>tfw racist
>tfw liberal
Where do i fit in lads?
>tfw racist
>tfw liberal
Where do i fit in lads?
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I know that feel russiabro
You dont
What is National Socialism.
The Democrat party.
What makes you liberal?
So how much do you know of other races? You probably only are at the basic stuff if you are still liberal.
Do you know of the IQ lore? Thats pretty much the first step. Something we learned about 5 years ago...and then arduously talked about to exhaustion...
You fit in with most liberals actually
i'm a degenerate and don't mind other degenerates
fiscally conservative tho
>tfw pro choice pro renewable energy anti-war but also want to get rid of all the jews/muslims
whats the party for me lads
I know that feel OP
Day of the rope.
Libertarian? lel
spot on
>socially liberal and fiscally conservative
I agree with you on all counts, fellow burger. Let's form our own party.
i know enough to support eugenics and sterilization of niggers and other low iq groups
if by that you mean allow everyone to do whatever they want then no, also somebody's gotta maintain the roads
Although if you wanna cut your own dick, then by all means
Fashy libertarian
This guy was like ancient Chinese philosopher, he broke it down real simple like for common folk to understand. God bless him, hopefully he adopted that African, got him out of that hell hole and under his wing. Real eye opener.
This was a really good document. I recommend watching it, if you haven't already.
You're an american democrat.
are you actually russian? What is your position in russia then? Have you tried teaching it to other russians then?
It really did seem tiresome. Training monkeys to work.
It turns depressing towards the start and it all just feels so, I don't know how to word it any better but tiresome.
It's like futile, yes. You would hope they allow the Chinese to beat them or put them in shackles to get some work done.
>tfw racist nationalistic conservative
>tfw commie
Can't wait to rev up those GULags and send every muzzie there after the Russians finally reach their boiling point and start October Revolution 2.0.
It bothers me when people say this because liberal societies need fiscally liberal monetary policy to support the liberal society. Basically what I'm saying is that liberal societies, even classically liberal, unless directed by corporate fascism or a dictator are historically uncompetitive societies for their participants and therefore require liberal monetary policy to keep them afloat.
>eugenics and sterilization
doubt it m8
Yea, my friends are very much like me
I'm an economic liberal, non-white, and a believer in HBD.
There is literally nothing wrong with economically liberal policies provided you have a high-IQ, high-trust, and culturally cohesive society.
on sosach
so you're a right wing commie?
They hide their powerlevel these days, berniebros and college kids gave them a bad name.
yesh, finally there can be a new philosophical war between the right and the left, while using proper scientific literature, and none of the redundant and retarded religious scripture and ancient garbage. Delicious, I am looking forward to it, you fags better keep on red pilling more of you. Because what is best in life is actually if there are two hostile parties, who compete in the truth arena. And that arena happens to include racial realism.
I may not like you, but I will like the prospect of you actually climbing out of the retard, egalitarianism bubble.
So economically liberal but socially conservative. This can actually work, whereas the opposite can't, if one assumes the society is smart, cohesive, and ethnically homogenous. Japan, imperial Germany, Sweden before the migrants. Etc.
Isn't it how classic liberals were?
here, il even help you guys somewhat out in some things. Not sure how you may interpret these things but they are pretty potent.
Russians didnt get into space with egalitarianism, and the hate for religion, including the throwing off charlatans out of helicopters is pretty based.
There is no road to glory with egalitarianism, you cannot compete with those who are strong, with combined weakness. Only a combination of the strong working together can compete with other strong.
Nothing weird about it. I'm a Liberal. It's only because of American politics that everyone confuses being a Liberal with being a progressive. Progressivism is very anti-liberal. In the context of American politics, for what the normal definition of a Liberal is, look at the original Republican party. Actually, even sectiona of the modern Republican party today. In truth, conservativism and Liberalism aren't too far apart really. Not really neo-conservativism, that is a silly Jew ideology for cunts. But in the modern movement, look at paleoconservativism. It really isn't that far removed from classical Liberalism.
Anyway, there is nothing wrong with being a Liberal and I think that xenophobia is a fair response from anyone who loves lady liberty. To have a truly free society, you have to have a nation filled with people who actually have a stake in it. People who fought for it, whose ancestors worked for 1000 years to make it what it was. To have to share that with people who haven't bled for your motherland. Who have arrived yesterday and already spit on everything you believe in is a grave insult. Liberalism is mainly a belief in the rights of man, and all that good shit. It never mentioned having to suck nigger dick. And ideas about racism, etc. are really personal beliefs that are seperate from Liberalism entirely. As long as you're not a progressive there's no identity crisis that should come from being a racist.
>>tfw racist
>>tfw liberal
Sounds like you're a jew.
Well I'm not completely hardline a social conservative. I have no issue with fag marriage. I have no issue with abortion. I'm even okay with a small degree of immigration as long as its heavily, heavily regulated. (highly selective on who we want, pre-determined % of population per group, etc...)
I want to agree with this but I don't know if thats feasible. As a non-white believer in HBD, I don't think that the truth about race can be public knowledge. I think only the cognitive elite people of all populations should know the truth and engineer policy prescription based on that. Normies can't into nuance.
Those on the left side of the bell-curve can't comprehend the following statement:
>There are differences between the averages of races (in intelligence, behavior, and other traits) that largely explain why things are how they are from macro point of view. With that being said, there is also considerable overlap with the curves which means that *some* blacks are still smarter than *some* whites. Therefore, hating individuals based on their race is not smart because you have no clue where on that bell curve that individual may be.
Normies cant get this concept. Thats why only the cognitive elite should know because only we can understand.
Regression to the mean completely solidifies 100% nigger hate though.
Only 80% of intelligence is heritable, so even a smart nigger, through the vast complexities of genetics will eventually have dumb children again.
This selection process for more intelligence and averages is an extremely long one, think 50k years. The negro cannot be saved, nor should any resources be used to save him, because they will run out, and besides, who cares about negro's when you got so many lower fruits to pick. There exist no souls, and thus no need to save animals who are shitty.
There is no diversity of value saved with the nigger. Even other races, if they have high intelligence, if they race mix with a native population will have problems in their genetics, hybrid vigor is a myth, look at the beginning of my pastebin on my top posts.
The most stable, and the most strong and healthy kind of human is one of pure breed, a white person, and perhaps some asians as well, like the japs. The rest are kinda mediocre. The jews, niggers and most muslims are a threat to all life on the planet though. The rest of the races that arent asian, or white should be controlled, not eradicated in my opinion...
you see, I may not admit it easily but I am actually a slav, living in flag related. I went through all of your indoctrination and back through the experiences of my family members. And it allows me to dictate in a manner of authority to other slavs how they should think, because you guys are shitty on the racial realism lore, but I have been doing this for over 5 years already, in some ways I know more than professors...
uhhh i think i voted for the wrong candidate lads
>without welfare how can we possibly legalize weed
>Regression to the mean completely solidifies 100% nigger hate though.
How do you explain the Igbo of Nigeria then? They are a Nigerian ethnic group who are high achieving as hell and probably have a mean IQ on par with or perhaps just below whites.
Regardless, American blacks should be put in a different category than others. They were sold and raised in the US so they have nowhere to go. Therefore, I do think some things should be done to mitigate the troublesome aspects of their nature. I still want to retain the good things they've contributed to the culture such as music (pre degenerate hip-hop of course). We wouldn't have Elvis for instance without black influence.
>This selection process for more intelligence and averages is an extremely long one, think 50k years
Not necessarily. Ashkenazi Jews literally obtained their high IQ in just several centuries during the Middle-Ages and they did it unwittingly. I don't see why we couldn't do the same in a fraction of that time if we put our brightest scientific minds to it.
I've been thinking about this a lot.
British, Dutch and French have all tried their hands at Africa. They improved the place vastly, and in return profited. Then the Africans chimped out.
Now it's China's turn to have their feeding-hand bit.
As far as I'm concerned, China deserves every last scrap they can squeeze out of that ungrateful continent.
But whether they fail or succeed, it's a win for the West.
If they succeed, they may just civilise some of Africa, and millions more will stay where they are. If they fail, they will join us in being hated -- but Chinese won't be suckered into seeing themselves as evil oppressors.
Here's the best bit: Chinese live in huge percentages in the West won't see themselves as evil oppressors either. They'll either be forced to huddle together with whitey in fight against cultural Marxism or they'll simply tell the blacks in the US and Australia and Canada to get fucked if they ever try the coloniser narrative. And that will open a window for whitey to drop some truthbombs too.
Bless you, China.
Reminder that liberals are and always been the true "racists"
Whites are not the end all be all of everything. The Greeks (foundation upon which later whites would build) were and are a Mediterranean people. Countless influential "muslim" philosophers were ethnic Persians and others. Western culture is not purely white. A purely white culture would be like germanic culture. Western culture is an amalgation of Greco-Roman, Semitic influences which whites built upon to create everything thus far. Whites are the best for sure (again I'm in the HBD camp) but let's not overstate our case here and pretend that other people haven't brought things to the table.
not sure what that is, but those people are trash. Pic related. Other nation have no original manufacturing capabilities, no R&D on anything important, they bring nothing to the world, they are lazy and they cannot even sustain a copy of civilization that was handed down to them.
You see, the biggest problem with soviet lore and soviet people is that they cant understand that the nazi's were fucking right. Completely right.
Communism may have won at that time, and socialism, democracy, republicanism may be the norms right now. But the ideology of the natsoc movement is the one who is most tied to the truth. Even someone like I, whois grandparents fought against the nazi's and almost got killed by them sees such merit in it, that I would even discard the history of us against them.
racial realism and whatever we have here will win purely because its the uncensored truth.
You should phase out of racial-realism and get into HBD. Most "racial realists" tend to be intent on bashing everyone who is not white whereas HBDers are more intent on understanding every group's evolutionary history with nuance as opposed to just saying lolinferior.
a lot of Westernized Chinese kids are falling for the sjw narrative though so there is that .
Niggers arent even human, nor did they even have a written language before actual humans gave it to them, that is why they also regress to their nature once left alone.
all niggers basically need to be genocided.