>Your daughter brings home her boyfriend for the first time
>He looks like this
What do?
>Your daughter brings home her boyfriend for the first time
>He looks like this
What do?
Tell him to poo in the loo and make plans to move to a 100% white community very far away
report him for mansplaining
jerk off his big cock
ask him to duel, scimitar to katana
Typical canadian shitposter, spewing racist backward-thinking bullshit.
Leave England for a white country.
Say hello and be proud of my daughter for not dating a muslim
Pay the jizya
Retake constantinople with him as my ally and remove kebab
>le poo in loo is islamic meme
No (you)
Ask him if my daughters pussy is adequately tight
Count my blessing because he could have been muslim
probly a newfag from reddit
Tell him to stop raping my daughter before I launch a crusade on his ass
Join him in removing Kebab, but let him be killed in the process.
Holy newfags! You should be on Reddit.
Sikhism is literally the anti-Islam.
This is one instance I'd be glad for my daughter to get BROWNED
>sorry but I don't recall having a daughter. Get out my house.
Tell him thats not a knife, THIS is a knife and whip out my dingaling
Nothing. Some things they have to learn on their own. You can't stop her from doing what she's going to do. The more you try, the more it hurts everyone involved. You just have to let it go and hope he's just really into cosplay.
Also, if you don't have kids, your opinion is meaningless here. You don't know what it's like to try desperately to protect and control something you cherish while knowing it's all in vain. Heartwrenching shit.
>Sup Forums doesnt know about the bro-tier warrior-religion of Sikhs.
Sad. These arent muslims. These arent poos. They're based.
Implying I don't know the value of information and the first time I've laid eyes on my daughter's boyfriend is when he's already inside my castle.
Ask him which guru was his favourite
Are you a Sikh? Let's talk about it.
You're not a Sikh? Fuck off we're full
/lit/ is super gay to be honest.
A board of numales and attention whores never exposed to other books than The Great Gatsby.
>Weak leaf blower pic
>Weak shit talk
>Thinking a different opinion is shit post
>Thinking racism is shit post.
>Clearly hating on Canada to be cool
Reddit fag you clearly have no clue what a shit post and your clearly trying to fit in. It's almost as comical as a obvious Russian spy with a super thick accent trying to do spy shit.
Kill yourself
>Family oriented
>warrior culture
>cool hats
I'd rather have a Sikh than a mudslime every day of the week
Ask him if he wants to go on Muslim kill patrol around the neighborhood. Fucking Brit didn't know a muzzy vs a sikh
>Letting a nigger of any kind fuck her.
Clearly you raised you daughter wrong and where so unattached from her that she dosnt even respect your opinion.
If your family dosn't respect you who will.
It's not Christian or atheist so it's not allowed or liked.
Report him to the gurdwara, obviously. They have plenty of lads who hate that shit.
Fun fact: Sikhism is mixture of Islam and Hinduism. its founder was a Muslim (He even went to a pilgrimage to mecca) and Hindu at one point in his life and then he decide to create his own religion which is the mixture of both.
Considering sihks entire religion is based off killing muslims I'd be fine.
Suck his hairy dick
Sikhs are kind of based though. Have been removing kebab with great intensity for a while now.
respect him for sihks being bro-tier brown people.
You clearly don't have a teenage kid if you expect them to respect your opinion. Every teenager wants to explore life for themselves. It is a biological instinct that can't be fought, the same way grown men find 16 year olds sexy. How bad you raised the kid only changes how much they lash out. But the rebellious aspect never changes.
I actually have nothing against Sikhs.
I like most of their culture I'm aware of and the ones I've met are very cordial but keep a pragmatic, no nonsense, attitude. I appreciate that their religion asks them to be armed at all times.
I would prefer she choose an Aryan superman but better a Sikh than a degenerate SJW white cuck she will cheat on with Tyrone and Jamaal.
>the same way grown men find 16 year olds sexy
Wish I could call you gross for this but it's true. The male penis knows not of the age of consent. Although 16 is the age of consent here - but highly frowned upon if you're over 20 (understandably).
What a fuckin' newfag.
Convert to islam, honour killing desu. Profit.
>its the samefags say poos are brotier thread again
Sikh are based as fuck, that sword is for killing muslims
I am AMA
*shake hands*
I think we have a common enemy and I don't mean my daughter's pussy.
At least he isn't Muslim.
Sikhs are bros