Drumpflets btfo by chubby jewess

Prove her wrong. Pro-tip you can't

Irrelevant jewess really gets the plumbing flowin

But Hitler was actually two of those.

Jesus Christ when are they going to calm down from these hysterics long enough to realize that trump is a moderate?

Guys I checked, tweet is fake and gay.

damn, hitler was a pretty good guy then

I wish he was actually one of those...I don't even care which



Donald is a fucking zionist that loves Israel

>jews support the Saudi puppet that sold nukes to Iran
Puts self-hating jew into a whole another level

So Hitler wasn't either an anti-semnite or racist according to her. Nice.

Amy Schumer ACTUALLY raped somebody.


>blow out trump

So Hitler wasn't disgusting? Based Amy 2bh

I thought we stopped saying that dumb shit.

It's fake

>rapist is now an adjective

this. glad someone else noticed

Has she moved out yet?

>Hitler was only one of those
What did she mean by this

>Amy Schumer
>calling anyone else disgusting

Wew lad.

Trump is non of those things.

Miss Piggy BTFO by REAL LIFE

see you jan 19th for another round of


So Hitler's better then trump.

Is being anti-semite a bad thing?

So she would rather have Hitler as our president than Trump?

Who did he rape

Wants 2 b the new rosie

Either she's saying Hitler, the man born in the 19th century, wasn't sexist or racist, or he was no anti-semite.

Pretty sure she just btfo the modern left

( Chuck Schumer's cousin is a fat whore)

Amy Schumer is an ugly piggy.

Im pretty sure she came and posted a thread about herself here once actually, wish i had saved it

WTF! I love Hitler now.

Lol. Delusional frog poster ignoring reality.

It's fake

I tried to explain this to a friend living in England. Trump lands pretty much dead center in our political spectrum, but the left has become radicalized and everything else seems hard right in comparison. There's nothing he's said that is in any way revolutionary. People are fucking retards.

shut up goyim, remember de six googolplex joos

She could always leave the country if she doesn't like that.

wouldn't it be awkward if she threatened to do something like that? no one would be able to take her seriously again.

I hope people like her will get lined up and shot once Trump's in office.

Why would she leave Israel.

Funny that Jews gets a special word for racism.

Even thought Hitler was certainly no misogynist, he did have very traditional views on women and sex. For example, when he lived in Vienna as a young man, his landlord's wife once hit on him. Hitler reportedly turned red, immediately left the room, and breathlessly exclaimed to his friend "What a Frau Potiphar!"

So if we go by the standards of an Amy Schumer or a Fat Cunt Lena Dunham, then Uncle Adolf was probably "sexist" too, because his views on women were very traditional.

So really it should be three: racist, sexist, anti-Semitic.

I would, however, take issue with the term "anti-Semitic." There are many races of people who are Semitic - not just Jews. Hitler didn't hate all Semitic people, just kikes, so I think "anti-Semitic" is too broad of a label.

So in the final analysis, Hitler was really only a racist, but if we go by Amy Schumer's standards, then we should call him a sexist too.

Trump is a jew lover. Other than that she is right.

Innocent until proven guilty, bitch

Belgium, Denmark, Netherland, Poland, Norway and France... also USSR for the first 2 years and the brits also were only able to send some planes but where not relevant otherwise.

That the rest could rape back was thanks to the US.

Hitler was by far better politic and person than any of those we have now, so i'd rather have him too. Comparing that biggot Trump to Hitler is an insult to Hitler.

Hitler believed in equal sexes, because he is a fucking socialist

>surrounds himself with jews
>daughter marries a jew
>is an anti semite
That's like calling Walt Diney, who worked with Jews evey hour of everyday of his life, an anti semitic. What a cunt.

because jews are not a race. antisemitism is aimed at a religion.

No he didn't. NSDAP excluded women from political life. Remember the slogan "Kinder, Küche, Kirche"? That was all women in Nazi Germany were supposed to care about it. See pic related, Nazi propaganda photo. You are completely incorrect.

i hate that fat sagging cow udder bitch

true. hitler was totally against to the idea of let women going to the academia

That's one of the dumbest tweets I ever read.


Hitler was racist too,he hated slavs,blacks and gypsies


He was not sexist but had very traditionnalists view towards women.If someone who had the same views towards women Hitler lived in 2016 leftists would call him muhsogynist and sexist.


There is 0 proof that Trump raped somebody.


Trump's son is law is a jew.


Hitler respected the "warrior religion" side of islam but he was not islamophile.

Stupid fat kike.

Does she still live in America or did she actually follow through on her word?

Hitler was all except rapist and Islamophobe

So now he's even worse than Hitler? Really activates the almonds...

Say it with me.

Cool fake tweet bruh

They didn't learn a God damned thing did they

Holy fuck they make it so easy.


Wow, a big list of lefty buzzwords, what a great argument

don't they understand that comparing trump to hitler just makes everyone like him more? Whites love hitler.

>hitler was totally against to the idea of let women going to the academia

But they were not forced/encouraged to stay at home like it is done in Islam. Women could do what they want but they Nazis made sure that being a stay at home mom rasing 3-5 kids received just the same level of "achievement", i.e. even giving them medals for pushing out 5 kids and things like this.

>Hitler wasn't racist, sexist, or Islamophobic by today's standards
Just by existing in the 1930s he was. They'd probably consider him a rapist too seeing as banging a drunk woman wasn't rape until recently.

>rapist as an adjective

his daughter is married to a jew

cuck liar.

It's just a little too bad that she is on the wrong side of history, yet again and so once more.


Amy want a cracker?

really makes you think.

Trump is literally worse than Hitler


Hitler wasn't both racist and an anti-semite?

Good point Amy, I guess Hitler was a pretty awesome guy after all!
Who else nazi now?

Hitler was also a vegan and an animal rights activist.

Checkmate hamplanet.

why do they keep fueling the fire? What could that possibly help at this time?

these people are mad literally because they didn't get a vagina in the office.