It's looking pretty bad, boys
It's looking pretty bad, boys
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Pretty sad desu.
Yup and Hillary Clinton will win the election. I believe it due to this graphical representation.
This is because of the one drop rule, massive debt young adults are saddled with, and a general apathy towards having kids.
It will bounce back, millennials are just ridiculously stuck in themselves.
>entire youth told to be responsible
>wear a condom, use birth control, don't have kids until you're financially stable
>we gotta do our part
>shitskins ignore this and out breed us
>the media and society demonizes us, destroys our manhood, robs us of our place in this country
There needs to be a revolution.
This happens in all developed nations
Why is this important again? As long as the economy stays good, who cares
That China bit caught me off-guard.
Truly shameless these jews, ain't they ?
thanks capitalism
>whites are dying faster
>due to a silent epidemic
>of suicide, drugs and alcohol poisoning
>Jews shilling for war with China
Really activates my almonds
Are millenials the last generation to enjoy a white majority?
Yeaaah, about that...
IQ is 100% genetic, and IQ is the best and a direct predictor for GDP per capita...
Indeed. I wonder who could be responsible for such a travesty?
The economy itself means nothing if can't participate
how about you guys start fucking women instead of men faggots? do you guys really want niggers to rule usa!?
>IQ is 100% genetic
Proofs, faggot. We don't need racists on this board
Too little too late though.
European nations are already crippled almost beyond restauration, needing a civil war and a genocidal purge to be salvaged, and the jews can't subvert the east asians since the main tool of the jews, nepotism and looking like a local, can't work in neither China nor Japon ( In fact, there was once a sizeable population of jews in Japon, but it have by now been reduced to less than 2k since they can't easily do their jewry in all that lack of diversity ).
If the jews win, they leave Terra open for the east asians since the only reason they're not genociding all non-east asians is europeans and their retarded altruism.
If the jews lose, well, they won't lose isn't it ?
Learn mandarin now, and mix your blood with the insect people. They are the future.
This map comfirms.
I'm moving to Argentina
There are three mistakes in your post
>Your source is shit they literally made up some nations' IQ by averagin the IQ of their neighbours
>IQ is around 40-70% genetic
>Its not a direct predictor of GDP per capita, check china and guinea ecuatorial
I'm pretty sure they just don't want to be surrounded by niggers.
Can't blame them for that.
Yes, there will be soon brother.
I'm not racist, i am just accepting the reality of genetics and only seek to genocide all the inferior races and the filth among our own, from the low-IQ to the treacherous ( since behaviour is also 100% genetic ).
If that makes me a racist in your eyes, so be it.
Why don't you make quota for white immigrants and brown immigrants?
Cant wait until Amricans are mostly brown marxists social justice warriors... its going to be hilarious, Cops cops will be fined if the arrest blacks or hispanics, the first Black-Trans-Disabeled President... its a bright future
>Learn mandarin now, and mix your blood with the insect people. They are the future.
>politically correcting people on this board
"We" especially hate entitlement on this board leftfag
>those purple states
Literally all you have to do is stop heroin and meth from entering the country and this trend will cease immediately
The 60-30% that is environmental, what determine that environment ?
Largely other people. And where do those others' peoples capability/behaviour/smarts/decency comes from ? Genetics.
Environment passes through the lens of genetics, not the inverse you retard.
IQ, behaviour, anything tied to biology is 100% genetic.
Environment merely dictate how genetics are applied.
No amount of environment tuning can make an african group performing like europeans, no amount of environment destruction can make europeans perform like africans.
Deal with it you mestizo shit.
Yet you're still here, making a thread about it.
>Whites are dying so fast guys!
>It totally doesn't have anything at all to do with white women being brainwashed into wanting to fuck Tyrone or being told to go to college instead of being a housewife at 18 to an average dude and smashing out kids like the rest of the races
>No, it because whites are destructive
>Not the Jews and their twisted grip on media and scholastic environments polluting white children's minds from an early age
>Stupid white people. Fuck 'em all.
>That whole genocide of white people thing was obviously a myth by white supremacists
>Welcome to diversity
>Which is not code-word for anti-white.
We europeans have proven time and time again that universalism is in our blood.
I have no interest in tying my blood with a doomed species.
See the following why and how, exactly.
Yes, gen z is already 50.2% nonwhite. If you are an American in your 20s, you will die in a country that looks nothing like the one you were born in. By 2040 white will no longer be the majority of the total population, and by 2060 we may be surpassed by hispanics in number.
Either start getting ethnic nationalism going right now, move to a different white country that's not headed off a cliff, or get ready to live in the North American equivalent of South Africa. Once non-whites become the majority there WILL be racially-motivated violence against whites, and not like you're seeing already.
but the media said white genocide was a white nationalist conspiracy theory
Fuck yeah Jews you rock! Thanks for being such a cancer on society. Really. I thank you so much, Jews.
You've also proven time and time again that you rise up eventually and take back your lands. Although this is probably the hardest fight you've had yet thanks to just letting in millions of invaders without any fight. And traveling is a lot easier these days than in thr past so more make it into the heartland of your lands. Still. I think it will be tough but Europa will prevail.
Florida is an exception IMO. The map only indicates whether white births exceed white deaths in each state. Florida is well known as a retirement state, so the white population is actually increasing there. But since it's old people moving in, their deaths outnumber the births of native Floridian whites.
Thanks for xenophobic wisdom, nip. BUT WHAT DO WE DO ABOUT IT?!
>well guise if we let niggers among niggers you can clearly see they remain stupid
Are you mental? I mean i understand why a franchute would want to blame his low IQ on "muh genetics", YET we are talking about immigration here. The fact remains that a nigger in a mongoloid, or even white, "enviroment" ("culture" if you will) will have a higher iq than an african nigger.
The answer is simple Japan.
White people and Nips need to interbreed and take over the world with our goofy looking children of higher moral character.
who is this news meant to inform, and for what purpose?
underrated. The oceans are already nearly depleted. Desertification is threatening Africa and Asia, and if any of the climate change or peak oil predictions are even close to true there'll be some major happenings within 50 years. When mass famines and water wars come I'd bet on Whites to survive better than all other groups, that is if our racial identity isn't totally dead by then.
It reminds me of tales about lebanon. You know, there was a lot of christian siding with the rising moslem demographics politically. Then, when the inevitable ethinic cleansing started once the subhumans ( well the christian ones also are shitskins, just a little less subhuman than the moslems i guess ) got the majority, the traitors also got targeted.
Of course they were, after all they weren't moslems ! Why wouldn't they be targeted ! The tales of shock and dismay, "but i helped you !".
And it will repeat again. And again. And again and again andiangiaengigiaignai until either there is non non-east asian human left, or genocidal fascist finally takes root and we slaughter the subhumans but more importantly all traitors cucks numales apologists women and others TRAITORS, so that we may be purged if only a little on a genetic level.
Sadly, europeans got that weird mix of xenophilia and kinphilia that means there a block to killing the outsider, but there's also a block to killing the traitors wearing a familiar face and europeans are totally fucked if we have to count on the political system.
No hope no future, and the east asians genociding the subhumans once we fall is merely the best option possible on a realistic level, the worst scenario is that they fall too and and
I wish i didn't care tbf
You expect France to do anything beyond cowering in the corner while others do all the fighting, you're fucking delirious buddy.
Except that adoption and twin studies would still point to the fact that even in the best cases, the best blacks (being raised by wealthy families through adoption) still do about as poorly as the worst whites.
Face it, shit skin.
We never accepted to become a minority within our country nor barbaric religions to stay.
All leafniggers must fucking hang
I was speaking of Europe as a whole lad. Read it again.
Im moving to Portland fuck this
Pressure the Trump administration to acknowledge the problem and address it. Part of the cause is the uptick of deaths occurring among middle-aged whites. Most of this can be attributed to drug and alcohol abuse, as well as suicide.
An initiative to increase the birth rate will be needed as well, as it is currently at 1.6, well below the replacement rate of 2.1. This, if proposed in Congress, will be instantly incredibly unpopular with liberals. They will act like a literal second holocaust was just proposed, *especially* if it targets whites specifically. You've seen no Judaism like what you'll see if someone tries to bring the white birthrate up.
I can tell you what won't do anything: shitposting on the internet, (((MGTOW))), and being content with bread and circuses. Talk about the problem, make people aware. Get married and have kids yourself. Encourage your siblings to do the same.
How does that go against any of my aseverations?
I know genetics pay an imporant role in IQ, but its not by any means the only factor, enviromental ones also play a huge role, hence why american niggers are smarter than african ones.
So, given your post, i can assume you have retarded parents but i cannot confirm it until i see your enviromental factors.
They need to make immigration from white countries only, they can mask it as immigration from first world countries only
You leftists are a sad lot.
Is it racist if it's true? This is the great question of our time.
There have been literally NO historical precedent.
This is NOT an invading army, this is an invading PEOPLE.
This is not 10-200k soldiers marching through, raping the local a little they the bulk going back home with some settling and leaving a genetic trace.
This is more akin to the barbarian migration of rome. Except, where percentage-wise it became statistically-significant in century demographically, here it happens in DECADES.
And, even when naturally IQ is inversely proportional with fertility ( infant death being the only real limitor on retard breeding ), the welfare system and medecine prowesses means...
Look. I'm not saying that to get a kick out of you. I'm saying that because i see no hope and seek for someone, anyone to give me a way out. To show me some piece of data, some statistics, some sociological theory, some Historical precedents, ANITHING PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PROVE THAT SPECIES DEATH ISN4T INEVITABLE
Replacement rate is a meme.
You guys might not know this, it's okay not all of us are history buffs, but in the past there was actually a LOWER population. That's right. And the species didn't die out. Actually society continued to progress. I know the Jews and CEOs of the world are freaked because 10% less people means 10% less debtslaves buying iPads but it's really not the end of the world. Which means it's also not cause to scramble to import one hundred billion Islamic savages from the desert either.
You don't need to move to Portland, you need to start a family.
Most white countries are in the same low birthrate boat. Immigration from white countries would be robbing Peter to pay Paul. We need to make up the gap with the 200 million whites already living in America.
All white people just need to fuck off and go to Mars.
Seriously, let's just pack our bags and do it. The shitskins would finally get the world without whites that they've been whining for, the Jews would finally have their shitskin shabbos goy population and rule the Earth, and white people would have an all white planet.
Everyone wins. And imagine what we could accomplish on Mars without nogs, Jews and Muslims.
>hence why american niggers are smarter than african ones
American niggers are smarter because they have some White admixture. IQ is largely genetic
>Human intelligence up to 75% inheritible
>Human intelligence is highly heritable.
>IQ is 75% heritable among Whites.
Here's another one for you, friend.
>French surrendering already
Wow I'm shocked.
We just do what the white elites in Latin America do now.
Create policies that destroy the middle class and then lock ourselves away in gated communities to keep the hordes of browns out.
It seems to work ok in Spanish countries.
I'm starting to think you guys are not even trying to read my posts
>Human intelligence up to 75% inheritible
And look what i said
>IQ is around 40-70% genetic
get out of the hurt box or get redpilled faggot
i bet you're white too
I think the Jews really shot themselves in foot with their anti-white agenda. Who's going to protect them from Muslims, nigs, and spics?
>IQ is genetic
>posts a map that fits wealth of countries or any other hosts of various different factors
1/10, see me after class.
There is something fundamentally wrong with Whites though. Asians would be just as cucked as us, but they know to limit immigration. Going back to the African slave trade, our "leaders" have never had allegiance to our people.
Human genetic modification.
If we can't get the shitskins out, we'll force whiteness into their blood.
we make history soon
I agree there is no precedent. But what I'm saying, when the shit hits the fan and Europe rises up, I'm not talking about peacefully voting to deport illegals or other people that don't belong there. I'm talking armed revolution. Eventually Europeans will snap. I'm talking probably in your grandkids time, long after you're dead. but shit will happen. It always does.
Again, I know there is no precedent to the current situation of mass immigration there. That's why it'll be the hardest fight Europe has had. But it will happen.
Hey so like, if the whites in burgerland become a minority, wouldn't the libshits be in some deep shit? I mean, they would have to protect the whites, ban things that might trigger whites, ban white slurs, ban basically anything going against whites due to them being a minority, right? Why are they cheering for this?
>There is something fundamentally wrong with Whites though
yeah I agree (((whites))) are to blame
Yeah so you were wrong all along. Also that 75% means that 75% of the variation in IQ among races and people is determined by genetics. Trying to explain since you are some third worlder whose opinion is meaningless anyway
if we don't do it soon it won't matter
It's hard for Whites to have more kids, it's very expensive, meanwhile Non Whites get everything for free, so they can rest easy knowing they get pop out 10 kids & get a ton of welfare, free housing, free college, free medicare etc
We will see what happens with 8 years of Trump
they will never do this and even if they did the subhumans wouldn't care
>Why are they cheering for this?
They're mentally ill and/or insane.
Look at south africa, even though whites are a minority getting robbed and raped all the time they are still the evil oppressors
Even if it was 100% Jews fault (it's not) it's still indicative of While mentality to have this minority element within our culture for hundreds of years.
Look, if death squads are formed, you can count of me to be part of them.
But i see no way they will form. Oh, fighting there will be, a civil war in fact. But it will be very messy, and kill a LOT more europeans than any other group ( much like the two WWs ).
Jews have complete control of our political apparels. The genocide of europeans is unstoppable in any realistic way, the percentage of traitors among european is just too vast.
Bickering and lack of focus will continue until the birth rate means a worldwide south africa, and soon after rhodesia.
Not that this is also happening in israel. The ashkenazis are dying out in favour of arabs and mizrahis ( both subhuman shitskins ).
This is the terrifiying thing : they have no end-game. Their behaviour makes NO SENSE unless you look at it from a purely, day to day perspective for maximising revenues.
There is no gameplan. And the trend is human extinction.
Let us hope the east asians are smarter than greedier, for if they fall, it's over. Humanity will stay planetbound, fallen to subhumanity until a cosmic extinction event take us out of our misery.
the united states has the most white people in its borders of any country in recorded history
They're coming for us first
Will you join me in helping our brothers? I have a few spare guns to give to the Europeans.
What percentage of blame would you give to the jews? Would 90% be accurate?
It's not a good idea for whites to return to middle ages-level population when there's going to be 4 billion Africans by 2100. Blacks should be the ones to reduce their population - they already outnumber whites globally, and they contribute the least to humanity of any race.
What about poor whites? Are they going to live in shanty towns like South African whites do? And what makes you so sure you're gonna be in the gated community yourself?
If it's any consolation, due to low birth rates and mixed marriages, the American (secular) Jewish population is already shrinking in numbers and has been for decades. The only reason the Jewish population as a whole isn't shrinking is that Orthodox Jews are still reproducing. Orthodox Jews are kind of like the Amish though, they don't have much pull in society and aren't the ones fucking everything up for the rest of us.
If such a fight occurs, it needs to be in our (millennial) generation for it to be an easy fight, and in Gen Z's time for it to be a winnable tough fight. Our grandkids will be like 35% of the population, they'll get slaughtered.
>Even if it was 100% Jews fault (it's not)
Who proposed this bill?
imagine if aliens arrived and offered immigration visas to the 3rd world and every ethnic jumped onto the chance but they just enslaved them while posting propaganda about how good their lives are.
The fear isn't over humanity going extinct, the fear is over white genetics becoming endangered and facing extinction.
>Third World
>Says a greek
This is what happens when you let turks rape your entire country.
>Meta-analysis of 212 previous studies shows that our ‘maternal-effects’ model fits the data better than the ‘family-environments’ model. Maternal effects, often assumed to be negligible, account for 20% of covariance between twins and 5% between siblings, and the effects of genes are correspondingly reduced, with two measures of heritability being less than 50%.
>What about poor whites?
They're going to breed with the hispanics.
>And what makes you so sure you're gonna be in the gated community yourself?
I've got an above-average income for my age, so provided I save well, I should end up staying middle class through til the bitter end.
We really are fucked. I don't even know who to blame, there are so many variables.
>We will see what happens with 8 years of Trump
Agreed, but the overton window is still too far to the left to openly take measures to increase the white portion of the population. It needs to be shifted or nothing will be done. I voted for Trump but he stands a very good chance of being the last decent president we ever have. He can only do so much by himself, you know.
>the purge will kill more whites than non-whites
Agreed. In America, 30-40% of whites are cucked - they would side with the minorities in the event of such a conflict. The ratios of cucked to noncucked are even worse in Western Europe.
If whites go extinct, East Asians will eventually come to rule the world (brutally). If white and East Asians both go extinct, humanity will fall into an eternal middle ages-level limbo. Maybe in some of the Arab capitals you'll find remnants of technology, but the majority of the world will forget all the knowledge they were given. Africa in particular will return to the literal stone age within a century. This is all speculation, of course. I find it interesting, if not also worrying, to think about.
how dare we have standards
how dare we not raise children we can't afford
how dare we want the best for our kids
not our fault shitskins pump out 7 nigglets and live off EBT
Banned everywhere except east asia. Yet another incentive to fuck off there.
And do you really thing they won't use it to simply equalise to the bottom, and make everyone dumb shitskin forcibly ?
I can already see it, the shaming campaigns asking why your baby is white when it could easily be diverse
Ah what the fuck, this is insane this is completely insane, how do you even start tackling this problem ?
To slaughter the jews you need a nation-wide effort, and such effort is generally started politically or military and militaries are really political arms and and shit where do you even start ?
How do you change human nature, the genetics trends, what amount to near-physical laws for our fate as a man ?
How do you cleanse Humanity without being a God ?
hispanics are white
only Spain and Portugal
to be fair I would rather have spics than more fucking niggers
>hispanics are white
few are
the vast majority aren't
>Our grandkids will be like 35% of the population, they'll get slaughtered.
You realize White people have fought and won with worse odds against them, right?