Three thousand dead people

three thousand dead people,
How often has that happened?
Somewhere on the ass of the world,
That did not interest you.What are you talking about about human rights violations,Terrorism, genocide?
Your bombs bring all the time
Thousands of death
And that you want to help people,
That just believes an idiot.

9/11 is like the shoah a excuse to justify your brutality on other countrys.

Other urls found in this thread:


butthurt burger becouse he realize im right.


Some of us professionals care we were lied to.
Trump knew Truth on 911

>Another truther nigger
Yea, kill yourself, faggot.

watch this video and get back to me.............

Imagine being this bad at the English language.

You're a disgrace to Canada.......fuck off Terry

9/11 was a false flag you uneducated shitskin

shit man you must be an big insider? where do you work?

A french dude got stabbed for no reason here in Australia

>implying you don't enjoy all that extra Mud-cock we're sending you

A simple "thank you" would have sufficed Hans.

Okay dann sprech doch auf Deutsch mit mir du ungebildetes Stück Scheisse.

Is this still being debated? The U.S. govt was either complicit in it and helped. Or knew about it and didn't do anything to justify middle eastern dismantling.

I don't speak sauerkraut, I speak the language of civilization.

even worse to destroy your own country to march in innocent countrys to steak their oil and genocide their population.

Bush establishment, Jews and Saudis are responsible for 9/11 not Saddam Hussein

I can't look at that shit anymore. Fucking make it stop.

English is the lingua franca, not German. Learn English, if you want anyone to take you seriously. You speaking only your own language makes you just as much of an idiot as burgers are.

You may begin to refute the issues and arguments raised by films like Loose Change.

I am not disagreeing with you. But I think it is more than just the U.S. overall. Most citizens don't know that (((they))) are behind it.

>Learn English, if you want anyone to take you seriously.
I dont need to write in perfect english to show my point of view.

Do they realise they are supporting a cause that is costing them jobs or is the reason they have no jobs?

The net worth of of the people in those towers was more than a million third world terrorists.

Think about the dollars, not the people.

>not Saddam Hussein
We knew that before the second plane hit the tower.

It stops whenever you WANT it to stop.

>Do they realise they are supporting a cause that is costing them jobs or is the reason they have no jobs?
we have too little worker force here thats not the problem. It would be nice if they work.

I think they're just completely broken in the head desu.

At this point Germany is not worth saving anymore. At least not north of Bavaria. I hope for a secession. The south will rise again.

Fuck off Slavic rape baby shitskin. Nobody cares about what you think.

America had that shit 50 years ago and the twin towers were blown up

Fun fact bitches like this will study something like 'social work' and be employed in the refugee industry with minimal requirements, being paid 18 euros an hour. I saw it happen, so much for altruistic motives.

Try to separate ordinary amerisharts from all this weird fucked up foreign policy. Okay thanks.

Your English is perfectly fine. Native speakers who criticise people who are speaking their second or even third language should fucking gassed

>Fuck off Slavic rape baby shitskin. Nobody cares about what you think.


>american false flag
>the official story blames Saudi Arabia
>attacks Iraq
Even by the official story the actions of america make no sense.

Thanks for setting the record straight.

I fucking hate Germans.

At least post a picture of the challenger.

On Sup Forums criticism is always going to be harsh. If you don't criticize someone when they make a mistake, they won't learn. The point is to get better.

Non-white lives don't matter and dead Muslims are a blessing.