Why the fuck is nothing happening in europe?

Why the fuck is nothing happening in europe?

Am I the only one who is fucking ready for the white revolution?

Everyone here in Sweden are like "Let's wait til 2018 when the next election is, maybe we will see some change then?"

Why wait? I want change now but I simply cannot do that alone, now can i?

When will this nordic beast awaken?
When will we rise?

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kill urself

>Somalis with muscles
put down the crackpipe

Fuck off, nigger

People like you will get fucking curbstomped to death one day. I swear

>Makes you think

Wait for Trump's first move.

Because they didn't grow up with socialist propaganda in their schools most likely


Went to ikea the other day. Have scandi faggot employees over here for a working holiday I suppose.

You guys are faggots. There's no hope.

Your women are quite nice. Saw a couple of them having lunch together speaking that weirdo faggot language you got. I should impregnate one of them with my superior Australian sperm.


>Tfw you will never be a migrant blowing all kinds of nuts in slutty sw*dish whores

Why even live?

I'm like 2 thirds through the video and they haven't hooked up with any of them

I'd rather wait till the revolution starts for real so I don't have to go to prison when I chimp out


don't chimp out, that never accomplishes anything.

If your planning on going full tactical Autism. Go attack a summer camp for future socialist politicians or something or one of the anti swedish pro immigration parties.

If you want change now, like you're saying, just go join NMR..

There will never be a white revolution. What you are experiencing is anxiety because the world is heading in an irreversible direction. The times of countries named after an ethnic group who has lived there for hundreds of years is over, much like now how empires are over. We are moving to economic blocs and you, Sweden, have been chosen as one of the first places this will occur. You are witnessing a great change. Be grateful

i just want the swedish to go back to being muscular barbarians raping the eternal anglo (and southern italians and russians) again
is it too much to ask?

>When will this nordic beast awaken?
when its time to prep the bull Sven

>When will we rise?
the only thing you rise are muslims cocks, either by sucking their cocks or by giving them your daughters

get fucked cuck :)

That picture is shit. The Swedish girl should have a big grin on her face in that situation.

It's because it's a meme.

Nothing is going to happen until you are ready to kill people like this. Kill. As in capture them, kneel them down, and shoot them in the heads. You're not willing to do that. The very thought is dismissed by you as being "edgy".

And so you will lose. So will we, so I'm not exempt. We're not willing to do what our ancestors did. We've had that beaten out of us. We're too comfortable.

Instead, whites will retreat further, and further inland in their respective countries. To suburbs, then to the countryside, then to gated communities. By the time some future generation of whites IS ready to kneel their enemies down and shoot them, it will only be because non-white rule will have proved, as it always does, to be incompetent and brutal to the point where infrastructure and quality of life plummets to the point where comfort is no longer a barrier to resistance.

You'll do nothing. Because of your, our, collective cowardice, you should pin your hopes to your grandchildren, or an even further out generation yet to be born. They will do what you couldn't, and you will be a shame to them. Rightfully so.

Being ready and doing nothing is still nothing.

Stop waiting and go do it.

Democracies are a tool to stop any kind of major progress. Monarchy is the only true government that works. Nothing will happen because you people will always say "Maybe next election"

Why do you think? Moderaterna had to have Hanif Bali, a Iranian born immigrant tell them that letting in packs of refugees is a bad idea.

>nordic beast
picturing some ugly swedish permavirgin in his basement writing about his delusions of grandeur rn

ok shill

russians fucked them in the ass in the end
if you mean varangians, they weren't swedes

HAHAHA fucking deluded white racist peaces of shit
what race war? what is your underage virgin neet ass gonna do about it?
fucking nothing
White race is dying faster and faster every day and Im jerking off to it. Die you disgusting racist cumskins
White girls were made for BBC

>backtabbing, trecherous conniving

I'm ready also, but I can't find volunteers to rob and beat up random shitskins on the street.

Should we do it?

go buy katanas and a mask and go crazy
probably gonna end up with a kill count of 2 and change nothing like that one swede but anyway

>like that one swede

Serbian girls love some good old BBC as well. Lets not lie ourselves

Hello BND
no, you should not do it.

Just stockpile ammo and food for the impeding collapse of your society and eventual SHTF, Sven.

Find your most bitter and outcast friends, and redpill them, have them stock up on supplies and organize a rally point somewhere recognizable in a small town where rapefugees would avoid. Involve jaded LEO and military/ex-mil friends if you can, and practice as much as you can with your guns

Once you have secured a sizeable militia, prepare a logistics chain to ensure sufficient food, water and fuel to last a few months worth of rationing in case the government can't provide for you. Prepare to go rooftop Korean and shoot any shitskin you see


Do it. You pretty much have an obligation at this point.

>Go so hard on the multicultural route that foreigners have to call you out.
Swedes, what have you done that minorities are more nationalist than you?

because people are pussies thats why

For having the balls to get out of basement and socialize/date white women?

Why do people immigrate to a country because theirs is a shithole, and them try to make it just like where they came from? If i was a nigger and got out of the hood because of crime etc. I wouldnt want all the niggers to follow me.

well maybe Clinton should have won, you'd be fighting Russians by now then

Is it even worth saving anymore?

*leans into microphone*


why are you acting like a nigger, all mad and shit?

do you have the aggression gene?