Be thankful for your colonial legacy

Have you thanked your based former colonial masters today pol? Aren't you glad they pulled your backwards and primitive ancestors from the dirt giving you the benefits of Western medicine, science and morals with none of the work?

tfw I will never be in colonial troops

I hate you both, mom and dad.


You know, something I think of now and then is, wouldn't it be great to just, you know, up and join something like the East India Company, travel the world, shoot some rebels, and earn a wage with your brothers in arms? Why can't there be simple shit like that? Companies that do cool shit, who are constantly hiring and will take anybody. That I think is what I miss most about the Empire. A bit of pride and professional availability.

>fuck you
>who conquers a place and then signs a rental

My great granddad was colonial administator in Tonkin from the 20's until the independance.
It seem so great when my grandmother tell me stories about this time (pic related is some class photo from my grandmother, she's in bottom row, 4th from the left)

I feel the same way. What can the average man do now, go work in some 9-5 producing pointless widgets? To hell with that, I want to be out there expanding the frontiers of the empire

what up autistic kids

Come back :(


We will never experience something like this again until we start colonizing the solar system.


2 world wars. We owe them nothing.

This sounds nice. Wasn't that Dutch though?

>tfw even if we had a new empire it would be mostly defended by drones
>tfw the natives would all starve to death so no native pussy

There were 5 East Indies Companies:

Newfoundland represent!!!!!

I'd join the Dutch fleet. If I remember the6y messed up the British one right good.

1 world war. But thanks for inventing penut butter

Th Brit on conquered modern day India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Burma. It also invaded Nepal, which gave the britis army Gurkhas

Scandinavia cannot into colonial empire

Two going on three (over there, over there) and you still owe us a White House. Tbh we do have a habit of taking credit for everything, Russia defeated Germany in II for the most part.

The Swedes had a pretty big one in eastern Europe. Look up the Great Northern War.

Pre act of union a lot of Scots served as mercenaries in Swedish service. Right up to the ranks of supreme commanders and spy chiefs.

Na first one was done before you got involved, second was won by the Russians in europe and the American's in Asia. The US media hugely overestimates their importance.

It isn't a zero sum thing. Thanks for your help but we owe you nothing for either

You will 100% be responsible for winning the next one though.

>Rulers of the American continent
Empire is a part of the British character, I suppose


I love how the India flag was created just a way to look like a turban.