Electors resuse to vote

How can we stop this Sup Forums or at least hinder it in some way. We can never rest around these leftist commie fucks for a damn second.


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We find them, and stand outside their homes exercising open carry.


>democrats in charge of being democratic

>15 electors agree to not vote trump

so...are they blue state electors?

>...TV host David Pakman says he was told by a high level source...
really makes me think

It's treason then

At least 7 are, and they're voting for a "Moderate" "alternative" Republican.

Jeb might unironically get more electoral votes than he ever got delegates

If they don't elect Trump we will have civil war.

Wouldn't it make more sense to help them supress Trump ec voters have him get robbed of the presidency so we can sit back and watch it all burn?

>15 dem electors leave out the fact which candidate they were supposed to vote for to make the headline more interesting

Remind me again why we have electors? Can't the electoral points just be added up by themselves? Why risk leaving it in the hands of humans?

We will have their names and faces. Holy shit that's so dumb. The who Republican party is willing to work with Trump, make amends and all and those idiots are still butthurt because he said "pussy" once. That's so pathetic. It can't be true. If it is they willl never convince enough people to depose Trump.


Infowars was the only site they got right on those fake news list.


I don't think we need to worry too much about it.

Originally it was all supposed to be in the hands of the electors, there were not even supposed to be candidates.

This is great news! You should encourage more electors to ditch Trump. That way we can have a civil war happening!

American "democracy".

And they say America is a democracy.

oh no, 15 electors who were from states where Hillary won are gonna vote for Hillary

I'm quaking in my fuckin boots here

Doxx them all.
Spread it everywhere.
Make sure the traitors are known to the people.

>electors don't vote for Trump
>doesn't get the 270 votes required
>election goes to the House and Senate
>republican controlled Congress elects Trump and Pence

It doesn't matter if the colleges don't vote for him, he will win anyway.

That's because we're a republic, not a democracy.

>an elector resigns, citing reason: Electing Trump is unbiblical
And electing sodomite "marriage" and abortion-loving HRC is doing God's work.

Jews have ruined America.

Can't they just be fucking fired? They're refusing to do their job.

>A republic means the whole country will vote every 4 years but then the electors will do whatever they want
ok burguer

If electors defect too much, you can expect there to be a serious revolt on par with civil war.

I'm saying this to warn liberals who fail to realize that after the Obama election fiasco, nothing (and i mean NOTHING) is going to let you take away their Trump victory.

t. centrist

underrated post

I presumed that when the US election was done a President would be sworn in right away after the counting. This delay has caused a lot of confusion and time for trouble making. Just get it over with.

>this is what rednecks actually believe
When liberals don't get their way, riots start, small businesses are ruined, thousands are injured.
When conservatives don't get their way, they whine on Sup Forums and facebook.

>Starts 60 gorillions wars all over the World in the name of 'democracy'

>Has no democracy at home

Wew lad

The election day does not decide the president, it only gives a projection.
The actual voting isn't until December.

As if that doesnt fall under harassment



The electoral college was put into place so that major cities didn't control the country. It helps smaller states to have a voice.

Civil war wouldn't happen. White people are too civilized to go to war with niggers. We would just sit back and let them fuck us. I don't know where all of this civil war LARPing is coming from. When have conservatives ever stood up for themselves on a large scale? They've never even rioted but suddenly they're going to pick up their guns and start mowing niggers down. Give me a break.

Yeah too used to Britbong elections quick change results. They chuck the old PM out of No 10 Downing Street before he or she can say 'have we lost then?' and the new Prime Minister is having pics taken with the Queen, all smiles.

Oh well popcorn time.

It gives the projection until all votes are counted.

Welp, they're all in, except maybe for California, which is already automatically blue.

No, it doesn't, because none of the electors have voted yet.
It only assumes they will. Romney VS Obama was close as shit on election day but by December Obama had won by a landslide.

And the electors still make the final choice...

What's wrong with this though?

When Trump won the electoral vote even though he lost the popular vote every Trump supporter on here was screaming "Fuck you Hill Shills that's just how the United States works!"

Well, this is how the United States works. The electoral college serves two purposes:
(1) To ensure that the needs small rural states are not cast aside by more populated states.
(2) To have a check that ensures the ignorant populace does not elect a tyrant.

To praise one purpose and condemn the other is hypocritical. This is our system, this is how it works. With the exception of a few states that mandate electors vote on the suggestion of the people there is no ethical or constitutional obligation for these men and women to vote in a way that are strongly opposed to.

You should just let this play out. Threatening to intimidate them with guns, charge them with treason, initiate civil war, and doxx them is hilariously uncivil.

They're mandated to vote in accordance to the results of their respective state.

>A teenager from Washington state has become the seventh person to indicate that she will break ranks with party affiliation and become a “faithless elector” in an attempt to prevent Donald Trump being formally enshrined as president-elect when the electoral college meets on 19 December.

Levi Guerra, 19, from Vancouver, Washington, is set to announce that she is joining the ranks of the so-called “Hamilton electors” at a press conference at the state capitol in Olympia on Wednesday.

The renegade group believes it is the responsibility of the 538 electors who make up the electoral college to show moral courage in preventing demagogues and other threats to the nation from gaining the keys to the White House, as the founding fathers intended.

“I stand behind Hamilton electors,” Guerra said in a statement to the Guardian. “I promised those who elected me that I would do everything I could to keep Donald Trump out of office.”

God bless America.

that doesn't have jack shit to do to the electors doing what they want.

Why have a vote at all? The final results were 232 / 306. There is no point in having electors.

I mean, he resigned so he will be replaced, which is fine.

But that's a fucking Texas elector, it's not like it was some fucking swing state or something, it doesn't take a fucking genius.

So he loses WI and MI due to dems stalling the recounts past the deadline and these 15 electors refuse to vote for him. Assuming none are from WI and MI that means Trump loses and the election is thrown to the house who will vote in...

First it's good, then literally evil, then godsend? These fuckers flip flop harder than a fish out of water.

If people can do it to brock turner people can do it to these faggots

Almost all of them are electors from blue states and thus aren't obligated to vote for Trump in the first place. It's literally nothing. Sage.


You can start here:
Electoral College Names: Who Are the Electors Who Will Vote for President?

Kek. Bless Palpatine!

>15 electors will refuse to vote for Trump.
>Include Elector in Colorado and Washington state.

The electors still have a duty to uphold the principles of democracy and vote according to the wishes of the people. If they choose to vote opposite of the way they have done since it's inception you can bet there'll be open rebellion.

He can't lose elector in MI and WI.
The law again it.

Threaten to hellfire their house for breaking the nap

...if it is corrupt to a point where it can't change legally, it will be changed violently.

If they are so afraid of a 1930's germany, they will stop recreating a 1920's Germany, which is where the entire west is currently headed.

If people like Trump or Sanders fail, someone far more radical will come along.

It's inevitable.

Who cares? They know what they're getting themselves into.

Literally no, you are factually wrong.
If he won the electoral vote guess what that implies. You said so in your second sentence. I'll spell it out for you "When Trump won the electoral vote..." means the votes MUST go to him, or be trialed for treason.
This really is very simple to understand you live in a democracy, not a meritocracy and certainly not a plutocracy like you imply.

>Liberal education

American Civil War, nincompoop

>If people like Trump or Sanders fail, someone far more radical will come along.

This. They don't understand that out of all the Republican candidates Trump was easily the most moderate.

Not if the state has laws against that ;^)



Leftist commies don't really want to block the election. It's the liberals who actually think HRC would be """better""" and trump would be a """disaster"""
t. leftist commie


republican electors aren't going to shoot themselves in the dick this far in

When did Liberals get painfully retarded to the point of mimicking the Republican Tea Party?

I swear they've been acting triple retarded with the "not my president" riots and attacking random white people who "look like trump supporters".

This kind of behavior is why people support Trump regardless of his stance. Liberals have gone off their leash and been acting like a feral dog.

Oooooh. What are the libcucks saying about this?

Oh we'll be doing more than blaming them

Absolutely nothing. It got reported then forgotten. Cuz drumpf amiright?

muh fake news

muh recount

muh popular vote

I would absolutely love to see you try to source that.

Only 21 states have laws mandating the electors follow the will of the people. In the others the state election is basically a suggestion. "Faithless electors" can vote how they please and they certainly will not be tried for treason if they refuse to vote for Trump.

>15 electoral voters aren't voting for hillary

>Washington state
>voted for Hillary
So she's going to ignore the Hillary voters, and vote for a "moderate Republicuck". Wow! Really showed us Trump supporters!

Might as well vote for Bernie at that point
>he can still win guys!

This whole thing has been such a cluster fuck. I'd like to see Hillary and Trump both get shot in the face then hold another election.

Is anyone else worried about the recount? I feel like something suspicious is going on behind the scenes.


I'm stocking my gun shelves as we speak.

That won't stop an angry mob from burning down their house

What is wrong is that every state voted. You see this fucking map? More counties in more states voted for Trump, not hillary.

The point of the EC is so that those big as blue cities DO NOT CONTROL EVERY ELECTION.

Trump is not a tyrant, he is a businessman like early presidents were. Other presidents have banned people from shitskin countries, been against abortion, been rich, been on t.v./movies, and have done far worse than saying grab her by the pussy.

They are not voting to stop a tyrant, they are voting against him because they are fucking babies.

>they need 38 electors to switch
>they have 15
>not even a month left

the only thing this publicity stunt will get them is a cattle bolt to the back of the head after Trump assumes office

Really sounds like a mature group of people if that's how they express their feelings.

some of these niglords won't even vote for hillary either

literally nothing will change

Why the fuck is a 19 year old even allowed to do this shit. Can't even drink alcohol, barely lived enough to vote once, a freshman in college probably.

>not pulling the trigger

If these lefty fags didnt vote for trump in their respective states i would do more to them and thier family in order to send a message.

Not all of them.

That's irrelevant. And what's really getting under your skin is how powerless you are.

The electors do not have to follow the will of the people. They can decide not to vote for Trump for literally any reason, including "because they are fucking babies" and it is perfectly constitutional. We do not live in a democracy like you're fantasizing.

That map really illuminates how badly the Democrats were blown out.

In 2016, they basically only won cities, college towns, and black and hispanic counties. The consistent blue region in eastern Iowa and western Wisconsin disappeared. That's what happens when you nominate a kleptocrat.

>Too retarded to understand the difference between area and density.

Most swing states have laws against voting against the popular vote, and if they do their votes do not count and they are replaced.

Those that do not, the electors are selected by the winning party because they are loyalists.

If you can somehow turn the 36 electorate needed, then it goes to the the house who will just pick Trump out of fear of losing their sweet position over the next few years(decades?)

We are just watching repeats from earlier in the election now...

>Maybe there will be a contested convention!
Not fucking likely!

Yes, subhuman city degenerates and gibs are the only people who actually voted for Hillary


found your problem - you posted an entertainment site when you thought you were posting a news source

this, electors that dont uphold the constitution deserve the rope, that goes for their whole bloodline too

Looks like somebody should tell that 19-year-old that she literally can't do that.


Oh I understand the difference, but I also know that there's been a consistent Democrat presence in eastern Iowa and western Wisconsin. The last time some of those counties voted Republican was 1984.

Now, the only counties that voted Democrat in Iowa held cities (Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Davenport), or college towns (Ames, Iowa City, Cedar Falls). All of six counties voted Democrat in 2016, whereas the eastern third of the state voted Democrat in 2012.

It doesn't matter, their actual voting is procedural at best, an old tradition they do not care to understand, and just pomp and circumstance. Fuck their fee fees. It's gonna happen. He's elected