Why does America support Israel?

Why does America support Israel?


>Why does America support Israel?

Because the media destroys the political career of any politician who doesn't.


cause trump is jewish

I do bc even tho I do not practice judaism, live a secular lifestyle,have not been to a synagogue I years, do not even believe in a god, and have secular atheist gf ppl will still try to hurt me or kill me bc of a religion my great grandfather cared about

Sharon Bliss

Here's a larger photo.

here is this chicks tumblr page. its hot as fuck. enjoy. myviewofher.tumblr.com/

It didn't matter who won. Hillary was controlled by Soros and Trump is controlled by pic related. Politics is a game to (((them))); they play it like we would play a board game

gross, you can tell shes one of those girls who cakes on makeup on her face

Post more of your mother

Israel is the European bastion against Islam.

the jews will jew, but at leas they kill brown people. Here's the difference between the jews and the muslims in the middle east: the jews want to live in peace in israel, the muslims want to kill the jews, all of them, every one of them, eliminate them from the planet.

Because the Jews took over our government.

Because it allows an unending hotspot of conflict in the ME
Arms sales oil grabs etc

No. and damn i want to lick her asshole

It seems that every country supports israel for literally no reason

It couldn't be any more obvious that they pull the strings.

I'm not sure I follow, doesn't most of the Middle East hate Israel? Is we want a foothold why don't we ally ourselves with a more like able country?


Conservatard and christfag

>but at leas they kill brown people.

They also are exterminating whites too silently.

Giid goy.