CBC just revealed he's giving the rapefugees at least $3600 a month.
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CBC just revealed he's giving the rapefugees at least $3600 a month.
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Also it's tax free
wtf these guys have more stuff than my family and we've been here for 20+ years
Literally what the fuck Canada
I'm an engineer and I don't even make this much, and it's tax free?
What the FUCK Canada?!
My family settled this country. I risk life and limb to make a decent wage.
Fuck Syrians. Fuck them to death.
glad i quit my job when i realized most of my tax dollars were going to these mudslimes. at least i'm not paying for that shit any more!
I'd call you a huge lazy faggot, but i cant even blame you for that anymore. This is getting ridiculous. Violent revolution now, or forever hold our peace
Only $3600!? wow, whitey is so racist.
Why not more?
I'd call myself a lazy faggot too, but i honestly don't give a shit any more. i used to be a productive member of society. graduated college, made over 50k a year... but women are whores and working only benefits the business owners and people collecting taxes, so now i play vidya and smoke weed all day. the good life.
What does that pic mean?
Smoke weed everyday
> Literally paying more than minimum wage
There aren't enough nutjobs in the world to keep these lunatics in check.
This is good. When canada becomes bankrupt from supporting these leeches then the whole world can laugh and learn.
I think Trudeau is banking on these refugees getting back on their feet and contributing to the state, by working and paying taxes.
That will not happen though. These people will leech from the system until Cucknada is forced to remove their benefits, which will go against Trudeaus agenda so it will be a last resort.
After so many redpills are thrown in your face, one will eventually land in your mouth. It's still up to you to swallow it, though.
canada cant afford that. the (((jews))) are paying for it so israel doesnt get wiped out
odd to see hitlers grand nephew giving subhumans monies for the benefit of jews though
what the fuck!
i think i will turn into a canadian rapefugee soon, it's 300% of my income
Trudeau gave the CBC nearly a billion dollars. If they "reveal" anything about Justin it's because Justin wants them to.
not really man, i'd rather work and have a family and some actual pride in my country...but this is the world we live in unfortunately. :(
$3600 per person?
Dont forget the pronounce law.
shouts out to 519, love you windsor
Holy shit how much do NEETs get?
single males make $540 a month on ontario works.
>3600 a month
>Live in LA
>Still dont spend that much on rent/food/bills/car payment/high speed internet/etc etc
A minimum wage worker in the US after taxes makes around $1100/month.
These subhumans are contributing nothing and getting paid 3 times that amount.
He doenst even have a job and he'll have another kid
Canada wtf
what the shit I make less than that working
I'm going to fake being a refugee somehow
Can I move to Canada? I'm not white I swear.
Old Canadian immigration policy, if I had to guess.
WEW so basically enough to eat dollar menu McDonalds and ramen noodles. Pretty shitty. Well, in the USA people on disability for things like life-threatening illness, being paralyzed, etc. get ~$500/month which is pretty fucked up considering our """refugees""" get free housing and spending money
what i have to do?
More than twice my salary.
Pretty sure it was settled argentina was white user, so sorry we cannot take you.
What about a kind Hispanic American?
i made a third of that slaving away in a local supermarket and doing my undergrad in electric engineering
We know your not white...
I'm not either , lets become refugee in cucknada and impregnated their women
Maybe you can apply for refugee status when Russia takes you guys over
In that case they have a yearly income of $43,200 CAD. The average salary of a Canadian engineer after taxes is $50,000 CAD.
Enjoy : )
>what i have to do?
convert to Islam
sandblast your face
speak gibberish with allahsnackbar often
bring 10 children
the way it was explained to me, i was supposed to find a place to live for $400 and the $140 was for food. unsurprisingly, i actually did eat mostly from the McDonalds dollar menu when i was on it. thank god that only lasted a month...
изивини бpaтиш нo кaнaдe нyжны тoлькo нeгpы и apaбы
Make Canada Okay Again?
>i was supposed to find a place to live for $400
where the fresh fuck do they expect you to find that? jesus christ the immigrants get houses to themselves and native welfare recipients need to share an apartment with two chinese families
Why the fuck are the getting $43,000 a year for being fucking shit skined goat fuckers. Can trump just anex canada already at least he would be better than cuck-deau
LOL. I am really looking forward to two walls
a room in a basement in some ghetto
teachers make less then that
this is beyond fucked up
There's always northern-dawn.ca
that's more than I make in a month at my full time job, and I have a Msc degree...
Although to be fair it's broken up into:
>$1200 living allowance
>$2400 for having kids, which is apparently available to all Canadians
So if you have some kids you can get the second part too.
> Can give rapefugees 75k a year.
> Still can't legalize it.
i'm dead inside already
Well, why would the gove give you money just to tax it? That's just indian giving.
I'm also aware of the terror of shitskins being given money to have kids, like they need anymore of an incentive.
Can I become a Syrian refugee?
I want American minimum wage. I'd live like a king with that much money here.
It meant non-whites need not apply to immigrate to Canada.
Now we have this.
In Canada, you get taxed when you're on employment insurance, which is exactly what you're describing.
And I thought we were in a bad situation.
liberal shithole
>I think Trudeau is banking on these refugees getting back on their feet and contributing to the state, by working and paying taxes.
No, he's banking on them to vote Liberal next election, and then for their children to vote Liberal, and their children to vote Liberal...
Don't make the same mistakes we did.
What the fucking fuck Canada.
When I was getting paid minimum wage I worked overtime every single month and didn't even make that much.
You're actually paying people more than I was getting paid to sit around and think of ways to murder you, rape your wives, rape your children, and continue to displace your culture by shitting out a dozen kids just like them.
someone post that info image comparing ontario to california. You thought the greeks were bad, it seems like ontario takes up like a huge percentage of debt for the entire country while californias is like less than 10 percent? shithole indeed. it will all come falling down one day, it always does with muslims.
>A month
FUGG, that's more than many people I know make
You guys are still whiter than we are...
found it.
what a mess.
More evidence that chinks don't have souls.
if these rapefugees are smart they would save that gib me dats ($3600 a month) go live in a homeless shelter or have a cuck take care of them for free.
collect 12 months= $43,200 dollars
apply for refugee status in the U.S or should go in illegally (spics do it why not a muzzie) buy a house in Detroit for like $5,000...fix it up for another $5,000, but a car for like $5,000 to $10,000, start a business selling kebabs, profit.
What is the purpose of that? Gov money is tax money already.
Keep those fucking scabs on your side of the border, I'll keep the beaners... at least they contribute.
Yup I had to go on ei last year unfortunately for a brief period. They sent me 1000 every 2 weeks then taxed 200 off of that. So I got 800
am white actually. am working my butt off, yet this socialist SJW wants to give more welfare to more shitskins. our food banks are already getting filled. yet here i am paying for shit... fucking truduea, fucking faggot ass bitch
Delusional. Spanish are kabob.
it's just a way of nickling and diming every last penny out of productive citizens. you only get EI if you worked so many hours in the last few years and contributed to EI tax on your paycheck AND have a just reason, so rapefugee's are obviously exempt.
>$43,000 a year for doing nothing
I wonder how many of these immigrants will end up pursuing a career in literally anything.
>b-but muh socialism
I'm leaving this country, I'm seriously done with it. The high taxes make it impossible to be successful here and the country elected the biggest retard of the century. Canada is turning into Sweden 2.0, they want a population jump up to 100 fucking million, more than triple our current population and we cant even provide for the population we do have. I don't understand it.
The country is so fucking toxic and the people are absolute morons. I think our population is just as self hating and stupid as Sweden - we are also removing visa requirements on Mexicans so we are going to see a large influx of immigration from Mexico now too on top of the middle east. Even in the current small city I live in I have noticed a huge increase of immigrants. It has made driving and everything else absolute hell because the infrastructure cannot support the population number.
The moment I get rich enough I'm leaving to America. I'm sure you guys could use more white republican voters anyway. My family immigrated from Chicago anyway back in the 1950's. I'm sure getting citizenship will be a bitch for me (unfortunately my grandfather relinquished his American citizenship) but if I can gather enough wealth maybe it will be easier for me to at least get the fuck over there. I want to move to a red state with lower taxes - anything is better than the tax rates here in Canada.
Any state recommendations?
Fuck Trudeau.
I can't believe this.
Holy shit.
You canucks are more fucked than I thought.
How long until you're a failed state and Canadian refugees are fleeing to enter America.
so? that's like US$2.7k/month aka paid intern status
can we just nuke Canada into the ocean already
Yea... And what the fuck can a typical bitch canadian do about it?
Your women will be raped, economy destroyed, and fucking pathetic men cucked with muzzie dicks in their mouths.
You were too weak to fight Britain, and you are too weak to fight even the most gay president in history.
I once had to wait in line for 20 minutes to buy aspirin in a Canadian grocery store because only 1 cashier was available and all 5 people in front of me were paying with food stamps.
I was only passing through, but that made me hate Canada.
>Canada is turning into Sweden 2.0
precisely why we voted Trump and not Hillary.
Day of the rake when?
Emigrating from Canada to the US as a white person is very, very difficult. Our (((immigration quotas))) favor nonwhites. You might consider coming here illegally. I had a French teacher in high school who was Canadian and he told me that there is actually a pretty big network of Canadians living in the US who never went back.
Im not gonna stop working, but if this is what my tax dollars are going too, then i refuse to pay taxes next year.
Any canadians have any tips on avoiding the taxman?
Stay away, pussy!
What if I just get a visa, find an American girl and seal the deal fast?
I'd rather be cucked in marriage than cucked living in this shithole.
>been in Canada for a year
>still no job
>came with 4 kids
>wife pregnant with a 5th
>refugee benefits getting cancelled
>will get some other welfare benefits instead
>will still get $2100 for having kids and probably more when the 5th comes
Impeach him
the only way you can do it as far as i'm aware is to find an employer who is willing to pay you under the table.
If thats tax free, thats more then average snow redneck earns if i am right. Thats crasy.
America wants fighters, not limp dick pussies that run from a fight!!!
You are not white. You are a shell of a human with a muslim dick in your ass.
>standing up against Trudeau
Yeah, have you been to Canada? You will be mobbed here for not being a SJW cuck. Canada is lost man, so is Sweden. There is no way these countries will come back. When you actually spend some time in this country you will understand why.
You guys can at least fight back, you have the 2nd amendment and your population actually voted in Trump - an actual conservative. If he would have ran here he wouldn't have won a single riding in a single province.
You don't understand the cultural marxist propaganda and control until you have to experience it yourself.
>he didn't find a single job in the whole year
wtf was he doing, I've gone insane not working for 12 months