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I think you guys need to calm yourselves down. You are become hysterics. This pizza situation is abusing your souls. You are losing yourselves thinking all day about child raping.


wow there's one thing cenk was actually right about

>basement virgins

Wassup Cenk?

Shilling your new video on Sup Forums backfire on you or something?

This roach couldn't be more desperate for our attention if he tried right now.

Autistic chucklefuck.

All this shit has been in the open for years. Talked about, read about, and theorized about. The general population didn't care when officials of major organizations admitted this disgusting conspiracy, what makes you think they'll care now?

>watch this
Video is an hour long. No thanks

Children are being lost to this. You need to understand that your shilling is helping hurt children.

>Children are being lost to this

Provide hard evidence or gtfo. Sup Forums is NOT a conspiracy board. Go to ATS for that kind of mind numbing shit.

I think most basement virgins here could kick that ugly fat roaches' head in. What a cuck.

You have no more information now than you did when this started. All you are doing is abusing yourself. Maybe there is a network of child rapists that run pizza shops and like ping pong. That is entirely possible....probable even. A kosher meat packing plant near me was closed and all the rabbis arrested for manufacturing meth a la Breaking Bad. People are trash, it's true, but you aren't helping anyone. Least of all yourself.

Pawns In The Game, mentioned at 3:00

I like how you pretend to care about our wellbeing and yet you entirely disregard organized crime exploiting and abusing children. You don't have the moral high ground here you moron. Just shut up and leave.

>organized crime exploiting and abusing children.

If I gave a shit I'd give you links, but I don't. Keep living in your normie world where human trafficking doesn't happen and you aren't being entirely cucked by your rulers.

Back to >>>/leddit/

People have several leads and are looking into it atm. There aren't "hard proofs" just yet, and if they stop, such proofs will never be found. How hard is that to comprehend you fucking bong?

oh look. a brit flag. JTRIG and tea anyone?

I think we have a good deal more than when we started. Now, fuck off or contribute. Your concern shilling needs to fucking stop. What the fuck are you doing with your life?

Backroad highways
Private plane runways

Shall I list more places where no one in America actually visits, but they are there and they are used on a regular basis?

Shipping yards, industrial areas

Heh, yeah that fucker Rick Wilson also said we're irrelevant. Who's laughing now, fuckface?

alright so this is going to be kind of a doozy because it's going to pinpoint a connection between the CIA and the Secret Service

What do you think the purpose of some of this is? Why hasn't anyone tried to tie anything in with MK Ultra yet? Could children who survive this atrocity be somewhat conditioned for tasks set up by the secret service or the CIA?

Now, I'm going for a coupe de grace

How much cheddar do you wanna bet that this kid was involved in satanic sexual abuse when he was a child?

is that my boy ted gunderson? God bless his soul, he's legit. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.


The end goal for operations like CPPP is to produce the kind of children who would be able to serve the media as a greater whole.

What happened after that sad night in a church owned by and overseen by actual, deserving citizens of the town of Charleston? The Battle Flag came down.

I'm going to smoke outside


Watch this video all the way through. WTF.

mate I spent all fucking day sat in an office transcribing interviews from victims of serious crimes

I've seen shit that makes pizzagate (which is about 95% true, no doubt about it) looks like watergate, pal. A room with a fucking view

because humanity can see nothing but a downhill trend in it's survival based on the current conditions and state of the world.

Decades upon decades of sinking. Humanity has no plan for prosperity, on contingencies for emergencies.