Today the Wisconsin recount begins

Today the Wisconsin recount begins.


Tomorrow begins the one in Michigan.


I'm scared. Will there be some secret plan? Did someone in the shadow steal Trump's victory?

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>Trump still wins 286-252 even if they manage to steal almost 40k votes

No, this is just to keep The Green Party relevant.
Hillary has already conceded and her candidacy is null and void.

the only plan is doing everything they can to undermine trump's mandate and create a historical narrative to enable future SCOTUS to reverse any decisions made in the next decade on abortion, guns, etc.

It is possible to backtrack on the concede thing.
I'm pretty sure Al Gore conceded twice during the 2000 election.

That's not the point, they're trying to set a precedent to recount in somewhere big like florida. This is where clinton fix would happen. Even more than they already tried,

What's the point if all counties aren't agreeing to participate?

Yes. If the recount is still on, they won't be able to report the final result in order to get the electoral votes. That will exclude wisconsin and michigan completely. There is no way they could finish the recount in both states before december 13. It is their evil plan but seems like no one cares/understands although I have been saying it for weeks now.

>December 13, 2016

>States must make final decisions in any controversies over the appointment of their electors at least six days before the meeting of the Electors. This is so their electoral votes will be presumed valid when presented to Congress.

This. With No one getting those electoral votes they only need 17 electors to flip to prevent a trump presidency. Slow and steady Jeb wins the race.


Michigan will be easy to steal with all the undervotes, just have people secretly fill them in, the Clinton campaign had two weeks to do that

Will MI recount by hand?

Jill Stein will uncover millions of illegal votes. Trump will thank her publicly. Trump/Stein 2020 will run a natsoc campaign. They will win 90% of the pop vote.

also while this is happening instead of organizing the biggest Trump subreddit is sperging out about some irrelevant bullshit drama

they can't recount florida she lost by more than 120k

Stein already pretty much admitted this is happening because Clinton was supposed to win yesterday

She doesn't even need Florida. She needs to stall this enough and throw enough doubt upon it so it goes to the Supreme Court

Also this, absolutely. It's the most bizarre thing I've seen.

but you said just yesturday how hippies wouldnt be able to go to notary, spen 50-100$ etc. what happened?

Sup Forums clearly doesn't know shit and pretends if they ignore this hard enough, it will go away. Meanwhile the Dems are organizing like crazy and are ballsdeep in the poll monitoring already

that's not what happens
the house would vote on a president, and put Trump up since they don't want a fucking civil war, if Hillary somehow stole a win through this EC bullshit, they would impeach her due to illegitimacy

I´m really confused now. Last time I checked it was damaging democracy if a candidate refuses to accept the outcome of an election no matter what.

Could it be that liberals are indeed twofaced bigots? Who would have thought.

source for pic:

>impeaching a Clinton

Hmmmm.... I'm sure that would work.

Mfw KEK powers will bring to uncover all the illegal aliens who voted for Clinton and Trump gains even more vote.

>Republican controlled everything allowing an illegitimate candidate to rule
not happening

> le civil war meme
You mean a couple of spergs shoot up the local mall and then everyone goes home

>No hand recount
They will just push a button and the machines will recount all the same votes

Could they just recount southern Texas/California? Then Trump would win in a landslide if they weeded out illegals votes.

Drumpf is done

> the (((machines)))
Nothing to see here clearly

PA didn't even meet the recount cutoff date, that's a non issue
machine recount of MI will take a day, certification a day (just like the election). They have 13 days. What are you talking about?
Supreme court and House would hold in favor of Trump because obvious manipulation and last ditch fuckery is obvious manipulation and last ditch fuckery.

>> le civil war meme
man you're retarded
I don't think you understand the shitstorm that would occur if an illegitimate candidate ended up being put into power in the most undemocratic/republican way imaginable

MI was paper ballots only and that's why they took a fucking year to count their shit

If the machines miscounted, resulting in more Clinton, or more Trump votes, it's likely they would have to audit the software, regardless.

You really think Hillary would do that? Have her goons commit voter fraud? Hillary would go on the internet and tell lies?

Yeah and what will you do personally? Take the week off and shitpost on Sup Forums even harder?

PA has a court hearing on Monday. Really makes you think.

>if an illegitimate candidate ended up being put into power in the most undemocratic/republican way imaginable

Maybe that's why Soros is trying to delegitimize Trumps presidency as much as possible. The parasite literally feeds of civil unrest.

No. Absentee ballots were left outstanding.

I won't need to do anything, the republicans are not going to allow Clinton to win, they will impeach her because not doing so will cause much more problems than it could ever solve.

You need to pull your fucking head out of your ass

>PA has a court hearing on Monday
where Stein has to PROVE that there was voter fraud in Pennsylvania
good fucking luck

Being more than one or two votes off would be a huge shame for a company

> I won't need to do anything
Meaning you won't do anything.

It would be convenient if some (((irregularities))) turned up in WI and MI just in time for the PA hearing

pull your fucking head out of your goddamn ass you retard
she has to flip over 10,000 votes in MI and 30,000 in WI then 70,000 in PA
nothing like this has ever fucking happened in our history, not even jew poster boy Gore could flip 500 votes in fucking Florida, (((they))) know they could never fucking get away with it, it's too fucking obvious, at most, it will be a tighter race in MI and WI but nothing else. Not to mention MI is 100% paper ballots, good luck finding (((irregularities))) there

>tfw no hanging chad. comfy 2000.

More than anything no one would understand it now. Everyone has understood Trump to be president for weeks now. Even normies would understand fuckery was afoot if shit started to get fucked last minute by jews and marxists. Plus Trump has the backing of the other jews and cryptokikes at this point. Game set match. The ZOG jews wouldn't want the whole illusion to go up in smoke for what could be accomplished next go round more or less legitimately without redpilling hundreds of millions of people who would instantaneously be devoted to their utter destruction...

don't be retarded, you can't uncower illiegals voting after the vote has been already cast, quite sure they don't stamp names on the ballots

this is designed to steal the election from Trump and her fundraiser was mostly paid for by the clinton campaign through a bot

Why on earth did Michigan agree to recount when they use paper ballots?

Also did anyone volunteer to help observe? I wanna hear some cool stories of liberals getting caught red handed trying to tamper with the votes.

make one up.

10 000 votes isn't that much. And they only need to flip one state to mire down the whole thing in recounts.

Everything about this election has been unprecedented and unfair in an unprecedented way

Maybe, maybe not. If there's even 1% chance that could fuck him over, you'd think his supoorters would be on it instead of sperging out about irrelevant plebbit shit

it's too fucking late to use tricks
even Obama told Clinton to fuck off and not to try anything, yet she didn't listen, funny how that works.

Michigan isnt recounting fuck head

>10 000 votes isn't that much
they couldn't flip Florida which had a 500 vote difference, at literally no point in time has a recount ever changed anything. She has to flip all three of these states, and let me tell you, if fuckery goes on Trump is going to demand them in Minnesota, Nevada and New Hampshire as well, as well as calling for an audit in California

the only thing unprecedented about this election is Trump himself
this isn't the first time there was a stunning upset
this isn't the first time the popular vote didn't go to the winner
this isn't the first time a republican flipped blue states
this isn't the first time liberals lost their shit and declared it the end of the world

(((they))) can't do anything and not have it be obvious

>so it goes to the Supreme Court
not how it works, retard

Bush v. Gore happened because Gore was a little faggot who wanted to cherrypick which Florida counties got recounted, which is unfair to the rest of the state

Doesn't matter. Different rules apply to Bush, the establishment candidate than to Trump. Has this cycle not taught you anything?

A lot of things that shouldn't have happened are happening. MI only uses paper ballots and has already counted twice. You'd think they reject the recount appeal and yet they're going ahead, starting tomorrow.

Both sides have their reasons for ignoring it. It makes sense from Trump's side because he get to pick his cabinet positions and build his power base within the ranks of the Washinton elite (who would collectively, by the way, pull the necessary strings in the SCOTUS and Congress to receive the more righteous outcome of Trump again)

It makes sense for Clinton because for a few days it looked like she was going back on her promise not to be an obvious shill for ZOG kikery, trying to fuck up the legitimacy of the democratic process while being a complete hypocrite based on her language arising out of stupid predictions that she'd win in a landside. Trump would begin calls himself again for LOCK HER UP. He'd win that fight too.

Seems like her only hail Mary would be to send it to the house with the electors who'd pick a consensus candidate like Kasich, but that happens later. This is just to maintain the heat.

Political parties are private entities (You don't need to have a party to run for election, but it sure helps) so they are allowed to abide by their own rules for nominating candidates.

We're past that now. This isn't Europe, we don't say "lol who cares about da laws" and do random shit to help the ruling party

Yes it is.

> obvious
They don't care about that. Everything was obviously biased against Trump and none of you did shit about it. Leftists don't care about being fair, they think stopping literally Hitler is justified to suspend democracy temporarily.

Get 1-2% of the population chimping out that is also highly armed; the gov is going to have a bad time

Dema aren't ignoring this, stop being delusional. They're signing up to (((observe))) like crazy.

Not for long. If only 1-2% is chimping out and killing people, you will absolutely be the bad guys and be put down immediately. And if you're just protesting in the streets, it won't even get the local news coverage.

you're just concern trolling. Tinfoil tier. Get over it.

you really need to understand that shit in the US is 100% different from Europe and much of what happened this election is not unheard of


> if i ignore it hard enough it will surely go away

>That's not the point, they're trying to set a precedent to recount in somewhere big like florida. This is where clinton fix would happen.

That doesn't make sense. The EC benefits republicans at this point in time. Democrats have an estimated 15% lead in party voters (when they actually get off their asses and vote) They wouldn't want to set a precedent that the republicans would use against them.

>if you concern troll hard enough muh QUEEN will slay

No, it's not. Our establishment, while biased against Hofer, has never allowed even half of what was done to Trump. There are msm journalists calling for his assassination on live tv and no one gives a fuck.

that's because you snowniggers don't have a healthy sense of humor.

Yeah, everyone who tells you to stop being retarded, get off your arse and actually do something is pro-Clinton secretly.
Jill Stein is based and supports Trump, that's why only red states are being recounted, now can we please go back to something genuinely important like plebbit being mean.

>enable future SCOTUS to reverse any decisions made in the next decade on abortion, guns, etc.

It doesn't work like that. The SCOTUS can not change a decision unless a relevant case is brought before them. They can't just wake up one day and be like "Fuck this abortion shit" ... there needs to be a case brought before them, that they agree to hear, that directly relates to the topic, that the decision on would directly affect the previous ruling.

This is why dems pantshitting themselves over having abortion and gay-marriage repealed are idiots that know nothing about how our country works.

How much of this healthy sense of humor has been directed towards Obama I wonder? You're the leftist troll it seems.

Taken out with what? Civvies aren't taking on the military head on dipshit. It will be supply lines being hit and no one being found to blame for it. The military has already shown that fighting insurgencies is a losing battle too.

>bad guys

I'm glad the Australian knows what American opinion will be:^)

>Not even in main Media anti-Trump like CNN
Foxnew even report that recount will not happen in WI and PA.

You don't know anything lol

I think you've started to confuse yourself. It ain't easy being jew?
>Thuh lies uh they neveuh Stop!

No refunds, remember.

>i can't help but think she recently felt the bern

The US military has shown it cannot fight insurgencies? Are you clinically insane?

The WI recount hs started today.

Tell me more how leftist journos calling to kill Trump is "heathy humor", CTR shill

Man either CTR is still concern and confidence trolling or Europe is *inordinately* interested in which team of kikes get elected in our republic.

liberals are so two-faced they actually have three faces.

> le Trump is a kike and the same as Clinton shillpost

You're really going all out, aren't you

Total Trump supporter here and not ashamed. He's created jobs over here in the UK. I don't see why that's a crime. Maybe Trump can do the same over there for you lot.

Oh there's a difference between the eastern families and the ZOGist...but the difference isn't about the qualities or concerns of the American people. Don't play dumb. This shit is common knowledge on /pol, even for most of the semi-normie MAGA-bros.

ebin argument

There's also a 5 county recount going on in Clinton won Nevada and if there is a 1% discrepancy a full recount will happen

Look at the war on terrorism. You think that is "winning?"

Jill Stein looks like a witch in that pic

Nice backpedalling.
You deny that Dems are participating in the recount even though they are.
You say calling for Trump to be killed is "healthy humor"
You finish up with saying there is no difference who gets elected.

Really made me think.

Al Gore loss was one state (Florida) with 500 votes margin. Trump win was 3 states with 60k+ margin...

Source then.
I mean, if the anti-Trump main media not report it, why not ?

There is no war on terrorism.
Clinton's emails have shown that they're fully aware that Saudi Arabia and Qatar are supporting ISIS and Al Qaeda and yet these countries are still the biggest receipients of your arms trade and you still let them openly invade Syria and Yemen where they can recruit even more people.

Twice HAHAHAHA wtf! As if losing once wasn't hard enough for anyone

It's reported.

Trump's lead is above 26 EVs so it's not like this could change anything in the first place.

>It is possible to backtrack on the concede thing.

Nope, she conceded and admitted it was over. It's over.

You're totally misreading what I said. There are separate teams, just not Dems versus GOP. One team has lost here in part of a much larger struggle that has been going on worldwide for eons. There's no such thing as democracy in the USA, but there are people who overall mean harm to the people living America. Those people lost.

Come on Europe as you claim you are. I thought you were supposed to be smart and know at least inklings of such things.
>muh American education system for you

This has prompted a recount in a few counties in nevada. Illegal votes are surely to be counted

Weird that mainstream media not report it though.

> no such thing as democracy
> we have laws unlike you you know
It's obvious you're not a Trump supporter, why even continue this conversation? I was talking to those who are

*you mean detected
Check them against the voter registration rolls, obvious fuckery will be laid bare. ''''dems''' called off their dogs.

They have, just google news WI recount
We knew for days the recount will start today

>recount should finish up by 8pm Dec. 12
I can see why Jill is doing this... that's pretty damn close to the deadline.

PA recount is not happening. Jillary lost.