What the FUCK is Bernie's problem?
What the FUCK is Bernie's problem?
he's jewish
I don't understand? What is Bernie implying?
So is Trump's daughter. Not really an argument.
>washington post
Bezos continuing his jihad I see.
...I don't get what he's trying to say here.
Actually I think I get it now, if you can't beat him you join him.
I'm guessing he's saying that there's now precedent for companies to just threaten to outsource a certain number of jobs and they then have carte blanche to outsource half of that number
If you defeat the corporations, they win
The fuck is this ancient kike talking about? Trump just saved 1000 American jobs at Carrier.
Is he seriously arguing that it's a bad thing?
As opposed you previously when they had carte blanche to move 100%?
talking to the enemy is the same as being the enemy. its some primal tribal shit. its why people think trump is bad for talking to putin
yet no one bats an eye at iran talking to the states (and then fucking them up the ass with nuclear deals)
>What the FUCK is Bernie's problem?
He's an 80 year old communist loon.
Trump offered Carrier massive tax breaks and regulations. Other companies are obviously going to try and take advantage of that.
He is a globalist at heart, so yes, he probably thinks that is a bad thing.
Who is this Bernie Flanders guy? Was he part of Hillaries Campaign staff?
(((He's))) a fucking kike communist.
He's an idiot Leftist loon. Plus, since he's a Jew, nothing Trump does will be okay unless Bernie can somehow take credit for it / make a few sheckles from it.
So you'd rather have people be poorer and dependent on the government, than the government losing tax revenue?
You know how retarded that sounds?
Uh that's the fucking point? To incentivize companies to keep jobs in the US. How is that supposed to make America lose jobs?
If they seriously believe Trump only has the carrot method of negotiation lined up and not a very big stick they will be in for a shock.
Personally, I can't wait for the petulant nu-males in Silicon Valley to try and play hardball with Trump.
For some reason leftists believe that the government losing tax revenue somehow hurts niggers.
whats the alternative? ask nicely and they'll do it anyways? just let it happen with no resistance? thats worked out for great for the last 30 years
I puts a damper on globalism.
He is in bizarro world.
Lost his voter base by endorsing Clinton and signing a non agression agreement and basically agreeing to lose.
Now he just has to try and stay relivent and hope people forget he made a deal to lose to Clinton.
I expect him to start working actively with Soros and become a full shill to urge for riots and BLM.
>if you beat the corporations, they win
t. Hershel Sandberg
Pay respects to all those stuck in the BERN-stein timeline
and one day our patience will run out and the jews will have their lying dirty mouths stuffed!
>Lost his voter base
Honestly, they seem so fucking stupid that I'm not so sure.
>He thinks Trump is some amateur level negotiator who falls for these basic tricks.
You mean exactly what he campaigned on?
Cutting taxes and rolling back regulations.
>Trump offered Carrier massive tax breaks and regulations
You mean the economic strategy he campaigned on? One of the reasons our market is so fucked up and stupid right now is the instability of government. Corporations don't know what the fuck will happen with regulations and taxes and therefore take the "safe" route of corporate profits rather than investing in stakeholders (Murica) like they used to do before the 80's. I imagine the entire phone call revolved around Trump reassuring the pussies he meant exactly what he said on the campaign trail, he's going to cut taxes and slash regulations to entice companies to stay here. You faggots act like this was something brand new when he's been saying exactly what he was going to do for the last year and a half.
What happened to the 35% tariff if they leave? They held him hostage like the pussy he is.
>threaten to outsource jobs
>free government gibs
>cheaper labor
Why would a company NOT outsource jobs now?
he hasn't put it in yet. and Im sure it was part of the negotiation anyways
Nu-males don't really run silicon valley cutthroat sociopaths do. And they're in bed with the federal government's shadiest agencies seeing as data science is the preeminent industry.
Nu-males are far less scary than what we're dealing with.
Is carrier trying to import the goods made in Mexico into the US?
He hasn't put it because it's not part of the deal.
if you give a tariff to leave but do not cut their taxes, companies are gonna be bankrupt. that's why they exported the jobs in the first place (of course many did for greed too).
you can use just the carrot, you can't use just the stick
Yeah now illegals will have to step aside for real Americans
Yeah Vanity Fair had the same type of line, like Trump is being blackmailed.
Left nazis are so hateful and butthurt, they would frame the disappearance of poverty in the world as corporation enslavement.
The fact is Bernie, though he ran as anti-establishment, is as establishment democrat as they come. He's just toeing the party line here, nothing more
Do you even understand plata I plomo?
Tarriffs are a threat and tool, not something to be slapped on willy nilly because you don't like something. People complained about Trump starting Trade Wars, when that was the last thing he wanted to start. Actually imposing tariffs is a method of last resort, and if push comes to shove, I am sure he will enact them.
jew remember?
bernie is generally an evil piece of shit
only naive milennials like this guy
So he's just going to hand out gibs to every company so that they keep their jobs in America?
Doesn't sound like a very "great deal" to me. In fact, it sounds retarded as fuck.
>So he's just going to hand out gibs to every company so that they keep their jobs in America
That's exactly what he campaigned on for the last 18 months. Did you not pay attention?
Better spent than financing stupid wars in the middle east.
You can never trust a jew
Why do retards believe that Trump was running against corporations ?
He only had one demand from them : keep your jobs in the US. As long as this is fulfilled, a corporation can do anything.
Trump is the most capitalistic candidate in decades. This shouldn't really surprise anyone.
Yeah just like everyone was sure he was gonna drain the swamp then he hired Goldman sachs guys. You've been conned.
This is why you don't make deals with them. You show them who is boss and make them comply.
But isn't this literally communism?
suddenly based leafs
As a Cuban I am ashamed of him.
Unless he's just doing this for purely capitalist reasons and not genuine SJWism. Then whatever.
>using a T and T proxy to shill
Fuck off
>turning America into a tax haven
>literally communism
>What the FUCK is Bernie's problem?
It's just a desperate inversion of reality. The bigger and more audacious the lie, the more people who will believe it.
>tax breaks are gibs
Trump campaigned on raising tariffs overall to make chinese goods less competitive and giving corporations amnesty if they would pay 10% of the money they hold overseas to the government while also calling for lower overall corporate taxes
Beating them while offering them a carrot
how does doing it for the money make it better. (((they))) also do it for the money.
Just found a nice new blog-entry by Dilbertman refuting Bernie's narrow-mindedness.
Shouldn't you be sucking on some PNM cock right about now? You don't have time to be posting on Sup Forums
But what is it? Is it corporate welfare? Is it crony capitalism? What do you call it when the government takes your money and just gives it to their friends?
I've never heard of anything this retarded.
> helps save 1,000 jobs from going overseas.
> Economic-illterate leftist says, "Trump has endangered the jobs of workers who were previously safe in the United States.
Luckily, identity politics has failed miserably for the Left. Just because you are a grill, a minority, gay, whatever, does not mean they are going to vote for you simply because you seem like you support it just a bit more than the other party.
People, regardless of gender/minority group/orientation care about jobs, the economy, immigration, defense... the Left has all but abandoned that and goes after social issues which are already done and over with... female pay gap is a myth, civil rights act was passed like 50 years ago, gays can now marry and women can have abortions which would be very hard to overturn a Supreme Court decision. The bullshit the left pulls has mostly already been decided.
If Trump continues with the bringing/keeping jobs in the US, strong (but fair) immigration policy, etc, the Republicans are going to be in the Oval office for another 20 years.
Having someone like Bernie point his finger at Trump for helping save even just 1,000 jobs like it's a bad thing is exactly why he will get elected again.
It's okay, he's only adopted into Hispanicism
>If you become your enemy, you beat them.
>reducing corporate taxes=taking money from you and giving it to corporations
His problem? He cares about you
Unlike that orangeheaded freak
He also threatened their parent company that he would cancel all government contracts if they left the US and that he would slap the tariff on them if they left. It doesn't set up any narrative of companies threatening to leave, he'll just tax those. The reason why he specifically made sure carrier stayed and gave them goodies is because he was talking about them his ENTIRE campaign. He wanted a win now and political brownie points. It makes him look very, very good.
And seeing as the US is the biggest globalist importer in the world, that's going to hurt a lot of domestic jobs. Do you guys even have any real internal production industry left? And even if you do, do you guys think you can actually compete with all the specialized producer that have srpung up and have a huge lead already?
People from all countries have been following the US Election just as closely as you all, as whatever the US does affects everyone worldwide. Especially changes to trade.
>What the FUCK is Bernie's problem?
He suffers from a bad case of being an old Jew.
>strong but fair immigration
Fair to Republicans. Which basically means most of the people currently entering will immediately be unable to enter, and large numbers of legals will have to go back. It's wonderful.
>which nobody supports
eh? all 60+ million votes for trump were from REAL people. unlike other candidates
>I'm not a shill I swear
Not quite. The Chinese tariffs were an example proposed to make them stop currency manipulation. He's since changed to a more simpler strategy of charging them as a currency manipulator with the IMF. After that everything is on autopilot. That action alone would bring back 2~5million factory jobs.
The 10% tax is on overseas holdings in order to repatriate rather than the full 35% tax. Overseas holdings amount to ~$2trillion conservatively. At one point he mentioned earmarking that $200billion for infrastructure projects.
The 35% tariff was on manufacturing jobs which leave the country, then attempt to import their products back into the US. That's the stick. The carrot is his 15% business tax and slashing of regulations.
Don't listen to the bigots! Bernie still has a chance. Donated 3.45 instead of getting Starbucks. If I can do it, so can you. Match me!
My beautiful non-gendered spouse (pic-related) and their boyfriend, Jamal, deserve a better country.
>making companies pay less so they don't go places where they pay less = paying them
Is English your second language?
Unrelated, but every Trini I've ever met has been a fine upstanding person. Y'all are definitely the best people in the Caribbean, right up there with Bahamians.
Please no bully your fellow countrymen.
that's style
>Bernie concedes to Hillary because he knows she will lose
>After 4 years of disastrous Trump the people will be clamoring for change
>US has a socialist revolution
Just according to keikaku.
Do you have a source on threats?
>Do you guys even have any real internal production industry left?
Second largest manufacturer in the world. Second largest exporter in the world.
Bernout is the cuck's cuck
>but fortunately Sanders died 2 years before election
Bernie is right.
All companies have to do to get a tax break is threaten to leave the country now.
The proper way to do this was not to renew their defence contacts, instead he just off set the cost by making tax payers foot the bill.
Thanks for nothing guys
>get rekt
>cry a bunch
>get rekt again
>cry a bunch more
great plan
>Trump proposed a 15% business tax for 18months straight
>niggers can't be bothered to pay attention
oh no tax breaks for a company to hire american workers instead of h1b chinks/poos and illegal beans oh no
If only we were as good to each other as we are to foreigners as either hosts or guests.
>tax cut on a company is making taxpayers pay for anything
yeah, no
Social strife in Trinidad, I take it?
>What the FUCK is Bernie's problem?
Not going to bother reading the article, because it's just more Fake News from Bezos to get back at Trump with.
But I can think of some problems;
Part of the deal was that Trump wouldn't threaten the government contracts held by Carrier's parent company - therefore you could say they are bidding less on the competency of the company, and more on what charity they provide to American workers.
Also, in exchange for keeping the jobs, they get a tax break.
So, I guess Bernie could say that Trump is a filthy commie essentially redistributing wealth from the tax payer back to the American working class.
We aren't as divided as Americans.
This is what confuses me...
>You can pay less tax but give your money to American workers
>You can pay more tax, but give your money to the American unemployed
What's the fucking difference?