I just bought one of these

I just bought one of these.

In my state, it is legal to carry openly or concealed without a permit, so I keep it on me everywhere.

We've had moose and black bear attacks, I live in a heavily forested town, and I do a lot of walking.

Should I be allowed to carry a loaded gun with me everywhere I go? (except the post office. not allowed so I don't)

Isn't this bad?

Don't guns kill people?

Other urls found in this thread:


Guns do not kill people
People do

I dunno I caught mine trying to sneak out last night... I'm beginning to think I may have made a mistake.

Good luck killing a bear with a handgun. Better get a bigger gun.


I checked it out. It has sufficient power and velocity to kill both bear and moose.

If you shoot a bear with that thing be prepared to run.

Is it 10mm?

What state?

the hydro static shock with a neck, head or chest shot would knock it out at

yes it is


Yeah good luck with that..

Get some hardcast lead bullets like these


This stuff is powerful enough to stop any animal you might encounter

I love buffalo bore.

Good Idea I'll order some.

I keep fmj's in it for the penetration, because moose skulls/bones are fukkenthick.

Sure you could kill a bear with that. Small quizz, are you?

A: a millitary sharpshooter
B: Cam Bourne
C: Liam Nielsen from Taken
D: Future gummy bear

Hardcast lead penetrates way way more than any FMJ


>black bear attack

It's like you don't even hike. They're scared, frail animals. Stand your ground against fake charges and they will back off you

Why would you kill a moose?

you don't need to be a sharpshooter to shoot a bear that is attacking you. It's not like I'm hunting with it.

also handguns aren't really that accurate after like 100 yds. maybe with a 10" + barrel. then I'd want a .44 or .460. and even then I'd prefer a rifle.

also, I am a former militia member and I am the best shot I've ever met.

This thread isn't about what the gun can do it's about whether or not Sup Forums agrees with America's gun laws.

You know it doesn't take a marksman or a Hollywood actor to shoot a handgun with competence right?

What is the stop sign for?

For bear? Should have gotten a Ruger Redhawk Alaskan in .480 Ruger. A 1911 just gonna piss the bear off lol.

done deal. to they have a copper jacket touching the rifling?


Its not a problem though unless you have polygonal rifling.

UNTRUE. Try to aim straight when you're getting charged, oh lord. Unless you're skilled from years on the range you will die. Bear mace is infinitely more practical than guns for 99% of animal encounters including moose and other big game. Keep yourself safe and do not listen to these concrete jungle niggers that have never stepped foot in wilderness

>tfw can't conceal carry in my state even though our cities are dangerous as fuck

I fucking hate communism

Only emotive retards are afraid of citizens carrying weapons.

It's a complete non-issue to me.

I knew a lady that was killed. on the other hand, I know a guy that hit one with a plastic bucket and it ran off.

I am WAY more worried about the moose. They're bigger, tougher, dumber and more likely to attack, especially during the rut or with faun. More people are killed in north America by moose than by any other wild animal.


good. I bet you got a lot of those in straya.

Looks like either Palmetto or Rock Island arms. Just judging by the logo.

>>Don't guns kill people?

Naw I think all the new guns only kill niggers, so it's OK.

I would say gun laws don't limit criminals. Think about it, any serious criminal has a gun right now.

>Why would you kill a moose

>Before throwing it from a plane?

I don't think you fucking know what you're talking about.

Serious criminals? What a bout jokester criminals.

lands and grooves baby. I still prefer copper. personal choice though.

OP = fake user

fake post

>that trigger
ugly as fuck, is this even a good gun? looks like a modern version of 1911 but not sure.

Yes, yes we do.

I live in the middle of nowhere on a massive property, so I don't have to deal with the city fucks.

RIA 10 mm tact. II


it is a great gun. I personally don't like the skeletonalized bits, but that's fine.


dumb kids that can't afford or aren't hardcore enough to have guns so they run around doing petty crimes.


kek anything brown.

>wanting to discuss gun laws "innocently"
>faggot wording, also reddit writting style
>you sound like you are googling everything and talking about stuff to appear knowledgeable

admit it, you are shill

and yes all the parts are interchangable with a 1911.

Shill post, just hide this shit. Saged.

So go fuck with some bears. Make sure you have your cellphone on you so they can find your body

I've never been to reddit in my life.

and, yes. I am voluntarily promoting the legal, unrestricted possession and carry of firearms, because I like them and I want more non criminals to have them.

let me guess where this is going

>still with all my gun experiences, I think guns laws need to change

>Should I be allowed to carry a loaded gun with me everywhere I go? (except the post office. not allowed so I don't) Isn't this bad? Don't guns kill people?

sounds pretty shilly to me

I plan on avoiding bears. it's for emergency only. live & let live, bro

i once read about someone using a .22 revolver to kill a bear, took 12 shots but he survived because of it. i would imagine even a 9 would kill a bear after 3-6 shots

ahhh I KNEW IT!!! you think because other people dont call you out, they dont notice it?

well you sound pretty stupid to me considering I was mocking liberal viewpoints and you didn't catch on.

If I was in your situation I would hunt for fucking bears bro.

don't notice what? Why would I buy a gun if I wasn't against gun control?

If you think a gun is more effective than bear mace, a tool that has an area of effect rather than a tiny bullet that could be placed into the side rather than on a kill spot, you are fucking stupid and I truly hope you get mauled to death

if guns kill people, people win

... maybe someday with a more ranged gun.

lel Take that, guns.

Well then lock him up better next time, or you won't have anyone to work your fields.

>i bought a gun an now im afraid i shoot someone with it without reason.

Start with shooting yourself

if you think bear mace actually stops bears, especially sick, pissed of or starving ones, then you are fucking retarded and I hope you stay in your suburban birdcage spouting bullshit about things you aren't familiar with.

got any more words you'd like to put in my mouth akmed?

because I WILL shoot a bitch.

It's not a health bar, user. You have to hit something important. If you shoot someone in the big toe, they're going to live no matter how many times you shoot them.

>new 1911 owner
>don't guns kill people?

Sounds about right.

You asked "do guns kill people" and feel like having a gun is bad "gun kills" by shooting and you bought a gun. So your concern is that your gun/you shoot someone. I didnt put anything in your mouth, but its probably hard to tell for you with so many dicks in it

when the animal is in front of you, charging head first, you will hit either its head, neck, chest, or forelimbs.

when the animal is right on top of you, it's damned hard to miss.

I envy you, murican. I carry only knives with me and i live in rural area. in case of bear attack, i have axe nearby, but have no guns.

Altho there havent been bears in years closely, there is always the possibility.
And our bears are brown, not black.

Only thing i trust is my dog, bears wont come close.


Hydrostatic shock is a myth

What you want is a disabling temporary wound cavity

These only exist in a large enough size to disable your target with rifle rounds, and are still basically fluid physics black magic. I would strongly recommend reading the FBI's report on handgun caliber choice and wounding mechanisms.

That said, hot 10mm is probably adequate for bear. Make sure you buy Buffalo Bore or Underwood, because most commercial 10mm is loaded very lightly

thanks. yeah, if we had brown bears here, I'd have gotten a .44 mag. fuck that shit.

So you're saying a libshit would go buy a 1911 and not some .22 peashooter? Lame b8 is lame my dude.

Looks like you didn't do enough research, unless you're an actual autist.

I have the same model. It's too unweildy for me to use as a cc, but it's fun at the range.



yeah I had to get the blackhawk size 42 carbon fiber just to sit down comfortably.

I usually don't conceal it unless it's raining.

like it is now.

I gotta go to work.

thanks everyone!

Really? Unless you're a manlet, 1911's usually carry pretty damn well because they are so skinny as a result of being a single stack mag.