Hillary is winning by 2.5 million votes now. It's expected to go over 3 million soon.
Is the electoral college broken?
In a normal presidential election the candidate with the majority of the votes win, so no one won, technically.
The polls were fucking right ... Drumpftart are literraly blow the fuck out. The rigged electoral system saved his racist ass.
>implying popular vote counts for anything
"If I don't like it then it's not fair."
>In a normal presidential election the candidate with the majority of the votes win, so no one won, technically.
No. In a normal Presidential election we use the Electoral College so Trump won.
4 million dead and illegals in California...
the electoral college hasn't voted yet
they're going to elect the true winner, not the cheating con artist
It's illegal for them to be faithless voters, plus the Congress can override them, so Shillary has literally no chance what-so-ever of winning.
>doesn't understand what a republic is
>makes retarded threads
Obviously a recent public school student
Low quality b8 m8. Anyone who doesn't understand the purpose of the EC is a retard who didn't pay attention in high school gov class
The gap keeps widening, pretty much sure they are stuffing the ballots as we speak in Cali, it doesn't even make sense.
No, YOU'RE retarded if you think Hillary's lead in the popular vote isn't important.
This system isn't working and it's fucked over dems TWICE in the last 16 years.
Can someone explain this to me? How can she even win?
Does she have a chance? If she does I'm scared.
It worked exactly as it is intended to.
It's stopped 1 overpopulated state from deciding the presidency for the rest of the country.
he warned them
It will continue to increase until 6million to remember the 6 millions of (((illegals)))) that died voting for her on the liblocaust
Yes, Its been broken since they stopped enlarging congress.
Restore the representative capacity to that which was intended during your states founding. 1 rep per 40k citizens. As a result of the moratorium on expansion its now 1 rep per 690k citizens.
theyre going to keep counting all of these votes coming out of nowhere and by the time trump leaves office hillary will be 12 million votes ahead.
And it allowed Cleetus's vote from North Dakota to be worth 20x more than a vote in California
al gore cucked himself, it wasnt the voting system
Fuck off, it's too keep commiefornians from infecting the country with their bullshit.
The real question is the american public broken? 65 million votes for a corrupt criminal?
>6 trillions soon
a lot of holocaust survivers voted for her :^)
>And it allowed Cleetus's vote from North Dakota to be worth 20x more than a vote in California
Don't forget this guy's vote, also worth 20x of anyone in California.
He won.
You lost.
Republic > Direct Democracy
But trump won the popular vote in the majority of states.
Wait, they're still counting? Wtf?
Good then we having nothing to fear since Hillary is a huge con artist. Thanks leaf
still whining about this ? jesus christ
either that or a dumbfuck sjw with an axe to grind
>Hillary is winning by 2.5 million votes now. It's expected to go over 3 million soon.
And that means precisely dick. Good for her.
Once the country enacts strict voter ID laws I'd be up for that. Untill then Dems can just keep bussing in illegals for work and body count to inflate their states.
>USA is made up of 50 states
>trump wins 30 states
>somehow people think he shouldn't win
The faggotry is at an all time high folks
I don't know why all these "magical" votes keep coming out of California. why is the count still going are they just adding imaginary votes or adding more thinking that it matters anymore.
you guys used to not take bait this easily. What happened to the old /pol
>The rigged electoral system saved his racist ass.
I believe you meant to say "The Electoral College is working as intended and prevented the rural areas of the nation from being at a disadvantage to the metro areas"
If it doesn't mean anything then why do they bother counting them all ? :^)
States choose the president, not the people. The constitution doesn't require states to hold an internal popularity contest, they just all decided to do it that way.
>for a democracy
Well good thing we live in a democratic republic
Tell that to Bernie Sanders....
I dont know about you but I dont want Commiefornia and Jew York deciding every single election
Bernie Sanders got destroyed by Hillary in the DNC primaries.
Try harder, faggot.
Working as intended to prevent states like CA from control the control over mid-west/southern low pop states
this "oh we are still counting 3 weeks after the election" is shady as fuck
The federal elections commission is very good at weeding out fraudulent votes.
In what manner do you believe illegals are able to vote for your president?
That's actually a really good question. There are several news items going around about Jill Stein and that Hamilton group are trying to circumvent the election entirely. It's like ... why bother voting?
I can't say anything too meaningful because I'm not a US citizen. But I can still see an issue there.
What's the fucking point of having states if we use a nationwide popular vote?
Say it with me:
>Domocratic Republic
Not a ((( Pure Democracy)))
I'm not saying abolish it, but at least improve it.
Losing by 3,000,000 votes and still becoming president just sounds wrong on paper.
>they are still counting votes
this shit is so fucking rigged.
Wrong to people that don't understand it. He could get 0 votes in blue states and it wouldn't matter because the states voted him in. He won a bunch of individual popular votes. It just so happens our two largest states are filled with libs and padded Hilldog's vote count
No the fact that the (((nearly 3 million)))
Votes came from one place means that the system works how it is intended
No it's not illegal.
And yes, if Shillary an sway republican electorals, she can also sway republican representatives and senators.
You keep forgetting, that Trump is unpopular with the DNC elite.
>Implying dead people count
Dead People Dont Count
>implying illegals count
Illegals dont count
Good, I hope it reaches 10 million, makes it all the funnier
And losing 30 states out of 50 in a federal union and still winning sounds wrong on paper.
Face it guys the handouts are over.
You are going to have to contribute from now on.
*unpopular with the RNC elite
The Bushes even openly supported Johnson.
Trump makes a big mistake if he gets people like them off the hook easily (Romney)
He's hated by the DNC anyway, no questions.
She cant even rig her elections properly
Shillarys popular vote win is only in commiefornia, the electoral college is saving the entire country from a Shillary dictatorship.
Explain the illegals voting meme.
Aren't you supposed to register with the government in order to get a ballot?
>Trolls repost this same crap 4 times per day only to have it BTFO with logic and Constitution.
>Repetition of subject matter is one of the best teaching methods.
Angry SJWs unknowingly helping Sup Forums teach the brilliance of the U.S. Constitution and all the forethought and logic that went into 'framing' it.
republic has nothing to do with the electoral vote
In California all you need is a drivers license
Yes, the electoral college is broken. It's rigged to not represent the majority of people, just like congress is with drawn districts that go around certain territories to get more officials into office then what they actually represent. In fact the whole states system is so draconian and outdated. The house of representatives needs to be abolished and the President needs to be elected by popular vote. Even Donald Trump agreed to that in 2012.
California should split.
If Wyoming can be a state, California can be 64 states.
>lose an election
The Jews are behind this.
Wtf I hate Trump now
>American elections
Can a burger please explain how it works? Here in my country voting is mandatory for +18 and each citizen has 1 vote, we count the total and the one with the majority wins. There is some other stuff if certain technicalities happen, but that's basically it.
It's state based, who ever gets the most votes in a state, gets a certain number of predetermined electoral votes. You need 270 electorals to win.
So there is more strategy involved in winning certain states
Turn 18 you CAN register to vote. During elections you vote for who your state votes for. In other words the states are voting, in the bigger picture. This is so that really populated places like New York city, Philadelphia, And LA (all 3 of which are densely populates and liberal as fuck) can't vote for places with more farm land than people.
Each state has a number of votes based on population with CA having the most, and those are what decides who wins.
Dont you get tired of making the same shitty thread everyday?
argentina is just 1 country
usa is 50 countries
trump won the popular vote of 30 countries, clinton only 20 popular vote contests won
>Hillary is winning
That's where you're wrong kiddo
>yfw all the liberal electors in all the red states vote blue
For I am nOoB and I have spoken
Is it true that if you are a male and you register you are basically making yourself eligible for military draft, or that is a meme?
So, each state has some sort of of body of government that casts one vote and then whoever wins more of those votes is the one who actually wins? Are there elections for those in charge of voting representing each state?
I read that it is possible for them to say "fuck you" to whatever the people voted and vote whatever they want and pay a fine? Is that a real?
*a real thing?
If that happened it would be awesome, civil war all around, Murica being separated into nation-states and happennings all around.
Considering democrats will never leave the cities I would not be surprised if every republican president in the future loses the popular vote. The salt is going to get intense.
The states Trump won get Republican electors. It is more likely those electors vote for someone like Jeb than Hillary. Just like a few Democrat electors may vote for Bernie.
Totally incorrect. In CA you do not need a DL or ID card. Nor do you need a SSN. Nor do you need proof of residency. In CA you only have to "swear" to be a US citizen by checking a box. Don't believe me? Go see how easy it is to register to vote in CA (in one of 10 languages):
I swear guys! I haven't voted 80 times already and I am a U-S-A citzen! :DDDD
This is what counts.
Probably 3, 4 million invalid votes in CA. Nobody will look into it. Dems run everything here.
You're required at 18 to register for the draft, but it hasn't actually been used in forever. I think you can basically do both at the same time but I'm not sure.
I think you meant to say, "The Electoral College is working as intended and allowed the rural areas of the nation to disadvantage the metro areas"
The people don't vote for the president, the states do.
The people tell their state how they want to vote.
Not broken.
What's broken is giving a piece of shit, tax-dollar-draining shithole like California 55 electoral votes.
I'm going to keep posting this thread until Hillary's popular vote lead stops going up.
Fucking deal with it.
Democrats are gaming the system with mass immigration.
If California voted like the average blue state then Trump would be winning the popular vote.
God forbid a liberal doesn't feel like victimized.
Sure buddy, believe whatever you want. It's done wonders for liberals so far.
>In what manner do you believe illegals are able to vote for your president?
2014 study found that up to 2.8 million illegals may have voted in 2008
actual article:
They had a much higher incentive to vote this year, it could have easily been 5-6 million.
neither have the majority of votes REEEEEE