*The Game that Doesn't Lie*

*The Game that Doesn't Lie*

There is essentially no chance in chess. It's very difficult to cheat, and you can't use performance enhancers in any meaningful way.

It's possible to be intelligent and play chess poorly, but the vast majority of Chessmasters have impressive IQ scores. It's easily a good way of measuring some forms of intelligence.

Studies also show that making children play chess created serious advantages in other fields of learning.

The picture is very related. These are the top ten Chessmasters. Number one obviously being the only bragging rights Norway has. Let's take a look at the rest:

All white, except for a couple of Asians. You see Japan represented (of course) and India. Why the poo in loo? Chess was actually invented in India, so it's not a surprise.

Take a look through the FIDE rankings. Took me a while to find a black Grandmaster.

Also, no woman exists in the top 100, I only looked that far.

Pretty autistic rambling I know, but I find it interesting that chess is the game that doesn't lie. It's a redpill in itself. Also if you don't play it, you should. Consider it the mental equivalent of circuit training. It's very good for you.

Other urls found in this thread:


Guess who invented the game. Hint : We did.

I know. I said that in the post you illiterate poo in loo.

There are actually plenty of intelligent poos, but that's not your problem, your problem is your fucked of social system and bizarre habits.

it says in the op, still haven't invented reading comprehension?

First post worst post

Top kek. Maybe they just have chessmasters because there's so many of them that one of them is bound to hack it.

In all seriousness, chess is quite popular in India, so it's not shocking that they produce some quality players.

>First post worst post

First poost worst poost

But phajeet it says right in the original post.

I know, I just stated it in case someone says tl;dr

Learn to read.

the asians are too busy playing go, which is more complex than chess. it too far longer for a computer to beat human go champions, while garry kasparov was btfo by deep blue ages ago

sorry white man.

That's a shitty TL;DR. Also fuck TL;DR if you're too autistic to read my entire post which is less than a page of writing, go back to Imgur and look at pictures of cats.

It's more like no one wants to play it. Games take too long. Chess also has a variety of pieces. Also chess will probably never be solved due to that variety, although Go is partially solved.

Fuck you leaf

I'll have you know we kick your ass at putting sticks on your feet and walking in the snow really fast, you little faggot.

And we fucking crushing you at putting sticks in your hands and blades on your feet you lil bitch

Not really. Your modern chess engines can beat or draw all the GMs 99% of the time, particularly engines like Komodo or stockfish. Go has more possible moves then chess too.

Chess computers can win yes, but chess isn't solved. Even computer analysts think that it will be hundreds of years before we have the computing power to consider all possible outcomes. I'm sure the same exists for Go, but again, go isn't universally played like Chess, so chess is a better metric of race/sex and intelligence.

I particularly find the lack of female grandmasters amusing.

I know, we come train in your shithole all the time kek.



He's pretty fucking white as he's Armenian. Armenians are sort of an oddity, but they have links back to Greece, so I'm down to consider them long lost white family. Certainly no worse than a slav.

A certain variation in King's gambit has been solved, I think, concluding black can win with perfect play.

Based leaf

girls arent even interested to begin with. i do know a couple black dudes that shred at chess but no females

A leaf, who would've thought.

didnt persians invent chess?
The word Shah(chess) is a persian ruler title

There are plenty girls interested in chess here. On the left is youth world champion, Laura Unuk.

Women and men have separate ratings in FIDE.

Which is odd....one of the big questions of chess is whether black or white wins with perfect play. They're still unsure. Most people say chess is a draw.

world power by 3050

No they aren't, because for the most part their minds operate differently. And that's fine. It's just a good example of the difference in our behaviour that really gets under feminists skin and I love that.

They think that Chess came from India IIRC. They're unsure. I believe the Spanish refined it to it's current form.

How does it feel being beaten so badly at a game you invented?

There are plenty of women who would kick my ass at chess. It doesn't change the fact that they aren't as good as men overall.

Not true, they don't. They can aquire special separate titles, but not ratings.

Of course they do. So does Olympic boxing.

No, the ratings are the same. (ELO score)

And yes, there is not a single woman in the top 100 chess players.

It's funny. Men can only compete in tournaments for everybody, where women can also compete.

However women also have their own seperate league, where men cant compete.

Just checked, you are in fact correct. That's why no woman exists in the top 100.

Well, in kings gambit white sacrifices a pawn. Thus, if black manages to hold against white's initiative and keeps the pawn, it's not hard to imagine black has a better chance to win.

Its not a good way to measure Intelligence. Because beside intelligence, you also need knowledge, practice and experience.

>no performance enhancing drugs
>he doesn't know about dat dere celltech

> you see japan represented

wesley so and nakamura are american

the only promising top tier asian i can think of is Wei Yi

Still of Asian heritage. According to his statement that IQ may be very well race related this doesn't change anything.

Still, didn't know that.

Kek, "american" means nothing in terms of ethnicity. They are japanese and philippino.
I agree on Wei Yi, though, hopefully he follows the steps of Carlsen and challenges him one day. Chinese are quite impressive though, they started being strong only quite recently.

Yes. In my experience though I've been really successful with the kings gambit. However I'm playing at a low enough level that I almost always get the pawn back or can push in fast enough to make it count.

Correct, however if you take a man and woman who have no experience or practice and place them against each other, it does prove useful in identifying certain forms of intelligence - IE memory, pattern recognition, planning etc.

Women have smaller brain volumes and so do blacks. They can't compete.

I've never identified myself even as a racial realist, but that is the logical conclusion yes.

It's basically brain Olympics. At this high level the extra brain volume is as meaningful as the extra fast twitch muscle fibres that blacks have.

Did you know they have different competitions for women and men, just like in sport?
What does that tell you there's actually a woman grandmaster title or whatever it's called when you're at the top?

Unfortunately the few men that are exceptionally smart are the exception. Men's largest advantage over women currently is just having an interest in things that are STEM related.

Yeah so far I've broken it down in my head as Asians - top tier intelligence, weaker bodies. Blacks, on the opposite end of the spectrum. Whites - in the comfy middle.
I think our combination of martial prowess and ability to think is what made white people so dominant in part at least.

And men being better at chess shows that we are better at long term planning, pattern recognition and problem solving then women. Most scientists know these facts, but they don't admit them because...well look at the guy that landed a probe on a comet but had a sexist shirt.

Women can aquire GM title, all the top women have it. WGM is a separate title, reserved only for women, and it's rougly equivalent to IM in men's ratings.

>nigger checkers

Pls play a real game

Takes too long. Some of us have jobs.

have you actually been to china? I have serious doubts that they have given an IQ test to that many people to get an average

>takes too late long
>shitposting 10am on a Thursday

Negative only Thailand and Afghanistan. However my sister lives in China. They certainly aren't all geniuses that's for sure. One of the grandmasters I posted is Japanese not Chinese.


Despite what you might think about Milo this news talk made me kek at the nigresses butthurt


The only person I've ever seen play this or try to play this irl was my autistic roommate and a fat guy wearing a trenchcoat and fedora

Who says I don't get paid to shitpost?

No I'm in the army, I do nothing a lot of the time, and then when I'm busy I'm really busy. I work 12 hour days right now, but as you observed - plenty of time for Shitposting, although having a go board out would not please my COC.

Yes it's much more niche. Also, maybe reconsider your choice of roommates. That sounds like your home life is a meme.

That shit is what milo is basically good for. Getting under their skin.
The chess player in question really dindu nuffin. He pointed out a fact and people flipped.

Chess is not only a great game, it's sexist and racist. I love it.

oh pardon pardon, me scuzzi,
real game coming through

anyone else never learned how to play? chess doesn't seem very popular here

Hurry up and wait, user. Good times.

Kek checkers is for those who aren't smart enough to play chess.

Ebry day my burger. Half of my platoon is on exercise for a bunch of officers, so we're stuck here for long hours doing essentially nothing. Fortunately Pol isn't blocked on our network...for some reason.

I learned at 15. One can still get to a decent level even if one starts very late.

Dunno why it wouldn't be popular it's a god-tier game that works out your mind. Give it a shot, when you do get a win you will gain a great feeling of satisfaction that is addictive.

Also one of the greatest players ever (Fischer) was an autist that hated Jews lol. Look it up.

Learned when 14. Stopped playing till 28, started playing again then, am 30 now. Not doing too bad, the trick is to play with people of your level, or a bit better than you preferably.

I learned to play chess when I was like 5 or something

Too bad I'm a neet now

yes but are you a neet that's good at chess?

i don't think so

Then you're a disappointment to your family, and stop stealing our cod.

Yeah and the russian won. Which makes you look really, really stupid. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

What the fuck are you talking about Achmed. Are you talking about the most recent match? Because the snow nigger Carlsen won resoundingly. Go back to groping locals.