>4 pizzas survived and will be sold at discount

Other urls found in this thread:

That could mean anything. Maybe they turned the oven up too high and burned all but four pizzas badly, with the remaining four only barely edible.

shut up shill

Either pizza refers to children, or jews.

>tfw hillbilly is a secret nazi who oven bakes jews for fun.


this is smth I could've done on word, either sauce it up or it's bullshit


Original air date: Jan. 8, 1995

what the eff

I believe in pizzgate fully, but they speak in such coded language that it gives total plausibility deniability.

anons are smart enough to make the connection, but the it won't hold up in court(or the public opinion)

Y'all need to find the Rosetta stone of pizzagate. Even then it will be a fight.

t.Alphabet soup agency

There is no comet message board. What was the source of the weird rules shit

>Buck's Fishing and Camping
it's real

Bump for the kids and for justice

So, ping pong is what all these Illuminati faggots play for fun

Looking into the professional ping pong circuit might be interesting

>surviving pizzas

Has anyone here read any stories regarding occult rituals and secret societies or seen any media at all regarding them.

We all know those secret societies do some freaky shit that would make them pariahs in ordinary society, this doesn't surprise me in the slightest.

Where is the source?

Where the fuck did he get this from?

Seriously if this is fake and a hoax Joe is out of a job.

>4 surviving pizzas on sale form last months session

Couldn't anyone have typed this up?

>mfw I wrote that garbage


needs better source

nigga i aint watching this shit for 9 minutes
post a fuckin image

This was from a LARPer that posted cp to /r/pizzagate and got that subreddit deleted.

This is bad disinfo. We need to focus on what's real and provable.

They're just joking, idiots

They're bein. Hyperbolic about four of their pizzas leaving the menu because they aren't popular

You guys are dumb

what the fuck is this shit? where did he get this paper?

why would comet ping pong post that paper themselves? are they retarded? they did it as a joke?

sorry, looks fake

Exept thats not how a resturant works. You dont sell bad food, its not the job of a resturant to be modest with food, especially not a pizza place.

Also you dont describe pizza as "unhealthy" when it is in poor condition.

prove where this is from

fake screencaps, or stuff posted on a date after pizzagate revelations doesnt count

It's a little sad that since we took Huma away from her, Shitllary has to get her kicks by maybe having a chance to see a mostly naked server at some divey hipster-shitfest "pizza" joint ...

(But also fucking hillarious!)

why doesn't some team just break in there during the day while its closed and bring some breaching tools to see if there are any kids.

After 3:10 minute mark shit derails quick.

This is either fake and used to intentionally discredit PizzaGate and everyone investigating or it was a troll which can still be used for aforementioned purposes. Either way, it seems the populations' general apathy will be what does this whole thing in and not "shills" or hidden powers.

I don't wanna be "that guy" but where is proofs? How can we know this guys isn't just LARPing? Reminder that spreading fake stuff only hurts the credibility of the real investigation.

Hey guys, find the link. Here's your MK Ultra.


True. It is global.

You can search

Caso bar EspaƱa
Crimen de Alcasser

FBI is in on it. Look at the stuff from the 80s with Larry King (not the TV guy). People were suicided left and right, any one who investigated was taken out. Listen to sword and scale podcast episode 5 and 6 for the details, completely fucked up shit all the way to the president.

they can't do this

Why the fuck aren't you cowards storming the building with your precious guns?

OP this is a good video but we also need to start chasing other leads


Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert arrested for sexually abusing children.

Podesta boys get an e-mail from an old acquaintance right after Dennis Hastert was arrested. They suspect her of being under surveillance or trying to gather information for law enforcement.

Notice these words:
>This traffic is really warm and really weird in light of Hastert. Boy that's sad.
>This traffic is really warm and really weird in light of Hastert. Boy that's sad.
>This traffic is really warm and really weird in light of Hastert. Boy that's sad.

An old acquaintance talks about the good times they used to have. This makes the traffic "warm" in light of Hastert's arrest.

bump for justice fuck these elite fucks

>pizza being ping-ponged

>breaking news: (((alt-right))) goes full fascist fueled by "fake news" and storm private proprieties and harm innocent civilian.
Other than that, it's pretty obvious with the amount of heat on their backs now they most likely got rid of any physical evidence they could. Going on the places mentioned right now is a complete waste of time

Guys what's a "Pizza Ranch"??


There is nothing elite about this. They are literally nigger in Africa tier right now. Cannibalism and child rape.

im confused. Where do they talk about being worried about surveillance??

Following we also aren't the niggers we say we hate by acting like niggers in public

It's the name of the pizza place, it's a chain.

Why use the term "youngsters" when quantifying the amount of ""pizza"" he has?

>implying Soros would ever approve

>Mr. Robot season 3 has been cancelled

The youngsters are from the Police Athletic League he's talking about you retard.



It's from the comet forum

You wouldn't refer to Pizza as healthy like that

trump is 70 friend, remember that.

Well you just have all the answers now don't you, you fucking shill.

I bet you're gonna tell me Pizzaman77 is just a random guy? lol!

There's to much fuckery for this to be "confidence".
I'm on to you fucking pedos.

are there any links? screenshots? any broofs?


you are so fucking naive

>made up pedophile symbols

Fucking tin foil hats make us look bad

> a cabal of sadistic cannibal pedophiles who email each other and post using their real names is much more likely

are we just going to ignore this by the way? also whats with pizzeria paradiso? seems odd it is on the exact corner of the small pentagramm. do we have any connections there?

>"Freedom of Religion"
>Finding friends who like what you like
>Getting off to public acts of Satanism
It's a natural progression, for all we know they have been doing this for years. How do you think they enslaved Podesta in the first place?

Do you know anything

where im from we call that "the stading H" for reasons that should be obvious

Fucking nothing, it's fake you idiots.

this. do not be so gullible

>Fake news

I need to do other things today but since you seem capable you should look into "comet liquor" as in where the fucking COMET ping pong sign came from which lines up with a point on that picture you just put up.

Pizza is incredible cheap to make and sell. It's more worthwhile to reprepare a whole pizza than sell burned food at a reduced cost.

You're going to have to find ANYONE willing to pay even a reduced price for their order of pizza after it's been burned in ruined, rather than just demand a refund or a new pizza.

>Buck's Fishing and Camping

Literally a Simpsons joke for sex

If they are in fact leaving hints in their signage, it's because they are laughing at us.

a message board physically in comet ping pong you mong

You seriously believe sadistic pedophilic cannibalism happens through mere indoctrination?

That the only thing stopping you yourself from becoming a pedophile is that you haven't been exposed to it? Or is this just a "lefty" disease that can't possibly affect a morally superior alt-righter like yourself?

cant find it to be honest, only thing i do find is comet deli which is near the pentagram, but not aligned with it

Wonderful, and what's the right-hand place, symmetrical to ping-pong?

Literally satanic symbol in city design. Holy fuck, burgers are crazy.

fug :DD biidza :DDD

Maybe it was a fucking joke?
Good god you people are retarded.

bump, this is critical

Pedos are edged

>Burn jews in oven
>Racial campaign against King Nigger
>Mentor was a KKK grand wizard
>Blonde hair blue eyes
>Redpilled by living in Chicago
>Husband a good ole boy from Arkansas
>Superpredators, Taco Bowls, etc.

Maybe Hillary really was our girl.

>it's fucking ketchup

Nambla and other organizations use these symbols. Nambla specifically uses the triangle (boys lover).

38.9025425,-77.0594532 right beside this place.

nothing too weird apparently. a walmart is near it.

Is there any actual hard evidence for pizzagate or is this a bunch of retards piecing together circumstantial evidence?

There was no smoking gun in the video. Just some guy reading off a bunch of documents that could have easily been faked. At most, all that has been proven is that the Podesta crowd is into some pretentious art, which is quite typical of liberal elites.

there is so much "circumstential" evidence you can hardly call it circumstential anymore. i kno you are most probably a shill, but i answer only for the slim chance you are not. so have a you

>There was no smoking gun in the video.
Comet put a message out saying they have 4 Pizzas from last month that are in 'bad health', 'they're expected to not survive'.

bretty sure no one sells last month's Pizza and describes it as being in poor health.

Read Fucking shills.

I'm not a shill. I just don't understand how you guys are making the leap from suspiciously worded documents/instagram posts -> international Illuminati pedophile ring.

It all comes out of the Podesta emails. There's too much information now to spell it out for you. Just hang in these threads and look at the information provided. There are way too many coincidences for them to be coincidences anymore.

See this is the kind of stuff that destroys the credibility of this theory right out of the gate. If you want normies to take you seriously you have to do better than strangely worded sentences.

I agree the wording is suspicious as fuck. But again, as far as I can tell there isn't any hard (i.e. unambiguous, not open to interpretation) evidence out there of a pedo ring.

when will you shill stop with this tinfoil shit?

There is just too damn many coincidences.
Okay, weird mails can be anything worth hiding behind code words.
The disappearance oddly timed with Podestas being there? Weird, but not implausable to be on the same time.
Comet pizza being a weird place, neighbour places having pedo symbols? Even weirder, even less likely to just happen.
And so on, and so on, until a pedophillia ring conspiracy, not something new for Washington, becomes more likely than a line of coincidences.

>1 post by this ID

>people too autistic to understand this is a reasonable post
>Pizzagaters would prefer delusion and hugboxing


>john and pete