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reminder this actually fucking happened












very funny but anyone who isnt a retard would know which arm to raise in order to avoid that





which one is this?


thanks user for the laugh


I find this face annoying becuase its always capitalsits being straw manned
anti capitalist meme detected
burn with fire
there is no such thing as X capitalism
there is capitalism
youtube yaron brook



This has happened more than once


This better?



Good one.


Sup Forums


Replace this with a bernie sanders head


gets me every time

this one never fails to get a kek out of me


Literally died laughing! My sides. It's so true!!!!!!



Man, memes are so damn strong

Dude, it's a meme. Wake up.

Can't even crossboard link.


Can i get a template?


No way! Please tell me this actually happened... proofs



Genocide is fine as long as it's people I disagree with

freakin hilarious

Just fucking google it



>comic sans
Not subtle enough.

Lol that flag

I know its a meme but its actually kind of true, but probably unintentional on Germany's part


Is this really how the Estonia meme happened?
I always saw it but never had an answer.
Can you explain further?

>muh hundred billion trillion

This one always makes me laugh.

Yes, it happened. The dude was on a National TV debate that was about Muslims being targeted by hatecrimes, his title was "Islamophobia Expert". Mikael SkrÄmo is his name, if you want to look it up.

>Yaron Brook
Into the trash it goes.



it's 85-100mil actually
are you implying it's false?


Stalin was a monster (as was Mao) but I'm pretty sure 100 million isn't demographically possible.




the monkey war m8





Kraut, can you even comprehend how fucked up your society is when you can't do anything evocative of the 3rd Reich?




fix those fucking spelling mistakes holy shit, education system is a joke huh?

I don't understand what the black yellow guy supposed to represent. Libertarians?

Jesus I thought it was a joke like the ancap balls.

The spelling mistakes sort of work with the meme.

No please.

Do you have any idea how many chinks there are?



Yes, but the population figures still don't add up if you try to assume that 50+ million Chinese died in 17 years. The population grew a lot more, and female fertility tends to be very low when food is very scarce.

fuggin fug

>monkeys vs monkeys
who will win?

fuck you

Story of the year - and reported in the Guardian no less

this is objectively false

Africa completely disproves this, women have more children during times of food scarcity.

that sounds bananas

Thanks. Good boy