>be European
>come home after protesting mass migration
>open closet
>find this inside
>"please no kill"
What's the next step?
>be European
>come home after protesting mass migration
>open closet
>find this inside
>"please no kill"
What's the next step?
Other urls found in this thread:
Save the unibrow and breed with.
Don't kill.
Send back.
start singing
Close the closet, lock it, and continue to shitpost on Sup Forums until it dies of starvation or thirst.
in a stern tone i say "GET OUTTA HERE YOU RASCAL"
"You have to eat all the eggs"
>take her to the beautiful river Drina
>sing her some Baja
WATCH it, Chrissy
Call my Serbian neighbor over for some fresh kebab and a cold beer
fpbp rott(rest of the thread) can burn
"okey i no kill little arab i fuck"
"call me allah and say fuck me allah while i fuck you in the mouth pussy, bitch"
i bring new definition to fuck the muslims
this guy knows where its at
Give apartment to immigrant because they have it worse than you do, then buy a cage and lock yourself into it and become the immigrants pet.
No, just politely deport. We don't have to become animals.
Encourage it to kill a politician
hello fellow less new fag
yes must kill unless dailyblowjobs get
Isn't that Loki from those Thor movies
The last thing out of her mouth would be her cerebrum.
flag checks out. Here's your (You)
>please legitimize my masculinity, Sup Forums I'm edgy
Zrusil si mira sen...
Sry no cyrilics, slovak here
Yell Allahu Akbar while beating it with a stick for not having a veil covering its face.
"Fuck off, Huma. Go back to your Weiner creep."
Be a sane person and call the police because you have a home invasion on your hands.?
>тoй нe иcкa дa cи нaмoкpи хyя в пyткaтa нa нeкфa cиpийкa
>тoй нe иcкa дa я дъpжи кaтo ceкc cлyгиня в мaзeтo нa блoкa кaтo я зaплaшвa чe aкo ce paзвикa щe я пpeдaдe нa кyкитe дa я пpaтят в хapмaнли
yey лaд...
Wtf is that? Muslim tranny or a hairry backed mudshit. Why cant these assholes fix thy own Countries rather then undermining ours.
I'd probably freak the fuck out, lock her in the closet, take my phone, lock the apartment door, run out of the building and then call the cops. I'm not gonna risk getting blown the fuck up, especially since mudslimes are a rarity in Poland and the only business they have here is, well... blowing the fuck up.
бpaтлe, нямa щo дa избивaш кoмплeкcи чaк дo тaм, дoминиpaмe ги дocтaтъчнo, Aкo cтaнe пpeкaлeнo шe пpивлeчeм внимaниeтo нa ISIS и т.н
He зaбpaвяй cъщo тaкa, чe oтнoшeниятa иpaн-бългapия ca дocтa вaжни пoнeжe иpaн e втopaтa нaй-нacитeнa зeмнa тepитopия cъc ecтecтвeн гaз и имaмe интepec тoзи гaз дa минe пpeз pycки тpaби към бългapия oт тypция. Tpя имa мяpa нa нacиpaнe нa мюмюнчoвцитe инaчe aкaнo, бpaт.
Cъщo тaкa имaм гoдeницa и eбa кoгaтo cи иcкaм, ceш ce
::tick tick tick:: if your post is below this line, you were too late. She expoloded and room is kill!
fart in her face
Beat her up and say "What the fuck are you doing in my house you shitskin" then send her back to her shithole of a country
I only thought Sweden was trolling the world, but ITS ALL TRUE
Do you accept Jesus Christ is Risen from the Dead and is Lord?
Cave the rats face in with my fire hydrant.
rollin for this
praise kek
bust a fat aryan nut in her semitic pussy
came here to post this
Say sorry i don't speak english in english.
Nah, most would:
Don't lie to yourself. Put the staunchest anti-arab bastard in an isolated environment with a woman similar to that in the OP for a period of time. They would end up fucking. If you deny this, you don't know anything about human beings.
popping red pills near the end of thread's life
She's fucking groce mate. Many Arab women are attractive but she's disgusting. You need to *raise standards* if you think that's fuckable.
Crank up soundtrack
Strangle that mudshit.
You knew this to be the correct answer all along OP.
Looks like a guy.
"Nice, fresh kebab, I was just getting hungry."
feed it all the eggs and then send it home
Aren't you literally one of the only European country that never had a terrorist/islamic attack on its territory ?
Rape. Make 15 Children. Call them all Hans and Gretel. Sing Deutschlandlied every morning