"hey, user, I'm hungry, can i use your fridge?"

>"hey, user, I'm hungry, can i use your fridge?"

Did she gain weight? Sicc

I love bbws but her face is so disgusting.

fuck no, that is disgusting.


except she is not busty the least

"Only if my wife likes you"

Stop spamming this bitch. She's starting to turn me on. Fuck.

>this is what thiccfags actually believe

>USE my fridge

bitch what the hell do you intend to do?


She claims she's had sex with a lot of guys. I honestly wonder what these guys look like.

No good face, no tits, and fat? Has god forsaken her or did she forsaken her own body?

sorry lena, womanlets can't use my fridge

Only if your intention is to topple it over, crushing the life out of your disgusting body.

"No but I'll buy you a big Mac to blow me out behind the dumpster."

1) Why are there so many nude/almost nude pictures of this digusting hambeast?
2) Who the fuck is this dunham bitch? All I ever hear about is that she's popular or something because she is a feminist kike and hates white men. How did this trolldoll even get a platform?

Holy shit a talking fridge.

No, you can't be my fridge

Stop the name faggotry you new fag


This is what your average man would call a "slam hog". Essentially, pussy is pussy, even if it's attached to an ugly porker.

(((they))) gave her a platform because feminist hammies can relate to her


>can i use your fridge?

Bloodthirsty, Aryan blood drinking, subhuman Anglos of course! Like herself.


They look however she wants them to, seeing as how they're imaginary.

slam tight piggy

Great ass.

On a dark night, if this chubster looked exactly the same, but agreed with Sup Forums, most of these fuckers would have sex with her.

Inb4: stop projecting. If there are closet gays, there are closet fatty feasters.

>can I have your fridge?

Really confusing as to how she became a thing.

Obviously you've never fucked fat. A hotdog bread makes me hornier than this level of fat. It's repulsive, women like that smell horribly, they sweat and their skin from growing too fast when they got so fat is disgustingly stretched. Just no.

What this guy said. YOU might say you wouldn't but if y'all was in the bar and she started some very sensual flirting than i'm sure there's many guys who'd be down

You wot m8?

her face is by far the worst thing about her

Food stamps made her what she is today

God damnit she is fucking nasty.



I can't even imagine something less attractive than this



I had to stop eating

Who is this Lena Dunham bitch actually supposed to be?

I don't understand burger goddess's.

She a popstar?

Lol are you lost? This isn't Reddit

no one knows, sometimes people just become randomly famous in america

she has a show on hbo and made a few crappy movies

meaning she's a professional kike


christ I know its its a fucking mongolian picture board, but can this board suck any more?

wow what an original thought OP. no ones ever joked about Lena Dunham being fat! so original! comedy gold xD

this is such low hanging fruit. the horse has already been beat to death 25 times over. go back to shitposting on Sup Forums, you human equivalent of a genital wart.


Also lesbian and pedophile.

>burger goddess's

She's a self-promoter. Burgers can't tell genuine talent from self-promotion. They care more about the crowd behind a person than the person themselves.



if she got down to like 110 she might look ok i think her face fat would go away for the most part. shes skinnyfat

I don't think you belong on Sup Forums. Maybe there is some other forum site that might be too your liking.

underrated kek

Is this how brits say "eat your food"?

Don't waste your breath, this board is now bigger than Sup Forums, it's full of newfags who think they are original.

its gonna cost ya

Well, if it weren't for her face, shitty personality, and the fact that she got away with raping her sister and writing about it in her book, then yeah; she could be remotely fuckable.
She's just another disgusting flesh golem by my standards though. Never listen to them.

The two houses on her back are surprisingly slimming

Or would you rather?

i would absolutely plow the shit out of her.
she isn't allowed to say anything dumb though

She would honestly look better with her head cut off.

well if that's your opinion I guess you're always correct.

people have different taste, fuck what makes you hard and shut the fuck up

what a hideous creature.

This, desu... All most of the worst parts of her being are concentrated there.

Awww user...

i thought you were my fridge for a second there


wow what a great argument nice meme



ugh thicc


Tripfag leave

You know, I'll never understand why some guys have a fat fetish, but you can at least look at those fat girls they go for and find SOME kind of redeeming factor, maybe they have a nice face or gentle features. Maybe the chick would actually be good looking if she lost a bit of weight.

What in the deepest recesses of fuck could any man see in this disgusting fat bitch though? The worst part is she thinks she's actually good looking and wears shit like that. I'm a slightly fat fuck and even I know nobody wants to see my man tits so I wear a shirt when I go to the beach.

fuck the Anglo scum

one of the chosen.

Christ we all knew that legalizing gay marriage was just one step away from fridge on fridge action

In my basement.

You go, Fritzl!

you can use my oven

High Test

I'd like to eat a stick of butter out of her asshole 2bh


>mfw not even pic related on a perc bender would jump on that grenade

"Let me go ask my mom."


Yeah yeah bla bla fridge fridge.

Because feminists wanted a show for girls that wasn't all about super-pretty girls.

But the content is the fucking same. They just bitch and slut out all the time. It's a dumb show

ono you didn't

I like you

Leave me in Peace Flesh Golem

Never seen it, never will. Don't know how people can even watch tv at all any more.

Right and they know that an athletic woman won't a good face girl because fat girls are lazy so instead they use a fat home breaker icon

"I swear to god if i was ever in a situation where i had to defend myself i'd kill Lena Dunham. Self defense of course i'm not threatening anyone." - Sam Hyde

You are a fucking fridge

>fat thighs
>no ass
>no tits

shamefur dispray