What does Sup Forums think of the Mormons?

What does Sup Forums think of the Mormons?

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Shamless self bump

Cult that somehow achieved mainstream success. I hate being evangelized to.

Do not know anithing about them.
But dis american smiles makes me cringe.
The man is retarded. Look in his eyes.

top tier

While they live pretry comfy lives and live like good people they still follow a religion and all religion is degenerate

I would be one if they give me at least 1 qt wife :(

But I like coffee and sodas so not good deal.

They believe in a lot of bull-sheeeet


I live in az and there is a ton here. Every one I've ever known personally has been kind, hardworking, and successful. Their ideology is a little wacky but I mean who really cares. They're productive.

literally got their holy book from the inside of a fedora

They have some weird customs and beliefs but are generally very nice people who are easy to get along with. Sometimes they're a little pushy when they show up at your doorstep trying to evangelize which can be annoying.

They CAN drink soda. It's not about caffeine. You're right about the coffee, though. Also no alcohol

They treat women like muslims do except they get rich and have smart children who cannot talk too normies

can I smell feet of the girl in the white dress

What do they see wrong with coffee in particular then? IMO coffee, even with a bit of sugar and creamer, is much healthier for you than soda which is basically just flavored syrup considering the amount of sugar that's in it....

A 12oz can of Coca-Cola has 39g of sugar in it. At roughly 4g/tsp that makes 9.75 teaspoons of sugar in one 12oz Coke. You could put 4-5 teaspoons of sugar in your coffee and still end up with less sugar than you'd get from drinking a soda.

Yellow Dress = Best Girl

I don't know about that, I'd have to see her feet

As an ex-mo this made me laugh.

The only thing awesome I will say about it is that it is one of the only parts of the entire country that has a good white birth rate, at least according to the image floating around/pol/ right now.

Their religious rites are creepy as fuck; I left at 14 because of baptism for the dead.

Weird exoteric Hermeticist cult that tends to produce a lot of white families with supplies. Could be worse.

retarded-tier of blasphemy.

They are stupid as hell. Most of them read a Bible with 2 pages, they can't even read a real Bible

Pretty good values, but basically a cult.

They look like their ancestors came north of Hamburg so I like them

I think im pretty great :)

Im not a mormon but was offered a scholarship to BYU. Should I go?

Look at those whores. Those dresses are way too short.

The males are major cuckolds. I know one irl. He's white, has a white wife, but has four nigger children. Mitt Romney's got a nig in his family too.

Never trust a Mormon.

They are extremely conservative, are smarter than the average population and believe that nonwhites are literally satanic. They're pretty based.

The mormons I've met are all well adjusted non-degenerate people, I haven't met a bad mormon yet. They tends to have more kids than most white people.

Nice people but totally wrong religiously speaking.




Bible with 2 pages? Elaborate please

Mark is that you?

The Holy Bible their read is way shorter than the Catholic Bible. They eliminate so many chapters

Literally nothing wrong with them.
>work hard
>big families
>all about the family
>daughter knows her job will be to breed a lot for her man
A bunch of magical underwear talk is not enough to turn me off to the fact they are great people.

Enjoy never getting to experience a wild college party or getting laid. Also enjoy being constantly indoctrinated and evangelized to in an attempt to convert you to the Mormon faith.

Take out the 2nd m. Voila

>I would be one if they give me at least 1 qt wife :(
They literally do this pal.

I always suspected these Mormon dads visit their girls at night, and I can see why.

The two adults in this pic, who I am assuming to be mom and dad, don't they look a bit too similar? Are they fucking related?

I would instantly convert to the LDS church if they gave me an American qt waifu.

If you go, don't convert. Redpill a mormon qt

wait really?

you mean American girls right???

where do I sign up?

If you ever run into someone that is just so nice, decent, and wholesome snd you cant figure out why, it is probably because they are Mormon.

Also they tend to be pretty right wing and have many children so that is good for America.

Uh yeah dude.
The entire mormon religion is one based around
>Helping the mormon community
>having large families in the mormon community
It's very uncommon for a mormon man to not set his daughter up on dates with a young mormon soon to be man.
It's not as third world as selling your daughter off, but dude. These people aren't idiots or afraid of sexuality. They understand their daughters and sons will soon be having crazy amounts of sex all the time and making big families.
They just don't want it done before marriage, which isn't that weird.

The problem is most mormons are clean/healthy people and most of Sup Forums would not fit into their world.

They are mostly super nice people but their shit religion is more cult-like than anything. The ones that follow it in every aspect give off this evil, judgemental vibe.

That baptism for the dead created some really impressive genealogical rrcords though.

i love the mormons, because they create thousands of cute little white boys

It's nice of him to let his mom live with them despite having two super hot young wives.

They're Christians so better than any non-Christians but worse than most other Christians

This. would convert for qt mormon waifu.

so do I have to convert first and then make an account on Mormon dating sites or something?

Youvsayvthat but have you seen somecthe pentecostal or charismatic churches?

Fucking weirdos

i want to fuck the right one

They would love to convert you. But remember being Mormon means a big commitment and absolutely no alcohol, or caffeine, or other mind altering substances.

Mormons are just as deceitful to non-mormons as Jews are to non-jews.
Chicks tend to be cute, though.

Mormons are not Christians.

>wasting time reading the biblical jew

I'm ok with that, if Donald can do NoDrugs, so can I.

The only thing that's kinda turning me off is that it's probably not the real religion

I mean what are the chances that Mormons of all people get it right...it's just a sect right?

They don't read the Apocrypha, but they have the old and new testament. They use the king James version. Are you thinking of the Jehovah's Witnesses?

Being mormon is a pretty big deal.
>eating healthy
>very few substances that alter mental behavior (coffee is even off the list)
>being physically active
>being a community person
>working hard to support 2+ children
>studying endlessly
Being Mormon is the ultimate red pill in my opinion, it's a constant struggle, but also if you look at them they are almost always well to do and they are almost always happy.

Complete cucks. No one shills third world immigration and "inclusiveness" harder than fucking mormons.

As far as I know they can't have dark drinks.

Nahh its pretty much hell fire tier.

They deny the Trinity say the devil is jesus brother etc


sounds pretty comfy senpai

I'm already physically active and eat healthy so that's great. And I'd love to work hard to provide for my family.

But what if Christianity itself is wrong?

It is for modesty nigga. How is it a bad thing that the women cover themselves up and don't want to reveal their genitals no matter what? Top tier if I say so.

While all religions are ultimately based on some sort of fraud Mormonism has the unique distinction (at least among major religions) of its founder actually being a convicted fraud.

in the word of wisdom it says no "hot drinks"

everyone interprets it differently but soda is fine, coffee is not. some people don't drink soda but those are generally the super crazy ones, not a very big percentage of the religion

>t. my family is mormon
ask if u wanna know anything else

how do I get a Mormon gf?

>evil judgemental vibe
Mormon here. Only the shitty mormons act like this. Some of the most top tier mormons I have met that hold authority in the church are people that don't give a fuck what you do and are nice regardless. Some of the best people in the church used to do normal people shit like partying and rebels... Idk I don't fuck with the judgemental mormons

arent people complaining on the 10% tax?


Kek. You Brits. "Give me that nigger dick" into google.

Watch your mummy's first time getting fucked by a nigger

I like the people. Dislike the religion.

Ex-mormon here.

Loony faggots

>religion is degenerate

You've got that backwards, bro.

I am not going to BYU, but I am in the process of attempting to redpill a qt3.14 morman grill right now desu

They will be the last group of whites reproducing. However, they are cult-tier nutjobs and should be proscribed with violence if necessary before they gain more political power and influence.

americans have all those funny religions and sects man I wish we had it this interesting

Jehovas Witnesses are pretty common where I live
They are absolutely based and make for god tier gf material though, wouldn't trade for any Catholic woman

Based traditionalist white people with weird theology that has somehow led them to a soft but effective redpill
Probably became so just by leaving the mainstream Christian churches which are now beyond corrupt

>Based traditionalist white people

The CIA is all Mormon. LMAO traditionalist at experimenting actual white Christians you mean


Mormons are crazy, but the end result of that craziness is good.



I see those fuckers standing on the street for hours in cold weather, no thanks, yes we have jehovas witnesses, orthodox church and lutheran church, every thing else has 20k followers or less, while Mormons are a majority in Utah that's a whole new level of a wild ride

Nice people.

They tend to be extremely based, hard working people who do good for the society around them.

I reject the notion that they are a "cult".

muh dik

still better than atheists scrubs

>What does Sup Forums think of the Mormons?
A shitty cult of assholes that would bury the US in brown people if they thought they could convert even 5% of them.

Literally traitors, see: Romney, Chaffetz, etc.

not bad at all

Utah is full of niggers the mormons adopted. It's where all of their crime rate comes from.

If I sign up and give the church 10% of my income can I marry both of this man's daughters?

Would you like a mission sent to you, courtesy of the Church of Latter Day Saints? Their are tons of them in Russia. I'm sure they'd love to learn Polish for the cause.

most succesful batshit crazy cult ever

Soda is bad for you, that is obvious.

Coffee being "better than soda" doesn't mean anything

It's like wanting to drink piss because it's not as bad as eating shit

>I thank Sup Forums for its support
and yet he went to fucking leddit ;_;
why couldnt we summon the god emperor, we were the most loyal of the loyal, the fucking pretorian guard of the internet

Remove the second "m"

I love them. I have seen the documentary film "Orgazmo" (1997) and it showed how cool Mormons are