72 hours until results edition

Post your fav MAGA memes

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What time and day should I be following the results closely? Sunday morning?

livestreams to Österreich oder Deutschland telly?








whats going on with Austria? I want to get my duel citizenship here.

May kek be with you, Austria.

Make this two for two.

Empire fucking when?

>yfw the difference in votes was around 40,000
>yfw that's on a knifedge
>yfw since this result, nationalism has increased in Europe
>yfw Brexit happened since then
>yfw Trump was elected since then
>yfw nationalism in France is now a real possiblity
>yfw all of these facts can possibly push Austria over the edge and into MAGA
>yfw MAGA hats work for Austria

The Fire rises.

Germany. Its time; Make Europe great again, do it for us.

Come on Austria you can do it, godspeed.


I have a serious question for you guys:

Why do you support, or pretend to support even, Hofer?

I think for most of you it's just for memes and keks. But there are a few of you that seem like die hard true believers. Why?

Seriously? Why? I get that he's a aeronautical engineer and all that, but what has he done for your country? What will he do for your country? How?

I'm really wondering, after having read almost every article since the one in January, what the hell is he even trying to say?

He never offers any specifics about anything at all.

Sure, he put some dumb one page shitposts on his website about taxes, immigrants, and muh guns... Is there one serious legislative proposal whatsoever? Is there a specific plan of action with respect to possibly annoucing laws? What is he going to do if elected? Not even The Hasselhoff knows. That's disturbing desu senpai

Fuck. That. Shit.

Hofer is full of shit. You know it, I know it, and everyone else who has an IQ>85 knows it. We really need to focus on electing a true liberal leader with some electability.

Alex Van der Bellen fits the bill perfectly, he's brash like Trump, he's a vienna native who also loves all of the rest of the Austria...
The difference between Hofer and Bellen is this: Bellen knows what the fuck he is doing

Bellen is an economist, a former federal spokesperson of the social democrats, and is previously a chairman of a very influential position of the green party.

Clearly, Sup Forums should be getting behind this guy. I don't understand why it's not happening.

Is it because he's jew or something?

Hofer seriously wants to re-take Sudtirol...
gtfo pls

so who are we rooting for? i don't know jack about this election

Also, I have a deja-vu
>pic related

Hofer. He is Austria's Trump and if he's elected will be the first far-right party elected in Europe since WW2

the results might not be published until tuesday. just fyi

I'm sorry Luigi, but you have to give it back

I wonder who's behind this post

Tyrol will be united
Triest will become an independent City-state
Veneto will secede

listen up burger. bellen is a marxist who never worked a day in his life in the real world. he never left uni until he became a professor. he literally spent all his life an tax payers money.

he also is a chain smoker and says that as a president, he will only approve fpo chief strache as prime minister if he becomes pro EU. because fuck democracy right guys!?

hofer 2016

And what do you think about Van der Bellen?
You sound like one of the typical VdB-supporter, because their only argument is “Hofer is a evil Nazi!!!”, they have no own arguments.

> Is there one serious legislative proposal whatsoever? Is there a specific plan of action with respect to possibly annoucing laws? What is he going to do if elected?
Do you ask the same questions about Van der Bellen too?

But i will still answer your question, because i vote Hofer for a reason, and not just because “Muh, i hate the other one!” like every single Van der Bellen supporter.

As you may know, our last presidents literally did NOTHING, really nothing.
They were useless. They were just some old guys living a great life on our expense.

But if you read about the purpose of our President, then you will know that he should watch our government, he should intervene when they do shit against the will of the population.
And Hofer would be the fist one since many decates who would actually do that! He is the first one who promises to actually be a president. If the government does shit like last year or they are stuck up like the last decate, he would at least talk to them — and they would fear him and be more motivated to actually do their job.

And Hofer wants more direct democracy and he criticized the EU — i fully support this.

In comparison:
• Van der Bellen is a EU slave and he worships Juncker
• Van der Bellen will make sure that our government is able to shit on us another few years
• Van der Bellen wants more refugees
• Van der Bellen says that lying is totally OK for a politician
• Van der Bellen will not be a president. He will just sit in his castle and if the government fucks up, he will do nothing

>taxes, immigrants, and muh guns... Is there one serious legislative proposal whatsoever?
Those are serious. Right to defend yourself from tyranny, the right to defend your national identity, culture and social integrity from third world immigration and lowering of the amount of money taken from your pockets by the government are proposals that people here can identify with. How are they not serious?


Good, we just need to give Bozen to Austria, Trento and Friuli to a seceded Veneto and put a big fucking wall between Rovigo wastelands and Ferrara Soviet Socialist Republic.

Hofer will win


In my opinion, there are only two choices:

1. Make sure that our president is a president again (like Hofer will do), or

2. Remove the president at all! If they just do nothing and live on our expense, then they are useless! There is no reason for them to exist. Why should we pay millions for this shit?

The Status Quo is completely unacapptable. We can't continue to waste our money and shit on our democracy.

>nationalism in France is now a real possibility
I really need to wake up

who must win?

Gottes Sonne strahl' in Frieden
Auf ein glücklich Österreich!

I'm fucking sure that in an anarchy scenario, Toscana and Emilia would be the first to abandon democracy and enforce a soviet-esque oligarchy. Firenze's richest family are the same from 600 years

5pm CET - there will be a livestream

>livestreams to Österreich oder Deutschland telly?
We will post livestreams - there will only be GErman livestreams

Meanwhile in Austria.
>Mother kills her 3 kids, her own mother and her brother

Good luck neighbors but I sincerely don't believe you can make it. Austrians living on the countryside are mostly decent, based folks, but they are not enough to counteract the millions of city dwelling cucks.

I demand that you all vote HOFER.

Anybody with self-respect vote HOFER.

>the results might not be published until tuesday. just fyi
Wrong, the estimated results will be there shortly after 5pm CET and they can call the race if there is enough voter difference before the mail ballots are counted... the problem is that if it is very close again, the mail ballots can sway the votes on way or the other and then we have to wait for them.

Can we divide Poland again, Reichbros?


>there will never be another Austro-Hungarian Empire

this is image is very racist and offensive. please remove it.


what a faggot. is party is far right, and he's anti eu. that's enough

>>there will never be another Austro-Hungarian Empire

Ever heard of the V4? Ever heard of the Baltic conference? Ever heard of the Austrian leadership role in the Eastern economic conferences?

We gonna MAGA so hard with Hofer, it won't even be funny. You will say " Please, no Mr. Hofer, please stop winning! We cannot take all this winning! NO MORE!"

>Ever heard of the V4?

Daily reminder that V4 does not consider muslim countries for membership. Thank you for your understanding.

don't start scrwing up relations with us over the fucking sud tirolo. I'be batpized in Gais (near brunich) and I know the area, and they wanna stay in italy. sure, some dipshits wants to secede, but here they're special status region- so they have incentives and tax cuts, so no way they want to be austria again

That's a pretty big country.

>Daily reminder that V4 does not consider muslim countries for membership.
But you are a-ok taking our money and letting in 1.5 million illegal Muslims pass through your country... despite Schengen rules.

God, why are Hungarians so God damn hypocrites?

and now you know why we call slovenes "austrian stableboys"

Where can I get the election results the moment it happens?

f-for you?

"MAGA"ing (or any variation of that) requires more than faith. It also requires works.

Was there any OPs that helps Austria's candidate?

Get fucked, Luigi.

>But you are a-ok taking our money and letting in 1.5 million illegal Muslims pass through your country...

Don't take me for a fool. The real shitstorm began with mama merkels "no upper limit" statement and the wonderful "Nacht der Menschlichkeit" - and it all ended when we have BUILT THE WALL™


Hofer will win

I'd be okay with this, so long as they let Diaspora return




>why are Hungarians so God damn hypocrites?





Fuck off of my clay, nigger


Shut up you stupid fucking American.

because he's anti-EU and anti-immigration

looks like austria wants big mediterrean cock again

Gott mit Hofer!




If he wins how likely is it that Austria leaves the EU? If they won't leave then I couldn't care less. We need to crash the EU with no survivors.


0 percent leave chance.

However, CETA and TTIP will be blocked for 12 years, Austria will send troops to defend the EU border and a right wing gov in Austria is likely to be elected in early elections next year.

Also, Putin, Trump and Hofer will meet in Vienna early next year to discuss the end of sanctions and a way to solve the Middle East.

Don't bully our Schwäger, you big evil bully!!!

If I was him I'd wait until your elections secures Wilders as your leader or France does the same for Le Pen. Else if both happen then the EU is all but finished.

Ever heard of private companies? American companies don't sell to faggots - gimme a break.

Cant believe I am actually supporting Austria


Disappointing. Literally nothing will change if they stay in the EU. They'll still be ruled from Brussels.

I voted for him. It is what we can do.

Ctr stale pasta

Goddamn September feels so long ago now

Based Hofer will drive out the roaches once again.

Lol Bernie a Little Punk marching with the cannonfodder

Highly unlikely, 0%.
But it would just be the first very little step towards it.

Austria is too conservative, there will be no experiments here (it's a bit ironic). We need some other Euro countries who lead the way.

Austria will block any detrimental left wingg EU decision requiring unanimity.

Surely a conservative country should want to leave the commie EU most? How exactly will Hofer MAGA if you're still run from Brussels? At this stage electing a remotely right wing person means nothing. You need freedom like the Brits are getting.

>She said: “That’s not right at all that some countries say: ‘generally speaking, we don’t want to have Muslims in our countries.’”

>“We eastern Europeans – I'm counting myself as an eastern European – have seen that isolation doesn't help,” the German chancellor told MEPs at a meeting on Wednesday.

>why are Hungarians so God damn hypocrites?


Hoffner wird gewinn. KEK will es

Also if you've looked at a map, you'd know that first the Greeks HAD to let them to the Balkans before they could have shown up on our borders.

zeros don't count, newfag


Is it true that Germans are culture thieves of Austria?

Holy Roman Empire
Look it up

GIVE IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!


how the fuck did you end up with greens in the second round against the far right

Our "big" parties that were in charge since WWII have become completely irrelevant and were barely capable of reaching 50% together in the last election a few years ago

If all the fucking pensionists that vote for them would just die already both parties would drop below 10%

Haven't you heard? Van der Cuck is independent. 100%. I swear. The green party leader calling him out as first green president, is a lie to smear his campaign.

Most Austrians are fucking morons, that is how.