r/Donald. Should we help them pol? They are getting censored and none of their posts are making it to the front page despite their massive amounts of upvotes. They can be a very good ally to our cause
R/Donald. Should we help them pol...
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Reddit is particularly susceptible to heavy handed moderation in the same way that European governments are to socialism, so I'm not sure what can be done for them.
However, you're also assuming that there aren't already a lot of crossover users here that are already working on this.
Guys look at op's digits, this is kek trying to help our God Emperor.
Even if it is leddit, we must act on kek's will.
how do we help them?
I'm not posting on plebbit
Refer to pic
Well shit
00 checked!!
r/the_donald is a Sup Forums colony. It has red pilled so many fucking normies.
reddit is fucking garbage because up its upvote system which is why everyone is a try hard making stupid jokes and comments for the upvotes
Fuck off
This is true
How can we help them though? Force le leddit admins to change their algorithm back to normal?
why do they need our help when they have the support of this black trump supporter? have you guys seen this black trump supporter? look, a black trump supporter!
The moderating team public ally disavowed anything pro-white. I don't see why the sub would be censored since as we all know, the democrats are the REAL racists.
fuck off leddit
What if we created several fake normie liberal subreddits, ven anti-Trump Subbreddits. get a lot of followers, and when the time is right the moderators of those subreddits ban everything except redpill posts??
Nah, they have served their purpose.
>They can be a very good ally to our cause
>our cause
We're Sup Forums we have no direction but to shit post and crank out memes about the current political happenings. Sup Forums is freedom,so fuck reddit.
>helping leddit
Fuck off newfag.
Reddit censorship of milktoast politically incorrect bates is excellent way for normie conservatives to find out that being a nice guy cuck civic nationalist is not a winning strategy.
to much censorship on the_donald to help them
fucking autocorrect
But what if created a series of fake anti Trump ,pro liberal agenda subreddits and when we get enough followers ban everything except Redpilled content to reach to r/all
They should just move here. Reddit is trash and beyond salvaging.
>politically incorrect bates
for fucks sake, Samsung
*politically incorrect banter
lol no
Love or hate reddit, T_D helped more people see the light than any other platform. Don't know what anyone can do about the garbage being flung at them.
>They should just move here
Sorry faggots the election is over and you've overstayed your welcome, YOU HAVE TO GO BACK
The Trump supporter majority is going nowhere.
> Option 1. They are forced out.
They have enough numbers that they could find another site. Reddit's userbase takes a hit and shareholders step in.
> Option 2. They're censored.
They become more radicalised.
> Option 3. They put up with it.
They aren't ready yet and need more ass-ramming by SJWs to motivate them.
Any scenario and it works out for us.
Thats right goys, we need to help civic nationalists!
>implying /r/the_donald isnt full of Sup Forums users
Really, they need to come home.
>leddit fags actually believe this
Post a harmless pic of le happy merchant there and you'll see how fast you get banned.
No one is stopping you
>helping reddit
Let them stew in there own shit system of voting.
Although i wish they would ban the donald just because of the shitstorm it would cause. Nothing better than a good shitstorm.
This is why new Sup Forums sucks sometimes
Back in the day we had sock accounts on every forum everywhere and at any given time
we could mobilize and take over any forum or site.
We truly were at that time the end boss of the internet and nowhere was beyond our reach a single post could have a forum reduced to gore and porn posts.
Now people thing Sup Forums is their secret treehouse and our influence should stop here.
they've been dying for a while. don't waste good money on a bad hand.
The Majority of its userbase are self rightous nerd Cunts who prefer that system though
Any attempt at change would cause a chimpout
I say we keep Reddit as a Containment board and Use it as an Example to why Upvote/Like/Reputation systems are cancer
kek has spoken
They've been doing this shit for years and you're still on the site. Clearly you don't care about what reddits admins do OP.
No this is a redpill donald has to face before they come close to the JQ
I think this is a good idea. It would take a while to pick up speed though.
Trump would want us to.
You'd be fucking stupid if you didn't, however fuck the commenting system on reddit
Not true, I saw loads of pro white and anti muslim stuff on there during Trumps campaign. Probably all submitted by our lot to be fair.
That's why we have multiple accounts
Better than banning everything except redpill posts (nobody likes censorship) would be to sticky redpill posts
did you buy your gay fox mask yet
if our lord and savior wills it, I suppose it must be
>there are ACTUALLY people ITT claiming that r/the_donald cucks are actually us
Murdoch Murdoch did an accurate depiction of the average r/the_donalder
>Abbandoning your allys because they're willing to post their beliefs in a place that's not a complete echo chamber.
What a bunch of pussies. Are you afraid to go on reddit?
One of my favorite episode honestly
>implying Sup Forumsacks dont keep their enemies close
Of course some of us check reddit out. Yes reddit is absolute fucking cancer, but we cant just stay contained to our Lebanese sandle weaving forum and not look at what the rest of the world is doing
you have to go back
don't forget to downboat and report for disagreement
Reddit is a place where our message can reach a bigger audience. You cant kill an idea unless you smother it with silence. The (((opposition))) wants nothing more than for this all to go away. IT must not. ever.
praise kek
I doubted but KEK's ways are mysterious. Onward to leddit.
Admins are commies confirmed
r/donald is literal cancer
mention nationalism there and watch them throw their buzzwords at ya
Kek is with us. The Reddit Inquisition begins
If anything we need to stoke the flames.
Like it or not, that place was a Sup Forums colony that became a fucking propaganda machine during the election.
It's pretty fucked that they're being targeted like this.
I've never even have a reddit account
In all seriousness, given that:
>reddit acts as a front to redpill normies
>if the donald goes we'll have a flood of refugees ruining our erudite discourse
I propose we help using the following method:
>top posts on /all typically have 5k-10k upvotes
>the_donald typically has 10k-20k active users
We seed an idea of mass downvoting of all bluepilled posts on /all. If we can get a quarter of all active users actively downvoting the first couple pages of /all every few hours... can you imagine.
This desu if they wish to prevent people with opposing views from gathering to speak in various more public sections of the internet then they will force all dissidents together into concentrated areas which will help unify the dissident people creating a stronger movement.
Kek confirms Redditconquista
>help reddit
>go to reddit
fuck off
our digits support this, it must happen
Praise him. The war with plebbit begins
Nah, you get a fuck you.
I hate reddit,ive never even had an account,but the numbers dont lie....
Reddit is fucking gay and i could care less about that place let it burn. Those faggots served their purpose for us we have no use for them anymore fuck em.
found the newfag.
what did you come here after gamergate?
kek's will be done
>not helping Donald Trump aka /ourguy/ because 'leddit stole our memes :'('
this but if everyone on pol made an account it would be fine
Yes, we need them to ruin that site so it eventually becomes unusable, while also telling them to fuck off to >>>/reddit/ if they bring their shit here
Reddit needs to die
the_donald has directed enough cancer to us and it's spilling over to other boards.
Fuck off.
Welp, time to fire up those Trumpshill accounts. Kek works in mysterious ways I guess.
> 123
Good point actually
kek demands action
Ok, but we want to shitpost our shill memes there to
The synchronicity of our meme magic is reaching critical level
This. We all know /r/the_donald is a normie-friendly version of SOME of Sup Forums's elements, but we could use this as an opportunity to redpill some of them. It is better to have them as an ally.
t. plebbian
Le Sigh
>giving a fuck about plebbit
They need to stay the fuck over there
the_donald could bring down Reddit if they keep moderating it. Moderating = Publishing which means they become responsible for the content.
Lets bring it down. Stop em stealing our memes.
The Donald could have te same affect on Reddit that Trump did on American Politics.
Kek be praised!
this being said, we don't need to waltz in and say "hai guys we are the hacker 4chane here to help u fuck that one shit admin"
just do the shit on your own
its virtue signalling Sup Forums style. we all have plebbit accounts to btfo idiots in poitics and worldnews
not even once
Why doesn't that site die already? Every other month there is some kind of massive drama that even makes the news and every time it is accompanied by a massive influx of retards to Sup Forums, they need to fuck off already
Kek wills it.
If we wanted we could keep their site filled with gore and CP until they lost all revenue. We just don't give a shit about underage fags like yourself.