Aiming for at least 3. More if my finances end up really great.
How many kids do you want to have Sup Forums?
None. I just let a 5'9" Korean qt go, because she wanted kids.
Good, now get someone who isn't a gook.
I wouldn't wish this degenerate world on anybody and it's too late to save the white race
>Wanting to be a genetic dead-end, die alone and pushing others to give up and cuck themselves
Gee I wonder who could be behind this post?
3 at least.
Gotta go over replacement to extinct the white man.
>posting furry shit on Sup Forums
I want at least 3. Considering I want my wife to also be a PhD she might not agree with it. Maybe I will marry some lower tier girls and negotiate to have more children.
Three at the least. I will have more (Maybe five?) if I can afford it
Good. Racemixing is disgusting.
13 or 15.
But I'm not white.
One more. Two is enough for me.
I want to adopt 50 males and 50 females and instill my beliefs in them. I want them to then pair up and produce at least 2 kids per pair. Then I would have their kids (if i'm still alive) go out and convert and reproduce with normies.
>replacement levels
Guess you just don't want us to come back
>life isn't worth living
Why don't you just kys then?
4 kids. 2 boys. 2 girls, perfect family. There is nothing that comes even close to that perfection.
I'd want 4 kids. 3 boys and the youngest being a daughter.
[spoiler]I only want them with my waifu though[/spoiler]
At least 3, we need to make up for all those childless degenerates.
Six minimum.
More if finances allow ( and there's no reason they won't ).
I hate children. Insufferable pieces of shit. They require high upkeep, constant attention and you're completely fucked if you decide to raise them against the will of welfare state. Maybe, just maybe they'll be kind enough to visit you in your deathbed once in a while but don't count on that. My advice? Save the money so you can die in peace in some fancy tropical resort once you will be no longer able to work.
0 because I'm mentally ill and I don't have the abilities required to mantain a family, nor I want my inferior ashtma genes to spread.
You are a good man, user.