
It seems that every other political stance is failing... libertarianism, socialism, social democracy, liberalism... it's all dying. All we have left is Nationalism.

Which is fine.

The only problem I have with it is, how do you define a "Nation"?

OK you say, we have to disintegrate the EU etc.

But I'm not yet convinced.

Suppose you're a Spanish Nationalist, and the Basque region says, no, fuck you, we don't want to be part of the Spanish Superstate, we want our own Basque Nation!

Or suppose a Quebecian says to a Canadian Nationalist: fuck you, I don't want to be part of your artificial Canadian Superstate. I speak French. I want a Quebecian Nation.

Wouldn't they be justified to demand this?

Do we then want this process to go on and on, until we have small mini ethno-states, maybe like Greek polis, or what is the end-game?

Other urls found in this thread:

their end game is a nuclear bomb

That's exactly why whe need a federal and nationalist Europe, on the model of the USA, with a state for each european people.

Except United states have pretty much the same culture, history and language, the only difference is maybe like north vs south

The only real problem is the language honestly, but even this could be resolved by resurecting latin

Well we could do this maybe with Central Europe then?

We have a pretty consistent culture.

If I go to a Czech village or a Slovenian village I don't see much difference.

Or an Austrian village, or a northern Italian village.

But Sweden, Ireland, Portugal, south Italy... too much difference indeed.

>resurecting latin
LOL never gonna happen.
English is the only viable option.


There are less differences between an Irish and a pole than between a uygur and a cantonese, yet both of them are chinese. European specificity exist and we share much in common. It's time to realise that we stand better united.

>LOL never gonna happen.
Why not ? Jews resurected ancient hebrew when they created Israel

Well I agree but the EU should first uncuck itself.
We need to get rid of the Hollandes, of the Renzis and the Merkels.

You are forgetting localism and tribalism. The latter is alive and well in third world shitholes. The former needs to come back for many reasons. Globalism is an unsustainable waste of resources that is going to fuck us in the end, and having community ties is good for people.

I agree but it's partially a luddite dream
We won't go back to living like Varg imagines
We're too enmeshed in this
Our children will grow up with the AR/VR experience
Let's be realistic

That's unfortunately true. Those people fucked up the european ideal of Rome, the Holy Roman Empire and Napoleon

I'm with you sum honestum amicalam

Gratias, matum.

Countries and Nations are not the same thing.
Countries are just economic zones.
Nations are a group of people who share a common culture.

Let's meme it

>tfw Latine loqui non potest

Actually why not just bring back the KuK Monarchy?

Because things could go terribly wrong.

Combine with the AEIOU meme and the potential created by 70 years of "muh 6 gorillion" and we might see the entire humanity except us wiped out.

Percentage wise there would be too many Viennese faggots in this world then. The reward's not worth the risk.
