What does Sup Forums think of shoe?
The same as what she thinks of herself
Qt. I'd eat her butthole.
Burn the Coal pay the tole.
some of her vids mocking feminists are fun
Haha, a decent-looking girl says purple-pilled shit. She's so funny XD;)))
Coal hole
so there's proof she's into niggas?
Cute, but the typical "I Hate SJWs but if they went away I'd probably be a liberal" youtuber that spawned after Gamergate
Didn't watch. Is a women so probably an attention whore.
And from what I understand she already backstabbed Sup Forums.
same as fellow polak
I would have sex with her.
Her opinions are ok but not interesting enough to listen to for very long.
If you find her style amusing, enjoy. But she doesn't offer any new insights into the topics she covers, she just repeats already existing talking points really.
Stop being attracted to half-breeds.
She's also a coal burner.
Annoying. A girl gamer but instead of gamer it is pol user.
Coal burner, shes worth a single rape and then needs to be hanged
A disgusting nigger lover.
Who is this Jew?
Her opinions are ok... and her boobs
cute and smart. :3
Attention whore and regular whore
Thinks shes better than she is
She looks so cute in that pic
Otherwise I don't care that much for her, I only know she makes videos about opinions which could be considered right-wing. On the one hand that's a good thing, having grills and gays and other non straight white males makes the right seem more legitimate. On the other hand, the message is at risk of being watered down to 'just not be a retarded sjw leftist' in stead of the full blown nationalism we need
She should stop making threads here. Also coalburner and thus auto dropped
one of the best youtubers
totally approved
would let suck my big white cock
would bang
would maybe get a beer with too
Ruins any of the Armored Fedora video she appears on. She feels so fucking forced and contrived.
Dude all she ever does is shill for typically leftists drivel
And then package it with "I hate feminism" and "look at my boobs/fetal alcohol syndrome face"
And all these morons act like she's event remotely redpilled
Push up bras are lies women wear.
q t
Literally any guy on Sup Forums wpuld give their left nut for a girl like her.
She's halfway red pilled.
She's not ugly, even if she's not your cup of tea.
She seems funny and witty.
She doesn't dress like a slut.
She's not chubby.
I'd challenge anyone here to take stock of her traits vs your gf's traits (if you even have one) and honestly compare them. In terms of net worth, she's in the top 99 percent of millenial women.
She's literally the OP of this thread. Well, her or her Jew man.
Fuck off you worthless camwhore cunt. You deserve a bullet to the head.
hot, but she's a godless coalburner so i wouldn't bang her
i miss shiggy diggys.
> Top 99 percent of millennial women
> Coal burner
Choose one faggot!
wew, glad I never gave a shit about this whore
used to have crush on
would not touch now for fear of nigger aids
>2012 + 4
>Missing things
I shiggedy diggedy doo
She mostly just mocks dumbass SJWs, I don't see any reason to like or dislike her as a person
coalburn subhuman
they are expel from tribe.
she seems like the typical attention whore, but she shits on SJWs so shes okay
i like shoe
Somewhat entertaining. Nice to look at too
>You will never piss down shoe's throat
>caring about muh SJayW
bluepilled as fuck
That was my first impression on her.
>top 99 percent
I don't think that means what you think it means.
>99th percentile
That means what you think it means
top 99 percent is more accurate.
She's nothing special
Shoe is not right wing at all. She's a Sargon-tier Leftist progressive faggot, but just happens to be anti-sjw.
That Roaming Millennial halfgook babe is surprisingly right wing though. I thought she was just an act, but often times in her streams she's usually being talked down to by Leftist cucked men possibly in an attempt to get her to change her views but she just doubles down and tries to explain to them why they think the way they do without outright accusing them of being a faggot cuck. Although she does seem to hate beta-males when you read her comments.
>she makes videos about opinions
literally this
end of thread
literally got a atheist MGTOW liberal cuck to be her "boyfriend" by just talking on skype then that same nigger started appearing into her videos and vice versa
would you look att that
they outgoymed you 4cucks so fuckin hard its scary