Was it truly necessary? Was it worth it?

Was it truly necessary? Was it worth it?

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No, it was not necessary. It was mass murder, period.

tfw i hate white people now

Dude, have you seen the plans for Operation Olympic?

It was totally worth it.

No, neither the action nor the war was necessary, and only destroyed the most dedicated anti-communist power in Asia.

Do you even know how many American lives it would've cost to storm island after island after island of suicidal japs?

Young kids drafted without any consent.

It was better this way.

Also fuck you for not letting us take back Indonesia after it was rebelling in the late 40's and we had their first 'president' soekarno in our prisons. You threatened to stop the Marshall Plan. Now it's the biggest muslim nation in the world.

Well done.

No. They just wanted to test it before the war ended


Japan was engaging in bio warfare. Read about the balloons they sent into the U.S. mainland, meant to poison the food and population.

Yes. It was necessary. The Japanese were absolute savages, and needed to be decimated.

It gave us Zitto animale

you tell me

Inbred degenerate pedofucks.. Indonesia deserved their independence, and Japan and the US should never have been enemies. You threw the region into chaos over your spice colonies that you couldn't hold on your own with your shit-tier army. You cucks enjoy your shariah.


If you want the correct conservative answer

>"lol anime memez bomb japan"
Is the coolservative answer

Ends justify the means -- and that pic and the stories fabricated behind it have been proven fake. They are (((KMT))) soldiers in stolen uniforms with a doll.

oy vey, er, i mean, ching chong, thank you for believing chinese post war propaganda, white devil!

It was necessary to be the ones that defeated Japan
After they were second in Berlin
The Russians were ready for invasion:
en.wikipedia dot org/wiki/Soviet%E2%80%93Japanese_War_(1945)

[..]On 24 July the Soviet Union recalled all embassy staff and families from Japan [..]

Yes it was necessary. It gave us all anime. After nuclear blast japs started to draw anime.

>CHING CHONG Japanese were so evil goyim, ping pong!

people still believing this war bond propaganda garbage 70 years later.. baka

Should of dropped one on Tokyo 2bh

No it was not necessary. The Japanese people were warned and could have surrendered at any time prior. They instead opted to have not one but two atom bombs dropped on them first.
Absolute piss poor tactical decisions were made on behalf of the Japanese people by their leaders. However the fact that they did surrender eventually thereby saving the rest of their Nation was absolutely worth the choice of surrender

I'd rather kill 100,000 nip civvies than lose a single american soldier's life.

Why people think we have to be kind to those we are at war with I do not know.

Right the object is to kill the enemy.

Around 250,000 dead in both cities with a couple bombs vs millions dead trying to conquer the Japanese home islands with ground troops.

It was worth it. For both Japan and the USA, it was worth it. It gave the Jap Emperor a political means to surrender without dishonoring himself and his people, that the Japanese could bow their heads in the face of a "divine weapon."

It was worth it.

You disgusting burger shoving hillary voting lard-ass.

We did fucking great in our colonial army tier faggot. The Dutch army is known as one of the few and most likely only modern land army which has countered guerillia insurgents. uneducated non insured greaseneck.

I fucking told you we reaped havoc on their shit and had the leader of their movement defeaten, imprisoned. Now some dick head cousin fucking american cunt decided to lift the Marshallplan unless we release him. I don't see that being shitty military display.
