Sup Forums improvement suggestion

Hey Sup Forums
I'm an oldfag but haven't frequented the board for a while.

Anyway I've been on this redpilled subreddit for most of the year and over there we do some cool fun things to keep ppl hyped.

Sup Forums has become too serious.. so here is my suggestion. When someone makes a good thread or comment we should all write


It helps keep members motivated and upbeat and will improve Sup Forums

U should go back desu lad..


Thats gay af


Thanks for the gold kind stranger.

get thee to the grave, oldie

wew lad


I know I'm going to get down voted for this, but I completely agree.

You probably will, but I just wanted to say that I agree with you, and I for one, good sir, will NOT downvote you.


>redpilled subreddit
Go back faggot.

BOOM .. reading this thread while wearing me "drain the swamp t-shirt"!

>browsing reddit
>red pilled sub Reddit

Doesn't add up

>cool fun things to keep ppl hyped.

get the fuck out.

here, we offer nothing but blood, toil, tears and sweat.

take your downvote like a good goy and goy back

ITT: autists who don't know top-tier aussie bait when they see it.

Reddit > Sup Forums

i became incensed at the talk of 'fun' and did not look at the flag.

thank you wise burger.

Hey now goys, be kind. The second you rebuke potential allies is the second you lose the war.

A lot of 25-35yos started redpilling themselves, but got distracted when they became productive members of society. And if user is even older then that, it's good news. It means he has connections to retarded gen xers and can potentially help spread truth.

You should never rebuke those who seek understanding. Unless you want to be just like the retarded SJWs who drive all whites and sane people away from their cause.

Welcome back brother. There's a lot you missed. Enjoy relearning the things you already knew, and yet seeing it in a new light.

Also, Sup Forums is allergic to reddit. If you don't know why, start researching. You'll understand their irrational autistic rage.

GET THIS PATRIOT A COAT, comradery is necessary to overwhelm the Jew.

Use the proper full-size image, you cunt.

also, if you care about the truth at all, get the FUCK off reddit. Voat is better for now. I'm saying this as someone who used to love reddit back in the day. They've gotten completely sold out to special interests. Incredibly biased and dishonest. Sad!

the answer is simple, more anzu


this desu senpai baka


Brazil I think you may be right. Let's post anzu's

Wow, that's so cool.

one anzu a day keeps Sup Forums sane

Childhood is idolizing Sup Forums. Adulthood is realizing Reddit makes more sense.

Fifty anzu's a day memes a businessman with funny tweets into the most powerful man in the world


What is she eating, a dog turd? fucking t*rks

she's objectively disgusting i just hope people on Sup Forums who like her are ironic


food plebs wouldn't understand

you. whats voat?


fuck off faggot. no one wants you


Let's all stop LARPING.
Most of Sup Forums hangs out on reddit and larps on Sup Forums how they hate it..
It's like a bunch of primary school kids trying to act tough in front of their mates .. meanwhile go home and watch nick Jnr still.

basically a reddit clone that's not completely cucked. It gets attention whenever reddit fucks up, and when reddit banned /r/pizzagate, huge portions of that sub moved there. So it's kinda turned into a right-leaning reddit. It's small, though. But I have hope for it

urgh, why do I live here?

Go to sleep


I'd bet you're right. It only makes sense to scour multiple internet hubs to help you find the truth.

I am sitting here wondering if she has a feminine penis.

remove flags and let us choose like in the old days. flags are the worst thing for conversations.

You only hate flags cause no one takes your shit country seriously.

Actually being an Afrikaner means that Sup Forums will automatically love anything he says.

I logged in just so I could +1 this, excellent post good sir.

All the Africaans I've met in Aus have been forced from their land and fled due to niggers taking over ..
They all act rough.. but in the end they have been cucked and run away like white refugees.
So tell me why they deserve our respect?