Be American

>be American
>have a fat president

Any other countries have this feel?

Look up the Belgian minister of health

You're welcome for the keks

Nope we've got a skeleton

How is that allowed

Because stop fatshming bigot! HEALTHY AT EVERY SIZE

But seriously idk

An example of what NOT to be??

Let see how you look when you're 70.

Because Belgium is pozzed

we've got a fatty aswell
Should it be Sup Forumss new goal to only elect healty ministers of health in countries!?

>be American
>be expected to look like a movie star when you can get whole pumpkin pies for $4 this time of year

>muh old people are fat, get used to it
Look at Mitt Romney he's one year younger and fit as fuck

>be ireland
>manlet leprechaun for pres
Know that feel, burger


The will of God keeps him young user, that's not fair

Romney also has 1% the energy as Trump and fucking failed at the presidency despite being in politics for his entire life.

obama was unstoppable. It was doomed from the start

The president should represent the people.

i know that feel all to well

Playing as a Mormon is basically the same as having cheats active. They get an insane bonus to their health and vigour.

Thats and older pic, hes actually lost a lot of weight on the campaign trail. He'll never look slim because he has a stocky build but hes not obese

Pretty sure it's because he always wears a suit jacket so you can't see his bitchtits.

Yeah I like and voted for Trump but even I can't deny the man looks like a fucking retard.

>fat shaming is wrong!
>except when its the candidate i didnt want to win
Really makes you... something...

He's old as fuck. He's also earned the right to be fat, he's fucking built a huge company and made something of himself, unlike you OP, who has nothing better to do than call people fat on the internet.


Romney had a strong chance to win in 2012 and totally disappeared off the face of the earth for the last month of the election.

You mean to tell me they could run some random black guy against Trump and he won't be re-elected?

>spends his entire day calling people cucks and shills


No, I'm saying that for example, if trump ran against the already president obama in 2012, trump would have gotten his shit slapped


You can be smart and have a PHD in biochemistry but still lack to moral willpower to not eat 3000 calories a day.

I took an anatomy class with a nurse professor at college and she knew a fuck ton about the body but was still a fat ass

>be swedish
>have mongoloid president


>Be American
>Have Nigger president