider it. Between this, the upcoming and guaranteed to be great Kingdom Hearts 3, and the money printing machine that is the Final Fantasy 7 remake (coming out in multiple installations mind you) they're going to be making a lot of money.

I already got the game, it just needs to arrive.
Good to know the game is free of SJW bullshit.
I'm hyped for KH3 too btw.

>it's their best game since ffxii
That's hardly an achievement

Do you know how long ago that game came out?

Also your taste is shit.

>the 400 pound hacker known as Sup Forums

Its always fun to make fun of fat sjw geeks at comicons.

such an average game

This is a great idea, thanks (((you)))

>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums

They're making fun of weaboos in general. He even resembles David-san.

>And it's their best game since ffxii
Such a challenge. Do they still focus on flashy graphics over substance? Because if it's like the newer "auto battle" systems it a PoS like the rest.

>Kingdom Hearts anything
Pick one. Unless you're fucking 9.

Play the demo. Ff12 is shit

>driving and photography simulator 2016
this game sucks
was the last chance for final fantasy to redeem itself

>is final fantasy making fun of us?
i dont see the connection
>1 post by this ID

Everyone makes fun of you

nah that's Sup Forums

Wasn't it ten years ago the entire team was accused of only making games themselves wanted to play?

Nomura is such a screaming /fa/ queen it's ridiculous.

I have complete faith they will fuck up the 7 remake in a big bad way.

Fuck off. KH is a great and wholesome franchise.

dat battle system tho.

No wonder FF has sucked so hard lately


It's Japanese of course it's free

There's nothing wrong with being overweight.

>And it's their best game since ffxii
>Plays shitty anime games
Wow, do you have a boring life in general or something?


i don't see any SJW crap, thats just some faggot that wants you to bring him pictures, kind of annoying but he pays well.

What the fuck? Are we discussing games now in pol? We are R9K!!!! Fuck off!

We are wasting time. Humanity is disappearing, Europe is being taken over, Christianity is about to collapse... And you are discussing games?

Take yourself out of the gene pool fag.

The meteor tshirt makes me think its them having a go at Final Fantasy 7 fans tbqh senpai

If I was a Jap I would make fun of those fat turds too.

Grandpa calm down, take your Prozac

FFX had the best combat so far. Such a shame the rest was such shit.

Agreed. So is the new one though. I just looked it up. You now just hit the square button to attack. That's fucking it. Apparently tactically challenging turn based games are too hard.

should we import all of africa to make life more fun like you guys then?

>let's destroy everything from my childhood 5.0

don't support this shit


FF was mystical, this is low rent, high def. bs

12 takes a while to get good, because the first quarter of the game is basically a tutorial before you actually can start customizing your characters with skill points and finding combos to make them good.

>playing FF after the abominations that were XII and XIII
X was bad enough but at least it played like an FF game.

This, still my favorite game of all time

Glorious FFX HD remastered race

Sup Forums - Final Fantasy XV

A thousand times this.


why so salty,burger?

Hated the sphere grid and the talking but Lulu's tits made up for a lot.

Is it any good? Haven't liked FF since VII and IX.

Nah, that's the image of a typical NeoGAF user(Fat lying fuck 'Besada').

>fat nu-male
>Sup Forums
pick one

you would probably be unbelieveably disappointed
IX was probably one of the last good FF games that was actually FF

>Get called underage
>Reply with shit that only an underage child from Sup Forums would say.

>X was bad enough

Settle down, lad. 12 wasn't even that bad and 13 took time to get used to.

i dont look like that irl so fuck off


> I play mature games for mature gamers such as myself.

X is objectively shit apart from the battle systems.

>retarded story
>annoying characters
>bland setting
>first linear FF game
>shit voice acting

Just give me a world map and let me explore faggots.

I still like it but it was the beginning of the end. The battles are amazing though, maybe the best in the series.

Daily reminder that /pol it's an extension of /fit and all of us are very nice a handsome people.

And 12 and 13 are shit.

Don't even try to defend those games, especially 13.

There is no gameplay in 13 at all.

Do you have a list of copy pasted phrases that you look upon to post with? Nothing you said is in anyway meaningful or convincing to your argument, in fact you don't even have an argument. I don't give a shit about your game I'm just calling you out for being under age.

is that how games look now? wow thats real looking..i only buy and play older games bc i just think everything now is pc

> I can't read ID's.
> I also don't realize I'm a living meme.

>10 years in the making
>+500m USD budget



Are you quoting yourself? Because I've not confused you for any one else. And everything you have posted so far has made you sound like kv child.

Go back to Sup Forums, we're here to talk about politics.

1 was good, but at the time I played it, I wasn't in the age demographic.(which is around 12-15)
Still a damn cool concept and an enjoyable game.
2 was a fucking clusterfuck with a tutorial that lasted way too long.

Just cause you're a fat fuck doesn't mean the rest of us are.

Its obviously making fun of nostalgiafags who are whining about a FF7 remake.(look at the Tshirt design)
Too bad it's the only fucking game anyone cares about since Nomura completely ruined the franchise in the west by fetishing his imaginary goddess Lightning into 3 uninteresting shit games.


>Empire promises that the destruction of the wall will being peace between nations
>Empire uses their mindless drones to invade the Crown City for their superior tech and magic under the guise of diplomatic resolution
>Assimilated and loyal immigrants receive highest regards from the king (Glaive)
>Only non-white I've seen is a frog lady
>Time period resembles the early 60s around the same time that America hit peak degeneracy
>Game is literally about you and your friends reconnecting with your heritage and using the abilities taught by your forefathers to crush mindless invaders

Must buy this masterpiece.

I can do without the emo thing though. Eeh, I guess nips will be nips.

What argument do you think I'm carrying with a single one off post you fucking retard?

Yeah I don't give a fuck about the story if the gameplay is shit

It isn't though.
You do have to consider tactics before approaching many hordes of creatures.


You hit one fucking button to attack.

I digress a bit. It's somewhat hack'n'slashy but I think it's balanced well enough so you actually have to consider options before you before going balls deep.

There is also a skill that allows for you to pause time between strikes to give you more time to retaliate accordingly.

Play the demo if you are skeptical, then come back to tell me to fuck off if you dislike it.

If you stand in one spot and mash O, you are going to die every time.

the game is really easy dude, some fights just take ages, and night is still easy.

good car music though.

>Not since FINAL FANTASY 7
You're a faggot.

This, seriously. Kingdom Hearts was okay when it came out originally, but it's gotten very retarded since then

>Implying it wasn't retarded in the first place

Are you playing on easy mode?

My whole team got BTFO by one self destruct from a bomber.

Any final fantasy after X is objectively shit.

This has been in production since 10. Everything in between has essentially been giant side projects to test engines and mechanics.

I really can't believe this is a screenshot from a Final Fantasy game and not Watch Dogs 2 or something

>My whole team got BTFO by one self destruct from a bomber.
you just throw your sword and dodge the explosion, it might be because i'm used to dark souls and i play most games on hard, but i was kinda pissed after FFXV installed to see only easy and normal.

i don't find it challenging but i have been enjoying the game quite alot still.

I have been putting my specs into car related bonuses for AP during travel and such.

I think the reason why I'm having such a shit time is because I'm limited to 3 warps until I'm drained from stamina.

I REALLY FUCKING HOPE that a hard mode becomes available after first playthrough.

Is FFV Sup Forumss least favorite FF game? It has 3 independent princesses who don't need no buttz.

i'm hoping for a hard mode too,
i did take the fishing AP skill early and then got the MP/reduced MP cost for warping and dodging(shifting i think?), maybe it was more usefull than i thought, i never run out of MP, unless i spam warp because i can't be arsed fighting.

bugs have been my biggest issue so far, i warped through the floor and everything crashed for example.

Dont worry pol. I'm on my way to make a redpilled game to redpill the masses.

Here's an early asset.

>final fantasy
isn't that the game with six gorillion sequels?
why are people (weeaboos aren't people) still playing a shitty jrpg?

Dont forget Hillary Clinton is in the game

> Final Fantasy
> Has greasy neckbeard with a camera on neckband, T-shirt with logo, and a backback

This is wrong.

FF10 IS shit.

>retarded story
>bland setting

Really? I thought it had some of the best world building and story pacing they've ever done. Everything about Spira is as strange to the player as it is to Tidus because you're both outsiders.

He consistently disrespects their retarded customs because he has no attachment to them and is able to call out what's stupid. They all think he's ignorant until he breaks their longest standing tradition in order to save the woman he loves.

It's basically a story about the white man showing inferior cultures what's what, while also kicking their asses at soccer.

The gameplay is the best they ever produced.Everything else is indeed shit

>best game since ffxii, easily.
My disgusting and painful shit this morning was better than ffxii

>caring about any Final Fantasy after IX

I was introduced to the characters playing FF Record Keeper, and got to like them as they were good characters within that game.

Then I started Final Fantasy 13 itself and realized they were all retards. Might not even bother to finish the game.

It's actually 4d underwater rugby.