Question more or less targetted at Slav bros...

Question more or less targetted at Slav bros, but if you have any experience with these countries feel free to share them.

So, which one of these shitholes is worse/better? Romania or Bulgaria? What's the most noticeable difference? What about their cultures?

Other urls found in this thread:–Romanian_War

Romanians are bros, probably the most based country in Eastern Europe.

Bulgars are traitor cucks. They've literally gotten invaded and raped by every single one of their neighbors after declaring war because MUH TRI MORETA.


Romania has millions and millions of Gypsies. and they let them flood Western Europe.

Bulgaria has millions of gypsies and Turks.


(Bulgarian in the UK) If you have money and you're in a big city its pretty awesome. And I don't even mean being rich. Shit/nonexistent government though

>Bulgars are traitor cucks
>backstab someone
>cry when they return the favor


Our football hooligans are so based that they stopped beating the shit out of eachother so they can beat the shit out of migrants together. True story

Is it true that you guys have a saying of some sort, that goes kind of like "If you don't know where to shoot, shoot at Bulgarians, this way you can't be really wrong" or something?

Yes because they're filthy niggers. B*lgaria should be split between Romania and Greece. Maybe give a portion to Macedonia for more butthurt.