Proof that nature INTENDED bi-sexuality and homosexuality

Society, religion, and cultures universally condemn (some worse than others) homosexuality and bi-sexuality. Yet, it is clear that nature and evolution intended men to engage in homosexual intercourse.

The proof lies in that men can orgasm from an internal stimulus of the prostate gland. No penile stimulus involved. From just anal intercourse, a man can orgasm.

Now you tell me, if nature never intended homosexuality (or more precisely, bi-sexuality), then why in the world would men be able to do this? BTFO Sup Forums.

Vid related.

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When you say "evolution intended," do you realize what you're saying? You're assigning intent to an impersonal process. Stop being so fucking dumb, everybody.

So can females though.
So you have no point.


>pornhub sauced

Nature/evolution doesn't intend anything. Its just a bunch of shit that happens and averages out in a certain direction.

>genetic dead ends praising the intent of nature

wew gay lads

Nature intended homosexuality as a population control, meaning homosexuality is the symptom of the disease of overpopulation.

A perfectly healthy society has no homosexes

I'm using "intent" as a personification of natural selection. Think of it this way, if homosexuality was a bane to continual existence of a species, the ability to orgasm from prostate stimulation alone would have never developed, or would have disappeared.

Obviously, it serves a purpose. Or the ability would never have developed in the first place OR it would have disappeared. Like tails in certain species.

Just because females can do it too, doesn't break my point. If a trait or an ability is harmful to the survival of a species, it is always bred out. The fact that prostate orgasms were never bred out in males tell us that it has a useful purpose.

That's not how evolution works you fucking retard

>Many [female rats] were unable to carry pregnancy to full term or to survive delivery of their litters if they did. An even greater number, after successfully giving birth, fell short in their maternal functions. Among the males the behavior disturbances ranged from sexual deviation to cannibalism and from frenetic overactivity to a pathological withdrawal from which individuals would emerge to eat, drink and move about only when other members of the community were asleep.

>appeal to nature


Of course nature intended it. Good way of weeding out faggot genes.

I hope this is bait, cuz if it's not you're a fucking idiot

It's not bait. I just posted it on Sup Forums because I knew you guys would absolutely fucking flip out at any sort of logic or scientific reasoning that promotes homosexuality. You didn't disappoint me.

>men can orgasm from an internal stimulus of the prostate gland.

That is a lie. I have conducted extensive testing so I should know.

You're not getting the angle right.

Homosexuality is a pathology, you faggot.

A woman can peg you for maximum climax, doesn't mean buttsex is homo.

Every fags mum is a failure.

The theory of evolution holds that mutations happen WITHOUT reason and the fitter specimen survives and reproduces while the unfit specimen does not survive or fails to reproduce. The whole fucking concept is a hamstering effort by Godless heathens to deny God at every step of their lives. There are plenty of examples of things that feel good even though it's morally wrong to do them. The fact that some people get a certain thrill out of abusing children doesn't show that "nature intended" for people to abuse children. Your argument is stupid. Give it up.

You have erogenous zones in your anus to condition you to make shitting feel good, not so you can enjoy getting cock in your ass.

This goes for both genders.

Why are there so many homos on Sup Forums ?
Is it milo that's dragged you all out of your gutters? No matter, you're first on the day of the rope.

Minus the autistic christfaggotry, thats /thread

Mutations occur at random. And those traits that are not useful get recessive over time. Apparently, the ability to climax from prostate stimulation is somehow useful since it's still around.

I'm not gay. I'm just stating a theory.

There's a difference between something feeling good, and something that can make you orgasm.

Yet another hamstering effort to deny God. Is the scientific method based on observation? Obviously. Do we observe evolutionary changes in nature? Obviously. Do we observe anything ever happening without a cause? Never. Is the postulation that all that we observe just popped into being without a cause merely an assertion by people who deny the existence of God a priori? Obviously.

Isn't this about those behavioral studies conducted at NIMH using rats, from which also derived Don Bluth's film The secret of NIMH and Naoki Urasawa's Monster?

Underrated knowledge right there.