Is there anything more degenerate?
Alcohol: the ultimate evil
Is suicide by alcohol redpilled
Does anyone on Sup Forums like to have fun? Like for Christ's sake...
>having enJEWment
>Is there anything more degenerate?
speedrunning video games
I love me some moderate drinking
>leave computer after running out of redpills to share
>walk out to balcony, stroking my 30 inch bread
>See normies in the street-- enJEWing themselves
>Notice a chad with a drink
>feel inspired and quickly run (for normies moderate speed walking)
>look up stats on drinking
Drinking is degenerate!
alcohol is not fun it is for the weak and poor underclasses
dude that shit will wreck your life, I made so many bad decisions while drunk, lost so many friends, girls and opportunities before I stopped drinking.
It's also a bluepill normalfag sedative to control the masses. Just leave, get the fuck out of here.
Alcohol is for pleb, aristocracy do drugs
alcohol has a time and place, it requires the application of discipline.
Anything done irresponsibly or without discipline or respect for yourself is degenerate.
As a general rule, if you wouldn't tell your grandkids about something you did- it's a degenerate act.
>not drinking one beer/glass of wine a day
Fun is literally the most degenerate thing to have.
Agree that.
In Russia you can buy 0.5l bottle of vodka for $3.
Most car crashes caused by alco.
Yeah but it also got you laid before it started ruining your life
No, I got laid way before I could drink.
>binge drinking on the rise
>obesity on the rise
Huh, imagine if the two were, like, related.
Come on man, have some fun.
How do you go out clubbing without drinking? Is it even possible?
you don't
Okay listen, this is the way you get to fuck. Are you telling me to stop fucking around?
huh, dude go back to lebbit normie, why would you partake in degenerate alcohol and hookup culture
yes stop fucking around, fuck up
Drunk good booze. It's too expensive to binge on.
it is the real devil. i stopped last weekend because i always drink way too much.
ill just switch to taking mdma when partying. it makes you drink loads of water and i never had a hangover.
>t. Achmed
>he doesn't go to underground club only to enjoy the music
I guess I'm not a binge drinker! 2.5 beers per hour is about 1 faster than usual!
Of course that 1.5 beers is a 90min, so I dunno. I'm still not sure if I'm a high functioning alchie or not. Sober all day but I like to drink while I do woodworking and model building projects.
Raped =/= Laid
I'll rather get to know the girls instead of you and your cousins Iqbal.
>t. Tyrone
You should also go back to /r/donald or where ever the fuck
I'm not a nigger, nor a virgin, like (You)
>drink in loud clubs for a one night stand
>get to know the girls
kek, just get the fuck off my board
Alcohol created human civilization.
Not surprising that the human trash here doesn't like it.
> His board
> Weeabo
> Not married or having a gf.
> Probably smoking weed
Post picture to prove your are not shitskin.
Chill Swede-bro, i dont like brew or spirits, i was just making a flag joke, you know, what Sup Forums is all about? Someone needs a chill pill.
Americans make the same fucking jokes everyday, it gets old after a while, I'll tell you. Do you honestly think that was funny at all? Original? Jesus fucking Christ
>tfw alcoholic who hasn't had a sip in 6 months
i'll pray for you heathens
btw this type of normie belief is the reason alcohol is such a cancer on our society
Not really, but the thread was lame anyways, and i knew you would react as so. And that is entertaining. GJ you made the thread viable again. Now go on and madpost some more.
I hate you. It's probably you every day in all the threads, you fucking asshole.
>neets that never learned to control themselves because their parents ignored them can't control drinking with a few friends to loosen up and have better conversations complain about it being jewish propaganda to make themselves feel better about being shit
Im hearing all the arguments here but a few beers isnt degenerate.
Getting hopelessly wankered week in week out is
Contraception changed the game. Now if you get smashed and knock up some ho, it's (usually) consequence-free. In the old days you had to be a lot more careful.
Actually, i rarely post. It was all in good fun, for my part. Just chill out. Breathe.
Dogfish Head is based
>not Pedro
>Muslims are so dumb they can't even get stereotypes right
Being slightly tipsy is the best thing you can be. Being actually drunk is horrible.
no fuck you
i love drinking
being a teetotaler means you just pop blue pills in your spare time
People just don't know the value of moderation.
I'll have 2 drinks while watching a football game, meeting up with my friends or on a date, don't drink to get drunk, drink to become a little less autistic.
>there is no line between drinking to have fun and getting completely wasted
Let me guess you were that one guy that announced your excuse to drink every night so people didn't judge you?
>I don't drink
Everyone in sweden are fucking drunks.
So many trashy women getting shitfaced riding the cock carousel.
>75% of women are completely ruined at 23 as they have been drinking heavily every week from 14 yo
It isn't called rape if Jamal does it, so he might have a point
How are you guys all talking about it as if an alcoholic can choose whether to drink or not?
Proves you don't know shit. An alco with throw EVERYTHING away for a drink. Custody of their kids, jobs, wife/husband, and eventually their lives.
>drinking to have fun
That's what stimulants and opiates are for. Alcohol doesn't get you high and gives you a hangover if you consume enough to actually get a buzz.
Moderation has been wiped from the dictionary of all Western countries. No one drinks in moderation. Westerners wank three times a day to obscure fetishes. They binge on liquor and unprotected sex. They eat their way into an early grave unwittingly.
We were blinded.
I'm pretty sure fucking your sister is a bit more degenerate Ahmmed.
Is that really what clubs are for? I know underground raves being held at random locations are good for the music, but how do you enjoy listening to house remixes of top 40 music without being shitfaced?
nothing wrong with drinking and smokin a little hoosker. Most of you hear clearly are no fun and cant get laid. life is short. their will be no important war or uprising in our lifetime. find your own happiness stop blaming jews and people of color. but fuck Muslims tho
Alcohol is for white people, only subhuman species dont know how to control it and end up abusing their family or doing stupid shit
>tfw haven't drunk alcohol in 6 months
>haven't been this healthy in years
Pic related
Who else /nodrugsnoalcoholnocigarettes/ here?