Estonian questions

1. Did Denmark steal your flag?
2. I heard you guys are actually Russian
3. Some say you are a finno-animu people like the Finns.

Estonia is Russian clay.

t. bozgor

Finland is also Russian clay.

Estonia is swedish clay you fucking retards get out of here with your bullshit claims

>GTFO Faggots! Estonia is rhigtfully danish clay! None can deny it!

Gtfo that's not a real empire m8

1. not really, since Estonia isn't Christian - it has never had high culture besides what those that have laid claim brought with them (Germans, Russians, Swedes) and to this day remains superstitious rather than anything else

2. might as well be, the difference is mostly cultural and the culture is a culture of collective sense of inferiority

3. more accurate, the difference is an experience of soviet occupation - finns got faggier after the war as time went on and ests were left ruined and somewhat hardened after the experience, as I guess were all, including the Rus - nowadays the political establishment is as faggy as the finns are, but with the difference being ours will bark at Russia when the US tells us to, which is fine, since Ests are more than eager to be US' pet chihuahua

No one wants to be a part of New Africa.

if you stopped being such a fucking cuck maybe I'd agree.

>Part of Lithuania Polan and ruski
Swedes are really trying to remain relevant these days

How about this?

You're not thinking big enough Pekka

110 year rain
who boi such a long lasting empire

>part of modern somalia

has science gone too far ?


t. Per-Göran Jagomägi

Achmed, please...

Estonia's number one export is literally dancing girls brushing their teeth

>hurr hurr durr rightful clay

Stop being so fucking autistic.

Nice projecting


le mayo

In English, the "rain" you're referring to is spelled "reign".

There are about 700,000 Estonians. Estonia has a huge Slav minority and a negative growth rate. This nation is finished.

Indeed we have a well developed meme economy

Estonia is BESTonia
I would fight against the eternal enemy beside Estonians. Best ally desu


60% is females

Are those countries any good for sex tourism?

Latvia etc

Females tend to out-live males in Estonia by ~10 years. This explains the 60%.

Funny enough, Riga (capital of Latvia) was founded as a fortified brothel for German merchants on their way to Novograd, so yes. But bear in mind Estonia and Latvia have Africa-tier hiv/aids rates, they're a bit of an embarrassment to the region tb h.


its actually slav tier here

We have Russia-tier russian infestation too.

Heck, Estonia right now has mixed pro-russian / eurobolshevik socialist / cuckservative government.
The true manbearpig.

Fun is just starting, mu kallid leedukad.

there's a few african countries with absurd rates like 30% but many more with close numbers to yours

I think we have you beat in terms of interesting governments atm

Russian girls don't use condoms here, for some reason they hate condoms at least that is my experience with them and my friends also say that it is so.

1. yes
2. not a question
3. not a question

> wanting ugly white cross on red as your flag

Danes found this rag in the dumpster.


could switch to that to appease you, ivan

Not ivan you danecuck.

Do you suck niggers too?

>Some say you are a finno-animu people like the Finns