i think we've been duped.
I think we've been duped
Other urls found in this thread:
nah your really with the CTR by trying to säy im with CTR
DAMN u fux got nothing to say
It's fine to question Trump now that he's elected. Sup Forums was always about contrarianism, and a skull-and-bones big bank jew is a deeply questionable pick. Don't be like the Obamabots.
Quit being retarded.
If Trump was picking people like Ron Paul for his admin, then yes I could totally see these posts as shilling, but he's not.
Trump is draining the swamp by surrounding himself with swamp.
This is stupid. How the fuck is he supposed to MAGA by appointing people from the same shitty places they've always come from?
Why the fuck would he pick Mnuchin over Ron or Rand Paul?
Use your head. Calling everyone a shill just makes you look retarded.
Nice proxy faggot.
What if Hillary became President and picked this guy?
Stop fucking defending everything Trump does you motherfuckers. Do you -REALLY- think (((they))) would allow for real change?
Somebody needs to fucking do it at some point. Where the hell is lord kek, what happened to our meme magic?
I'm terribly disappointed in Trump's choices for his cabinet. I was legitimately hopeful that he was actually going to tear the system down, or at least try to.
It's right back to cynicism we go.
We know he's not one of them. Everytime Trump does something dumb, it instead backfires and something in his favor happens. Trump is smarter and sneakier than a jew, he's simply a genius.
We really need to stop relying on politics.
It is all a game, and all we're doing is giving authority and power to a select few.
This system does not work for the majority of human beings, it only benefits a few.
8D Chinese checkers guys
We literally cannot fathom his strategies until they are revealed.
shut the fuck up retard
if you wanna suck his dick go to a /tg/
the rest of us are gonna hold him accountable to what hes been fucking saying
It all depends on your definition of "swamp". Trump probably meant the do-nothing bureaucrats, not wall street insiders.
You guys are being cultish.
There is nothing strategically beneficial to us, when he is filling his administration with (((the establishment))).
>Trump probably meant the do-nothing bureaucrats, not wall street insiders.
Both of those things are "swamp."
>Skull and Bones
>Goldman Sachs
>Being this desperate
16D monopoly more like
You're a fucking idiot.
All im asking is to see it out before you (get paid to) post "haha told u fuggin drumpfkins!!".
Who in the right mind elects a billionaire to get rid of a system run by billionaires.
>All im asking is to see it out before you (get paid to) post "haha told u fuggin drumpfkins!!".
I am a Drumpfkin.
Your false dichotomies are annoying. It's too late to shill for hillary, the election is over. CTR lost the war on Sup Forums, calling everyone who raises legitimate questions a shill for CTR is dumb.
How is Trump supposed to tear down this shitty system, by giving authority to people who support the shitty system?
Anarchy would be great if people weren't so greedy, stupid, and deceptive.
>Who in the right mind elects a billionaire to get rid of a system run by billionaires.
It was a logical move. Trump makes his own money, lobbyists attempting to bribe him would have failed.
>How do you bribe a billionaire?
B-but he's not a politician... and n-neither are they... e-e-even if they took everyone's money and got away scott free..
Oh, you mean like giving them authority and impunity, so that you wind up creating a system that attracts sociopaths like moths to a flame?
We can objectively measure sociopathy. I hypothesize that, if we were to test all politicians from around the world, 99% of them would test positive for sociopathy (including lack of empathy), with 1% outliers.
"I don't trust people to run their own lives because humans are evil, but I certainly trust evil humans with a monopoly on authority"
>alright munchy, what would you do in this situation
>excellent, now i now not to do that. Dismissed.
>I didn't hear you say "thank you for your time, President Trump"
>that's better
Ye of little faith. Trump has yet to be inaugurated. How's he supposed to drain corruption in Washington without knowing anything about it's inner workings?
He needs to surround himself with these people in order to learn from them.
>expect well thought out argument
>open video
>*smacks lips* HOL UP SO YUU BE SAYIN
>*rapes a woman* YOU BE TELLIN ME
>*spits out chicken bone* YOU IS TALKIN LIKE
>*get's arrested* THEY BE GLOO IN DA DRAINAOAO
Suppose you're Trump and want to drain the swamp. Do you:
A. Hire outsiders that don't have experience on how the system works or where the corruption lies
B. Hire establishment types that know the ins and outs and can help you map things out so you know exactly where to start demolishing without collapsing anything worth keeping
We still have Sessions and Bannon. Aside from this Jew and one other neocon, I really haven't had too much of an issue with his cabinet so far. Hopefully his next pick will be deemed too radical or racist so we can move on from the necessary Jew.
That's retarded.
He's not just surrounding himself with them. If he gives these people positions in his administration, he is giving them power.
>go to /tg/
>traditional games
For what tho?
One that doesn't want to go into WW3 with Russia which would escalate into nuclear warfare, which would easily end your country as well as our own.
media kikes fuck off
>i am a (((drumpfkin)))
>Drumpf lied to us boys, hes not killing all gays or brown ppl wtf!
>he even brings the jews into power instead of gassing them!!
>hes not in office yet but its definitely over guys, pack it up
This is a false dichotomy.
There are plenty of people who are "outsiders" who know how the system works. Anyone who has ever studied any political science, and the American system of government would know what to do.
Yeah, some people get that Trump is a fucking con-man, while some other people are still desperate to believe that he is the real deal - despite all the evidence to the contrary. It was always the problem with Trump, he doesn't give a shit for anything or anyone but himself, it's all about his ego - he was just cunning enough to tell people what they wanted to hear.
My hope is that when Trump inventively disappoints, that people will not respond with apathy, but instead with rage - driving people to push for real authentic revolutionary change. Knocking Clinton out was only the first step to displacing the unfit idiotic establishment , Trump is not the answer, but perhaps what may come after Trump fails, well that is still up to the people - there is a need to build the momentum and anger, don't let up till the failing corrupt elite are driven out!
Also, I feel sorry for Pat Buchanan - he was much more likely to be the real deal. Trump is a phony.
You wouldn't get it.
>My hope is that when Trump inventively disappoints, that people will not respond with apathy, but instead with rage - driving people to push for real authentic revolutionary change.
Praise kek
Assuming the government is currently functioning more or less as designed and intended.
Which was kind of the defining issue of this election.
every person to ever work in a bank or corporation is irreversibly stained with pure evil
Audibly had a good chuckle.
If you believe he is honest, then yes.
If you don't believe that, then you might have anticipated that he will do the logical thing: what's best for him. Making him no different from all other politicians.
>lel Trump is a conman!
>literally hasn't even been sworn into office yet
Either you're a butfburt libfag looking for (you)s, or you're an idiot millennial that's been spoiled by smartphone slacktivism into expecting instant gratification.
If we didn't end up in nuclear warfare in the cold war, we never will.
Get out of here coon no one wants to watch your shit video about the illuminati
>Wall Street dumps millions of dollars to defeat Trump
>somehow his presidency will benefit them (???)
Actually just watched the video, so this is what Chris Rock is up to now.
Really cranked my brain tank.
Are you claiming that we can't analyze his intentions by looking at his choices for his administration?
The fact that he hasn't been sworn in yet is a red herring, we are discussing the people he is choosing for his admin.
It is the same type of people Hillary would have chosen. Which makes me wonder if CTR is switching tactics now.
And yet he puts one of them in charge.
Yes that is exactly what I am claiming.
(((Predictions))) are meaningless, especially when they are made before policies are even announced.
What's going on in the middle east right now, and what it could lead to, is much more volatile than anything which happened during the cold war.
Personally I am hoping for nuclear war. At this point its the only way the white race will survive.
All major western cities with massive ethnic populations are vaporized within the first few days. If the planet is left in any sort of livable state after the dust settles, the white people in the suburbs/countryside, where they are still a majority, revert to tribalism. White people repopulate their lands.
>(((Predictions))) are meaningless, especially when they are made before policies are even announced.
That is incorrect. We can make accurate predictions regarding his policies by analyzing the people he is selecting for his administration.
so analyze Mnuchin himself instead of what "type" he belongs to
Is this a good starting point?
I don't know what this is about because I'm not watching the video, but if it's about choices like Steve Mnuchin, I have to wonder where you faggots think you find banking or financial experts besides banks and financial institutions. The most qualified people tend to work at the most draconian megacorps when it comes to money.
fuck your "qualified"
this guy is a degenerate greedy sociopath
you didnt elect trump
you elected is-ra-el
and its not going to end well tards