Are there enough of us to form a legit religion? Recognized by the government with benefits?

Are there enough of us to form a legit religion? Recognized by the government with benefits?

>Promoting closet gambling addicts as a delusional religion on an online anonymous anime forum
>I did realize you were experiencing a gambler's high right?


It's not really numbers that makes you a legit religion. It's paperwork.

Worth it for the tax free shekels alone. The bit where the govt has to gtfo and leave us alone to pray peacefully here is pretty gud too.

we can get all pissy about people eating frog legs and expect everyone to know and cater to this super offensive issue that is super important to us just like a real shit religion, sounds fun

Shadilay, that alone sounds worth it.

Trump ate frog legs with Romney. Maybe it should be the opposite, and be a holy sacrament for our ministers.

Aww man I don't know if I can eat frog legs. I feel sick about it.

A frog moved into my shower and won't leave no matter how many times I evict him. He likes to REEEE at me when I take too long showering.

I can't look him in the face if I eat a frog.

Well, you haven't been chosen by the digits in this thread, so maybe you will just be a layman and not a minister of Kek.

I'm starting to thinking making an organized religion from a chaos based pagan belief was a bad idea to begin with.

No because the kek thing was a joke and if you believe it your are a faggot and a loser

Well, Kek has spoken, so that's that.

Well i'll be damned.double infinite loops. I believe this is what they refer to as a lucky number in Asian beliefs.

Guess that settles it. Kek will remain an anarchistic chaos based pagan belief system.

Shadilay brothers, Kek be praised.

Kek wills it.

Nice one OP
I was feeling it.

thank you for showing us the way

So kek rused us all this time?

Just because it isn't an organized religion like the big desert three doesn't make it less legitimate. Before the Jews brought their brand of religion to our countries we were all polytheist pagans anyway. This is getting back to nature.


No. Kek is a god of chaos among other things. Why would you try to organize and rule a religion based on the worship of chaos? Better to have an unorganized mass of shitposting cultists

this user gets it.

Chaos magic is a thing y'know.

You dont know unless you try.

why not, scientology is recognized

kek already confirmed that Judaism is the one true religion, kek was Hashem the whole time