Is that not enough for you? Hear from the man himself:
Moonlanders BTFO
Is that not enough for you? Hear from the man himself:
Moonlanders BTFO
>Sup Forums debunked round earth
tip keks
id love to see that
Oh shit here we go.
You should try debunking electricity and breathing.
We live in a world of deception. Post 1945 they really went all out, almost everything we think we know now is wrong. Not even satellites exist. Try to find photographic evidence of one in orbit. GPS is just radio waves. Mars is filmed in Antarctica and elsewhere. Space may be the final frontier, but it's made in a (((Hollywood))) basement.
lol if you think the american moon landing was a joke you should check out the chinese one
My videos have 30 minutes of proofs.
You guys have replied to this thread with less than 10 minutes.
Are facts too hard for you too swallow?
whoa that was sick how u used that red hot chilly poppers line there
>brazilian flag
>earth is flat
>stanley kubrick when in the unedited version he forgot to remove the part where he calls the actor by his real name and what he should say
With added Jew brackets. Stick around buddy, you might learn something. I'm putting on a clinic here.
>debunked Round Earth
>debunked Moonlanding
I know the average IQ in Brazil is 87 but come on.
Get fucked Geert. Brazil is probably now more white and higher IQ than your failed state. Now get back to work, Ahmed is having another baby with his 4th wife and you need to pay for it.
>Richard Hogland sees "cities made of glass" on the moon.
Jesus Christ. No more.
Watching that interview with Kubric. Dude comes off like he has a bit of a messiah-complex.
>I'm such a great and tormented and conflicted martyr.
>I haven't taken care of myself. I drink a lot.
Why don't you take a shower, shave that shit and get a fucking hair cut? You could always start there. Wallowing in your own shit is never helpful.
What's the problem Dundee, triggered because you cant even form english sentences and your cities are filling with chinese people stealing your snake leather farming job?
>b-b-but m-m-m-muh moon.... muh proud white achievement...
>Why don't you take a shower, shave that shit and get a fucking hair cut? You could always start there. Wallowing in your own shit is never helpful.
The guy is dead, dude. Stop talking to a fucking corpse you freak.
No fucking dust. No dust. Did I mention no dust from a 10,000 pound thrust rocket.
Dust everyplace else!
And fucking why do you need gold foil on a fucking foot pad?
Is it bling? To push up the price or just make it look important.
Furcking scotch tape.
Fucking scotch Tape.
And who fucking took this photo?
Moonfags completely, utterly, irredeemably, atelically, infintively and unboundedly BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
>How will they ever recover? Doctors have taken away their belts and shoelaces.
I'm aware. However, in the vid you can clearly see he is wallowing in his own shit... not that he ever really looked particularly clean.
I have seen enough flat earth videos to know your proof is pure autism and speculation about things you clearly do not understand.
3, 2, 1... Blastoff!
>unironically believing this joke 1970s era special effects production depicts a real liftoff from the real moon
>can't even form English sentences
>people stealing your snake leather farming job?
What are you even talking about you crazy Dutch bastard?
I always wondered how the vid of them taking off from the moon was shot. They just leave a camera on a tripod on the moon, with some sort of automatic tracking thingy, because the thing panned up to follow the craft as it took off.
Yeah yeah this!
What is the point of the fucking gold foil with no dust. Its done on a stage is why.
other planets are observable with home made telescopes, we know the are all round
why would earth be different?
OMG are you using youtube as a research tool?
How dumb are you?
Wait did they leave a man to record this and pick him up in the 2nd lander?
Video transmission did not exist. Wait. Its robotic and the camera follows the fucking craft into space. fucking fake. Not one fucking star!
>we know the are all round
Do you know that? For real?
So you can define the third dimension of a planet far away by using a bi dimensional telescope?
Yeah and if I am standing in a big room and see a round lantern on the ceiling, that clearly means the floor I'm standing on is round too, right shlomo?
>balltard logic people
The Flat Earth redpill already debunks the (((moon landing))). No need for additional evidence. The moon is a projection on the Firmament.
It's almost like phenomenon that happen on Earth where there is an Earth-like atmosphere do not happen on a place that is not Earth and does not have and Earth-like atmosphere.
Fucing exactly.
Here is how it was done. A grip in the studio follows the model into the air. CUT.
It's a wrap.
Notice all the photos are fucking perfect? Not even photos from todays space station are this good.
Yes I know it's film on a hassablad.
So no radiation shilding to protect from van allan radiation belt. Film should have burn holes in it.
Lambright her!
pretty sure they left things on the moon that can be seen from earth, like reflectors I believe.
You might not like thunderf00t but he debunked moon landing hoaxers years ago
Do some research. The (((sphere Earth))) model makes no sense on a mathematic level and it completely falls apart once you apply some real science to it.
Jesus Christ why is this a thing? It's not even funny as a joke anymore.
We heard you committed Sudoku Wayne. Good for you buddy, how's the presidential bid going pal?
We all know that Israel attacked the USA on 9/11 now the proof:
If you don't always see the same surface when watching it, it has to change because it is a rotating sphere.
Yeah, I'm sure he did.
but it does curve
How would one theoretically obtain a photograph of satellite?
>Not even satellites exist
I'm sure the billions spent on all the terrestrial satellite infrastructure is just for mockups, and that those weather satellites anybody with a directional antenna and a cheap handheld can pick up are all jewish tricks.
>GPS is just radio waves
No shit
> So no radiation shilding to protect from van allan radiation belt. Film should have burn holes in it.
This is my biggest problem with the first space missions. How on earth can massive amounts of solar radiation not cause any problems in the 60s but be so powerful now?
Supposedly there is a mirror up there that we bounce a laser off of, which is how we've measured that the moon is actually drifting away from earth in it's orbit?
>video transmission did not exist
you aren't even trying anymore
>Believing a videogame is real
We should visit Jurassic Park one day. What? You don't believe dinosaurs are alive????
There's even a video, you moron!
Show me one real picture of a satellite on orbit. No (((NASA))) CGI pls.
Is this a troll image? My baitometer is off the charts.
So coins are a sphere?
A leaf.
How can they do that when you will call literally every example provided CGI?
To prevent FOD and overheating. Look into what happened to SkyLab when their shield came off during staging.
>Video transmission did not exist
Your entire view of the world is a troll image.
To the extent that (((satellites))) exist, they are nothing more than high altitude balloons.
The force of the gas leaving the descent engine is a lot less than you imagine it to be, the gas expands extremely rapidly into the vacuum so the pressure of it drops very rapidly. The lunar dust on the surface is also harder to blow around than say, sand, because its very angular. The individual grains lock together. Oh, and any that would've been blown away would've been blown away UNDER the landing feet. There's no atmosphere for dust to whirl around in, they just got blown directly away.
1) Engine force is on the ground is less than you think
2) Lunar dust doesn't move easily
3) What was blown away would've gone under the feet
I quit.
The Earth is spherical, round, and since it's pretty dang big and heavy, it has a substantial gravitational field. Gravity pulls things towards the centre of the Earth.
Water doesn't try to be "flat on top", it's just flowing towards the centre of the Earth, and is stopped by whatever is in the way, your drinking glass, or the rocky bottom of the ocean. Since every particle of water is pulled towards the centre of the Earth, the top layer, surface is smooth, and when viewed on a large scale, convex (i.e bent into a sphere)
Here, have some Sup Forums debunking your debunking.
Moon landings actually happened. At best some of the footage was faked for propaganda purposes.
I can't create the same picture using photoshop in a matter of minutes.
And I'm not even skilled at it.
Telescope and a camera.
>pretty dang big and heavy
Yeah sure Mr Spaniard, you're definitely not some NASA\insubstantial establishment keyboard monkey shill with a proxy.
Nice theory. But we only accept facts here, so pls.
That's not how it works Pedro. You don't get to just claim the earth is ball (for which there is absolutely zero evidence) and then make up a magical force (for which there is also no evidence) which proves it has to be a ball. Literally "circular" logic.
>Its round because of gravity, and gravity exists because its round!
Nice balloon. Prove that this is an orbiting satellite.
Except this is fucking retarded
You can see satellites in the night sky with your naked eye unless there's a lot of light pollution.
With a telescope you can really see them, I've seen the ISS floating around with my own eyes
Hey britbong, are you by chance a retard?
here's a whole site.
Here's another site, with incredibly detailed info on how to get weather data from satellites.
Also, your picture looks like it was made with somebody who doesn't understand gravity.
>tfw last saturday smoked weed with a guy who is full on tinfoil pants on head retarded conspiracy theorist
no surprise there, he thinks money is literally the devil and believes any form of work is slavery because we all should be provided for by the state since were born and earth is flat and 6000 years old
he lives in a shitty apartment, plays guitar and sucks welfare out the ass
at least the weed was good lmao
Seriously consider suicide. You can see the curvature from a fucking plane
I highly doubt you could make a balloon transit from horizon to horizon in a few minutes.
No, you actually can't.
Yeah Chaim, sure you can
You're trolling, right? You don't actually believe that gravity is a ineffective hypothesis for explaining what we see, do you?
That photo was taken from roughly a million kilometers away with a telescope. It's comparable to using a smaller focal length with a camera, or a really low FoV in a videogame.
Is this bait?
>No evidence of gravity
Drop something.
I was being sarcastic.
It's not called THEORY for a reason, man.
You can't? Fuck, I can.
Pic related.
You can track it
And look at it yourself when it passes overhead.
I did it with binoculars, and even with binoculars you can tell it's more than just a white dot.
Can we stop falling for this (((gravity))) meme pls?
Hundreds of hours of footage would be hard to fake.
Hoaxers only focus on the footage that was broadcast but there's tons more.
Moon rocks were brought back.
in 2009 the landing site was photographed from lunar orbit.
Soviets would have found out it was fake and called us out.
>(((sphere Earth)))
Fucking (((Flat Earther))) trying to push your agenda.
I wanted to say "I CAN"
Theory or hypothesis, whatever semantics you want to use. Ultimately it is a framework of ideas that explain the world around us.
Oh wait do you have a better framework? Let's hear it!
>what is a telephoto lens
>perfect round shape
flat earthers proving yet again to be absolute fucking retards
its not perfectly round, exactly because of the spin
earth is flatter on poles and fatter on the equator